Kerala Syllabus Class 7 English: Unit 01 Harmony of Marvels: Lesson 01 - A Robot with a Virus - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 7 English Unit 01 Harmony of Marvels - Lesson 01 A Robot with a Virus | Text Books Solution English Unit 01 Harmony of Marvels - Teaching Manual Teachers Handbook
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

Std 7 English Unit 01 Harmony of Marvels - Lesson 01 A Robot with a Virus - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
The Door Way

Look at the picture of different types of robots.
i. What are some common tasks that robots can perform?
• Cooking
• Cleaning
• Manufacturing
• Pharmacy Assistance 
• Sewing 
• Shoemaking
• Hotel Services

ii. Have you ever seen or heard of a robot that helps with household chores?
Yes / No

iii. If you get the services of a robot at home, what will you make it do?
If I got the services of a robot at home, I would make it help with household chores such as cooking, cleaning, washing, gardening and arranging my books and clothes.

iv. List some of the gadgets and devices used at home.
• Smartphone
• Television
• Computer
• Sound system
• Washing Machine
• Microwave oven
• Refrigerator
• Air conditioner


1. Why are Ricky’s habits described as ‘slovenly’?
Ricky’s habits described as ‘slovenly’ because he just threw his belongings all over the place.

2. What household chores did the butler robot take over?
As soon as it arrived, off it went; cooking, cleaning and ironing. But the most important work it did was picking up Ricky’s clothes from the floor.

3. What does the author mean by 'he caught it red-handed'?
The author means that Ricky caught the robot doing something wrong. Here Ricky misunderstood the robot. He thought the robot had stolen his T-shirts.

4. “Here, sir. I did not know it was bothering you.” What does the robot mean?
Robot had seen Ricky's things lying scattered on the floor. It was thought that he did not need them. The robot was programmed to collect all that was not wanted. The robot didn't know that taking Ricky's belongings was bothering him.

5. What changes came about in Ricky’s behaviour?
Ricky was ashamed. Ricky decided to become a ‘Maximum Efficiency Boy’. He put real care into how he treated his things. He kept them tidy and made sure he didn’t
have more than what was necessary. And he took a leaf out of the robot’s book. With his pocket money, he began to help people and buy needful things for them.
Activity 1

1 a. These are some of the events that are described in the story.
Read them carefully.
1. Ricky searches for his missing T-shirt and football.
2. Ricky’s parents purchase the butler robot.
3. Ricky complains to his parents about the butler robot.
4. Ricky’s mother gives him chores to do around the house.
5. Ricky starts taking better care of his possessions.
6. Ricky decides to become a 'Maximum Efficiency Boy'.
7. Ricky wakes up to find his room perfectly clean and tidy.
8. Ricky follows the butler robot around the house to spy on it.
9. Ricky catches the butler robot red-handed.
10. Ricky becomes ashamed of how he treated his belongings.
Arrange the events in order.
1. Ricky’s parents purchase the butler robot.
2. Ricky’s mother gives him chores to do around the house.
3. Ricky wakes up to find his room perfectly clean and tidy.
4. Ricky searches for his missing T-shirt and football.
5. Ricky follows the butler robot around the house to spy on it.
6. Ricky catches the butler robot red-handed.
7. Ricky complains to his parents about the butler robot.
8. Ricky becomes ashamed of how he treated his belongings.
9. Ricky starts taking better care of his possessions.
10. Ricky decides to become a 'Maximum Efficiency Boy'.

b. Write a paragraph using the events described above.
Ricky’s parents bought a butler robot. Ricky’s mother gives him chores to do around the house. One morning Ricky woke up and found his room perfectly clean and tidy. But soon he realised that his favourite T-shirt and football were missing. He searched for his missing T-shirt and football everywhere. He followed the butler robot around the house to spy on it. Ricky caught the butler robot red-handed. Ricky complained to his parents about the butler robot. Ricky becomes ashamed of how he treated his belongings. Ricky started taking better care of his possessions. Ricky decided to become a 'Maximum Efficiency Boy'.

Activity 2
2. We saw a change in Ricky's behaviour at the end. Write them below.
Ricky was messy and careless.
Ricky became more careful of his belongings.
He just threw his belongings all over the place without caring.He started to keep his room neat and tidy.
He cared for nothing.He began to help people and buy needful things for them.
Ricky complains to his parents about the butler robot.Ricky becomes ashamed of how he treated his belongings.
He was slovenly in his habitsHe became a ‘Maximum Efficiency Boy’. 
Activity 3
3. Ricky tells his best friend Robin about the robot that his father bought. Write the conversation between Ricky and Robin. 
Ricky: Hey, you won’t believe what happened! My father bought a robot.
Robin : .....................................................................................................................
Ricky : .................................................................................................................
Robin : ...............................................................................................................
Ricky : .................................................................................................................
Robin : .................................................................................................................
Ricky : ................................................................................................................
Robin : ..................................................................................................................
Ricky : .....................................................................................................................
Ricky: Hey, you won’t believe what happened! My father bought a robot.
Robin: What ! a robot! It's really amazing.
Ricky: Yeah, it is the latest model of a butler robot. It can cook, clean and iron the clothes
Robin: Amazing! How lucky you are!
Ricky: But something weird happened
Robin: What happened?
Ricky: I couldn't find my favourite T-shirt and my football. It took my things without my permission.
Robin: Didn't you inform your parents?
Ricky: Yes, but they didn't believe me. But I caught the robot red-handed.
Robin: Oh, that's strange. Maybe the robot is trying to help you.
Ricky: Yeah, it collects unwanted things and puts them to places where other humans can use them.
Robin: That's awesome. The robot is a wonderful device.
Ricky: Yes, Really Awesome
Activity 4
4 a. Read the following part from the story.
Father: A robot is a wonderful device. Look at the things it can do.
Ricky: I don’t think so. He is doing more harm than good.
Father: You are wrong, Ricky. You don’t understand how a robot works.
Ricky: I can’t agree with you. A robot will be a big problem if it is not properly programmed.

Pick out expressions from the passage which show disagreement.
• I don’t think so. 
• He is doing more harm than good.
• You are wrong, Ricky. You don’t understand how a robot works.
• I can’t agree with you.

b. Now let’s find out what Athul and Anju have to say about robots.
Athul: I think robots are awesome! They can do so many things that humans cannot.
Anju: Yes, Athul, I agree they can do cool stuff, but there are some downsides to them too.
Athul: I totally get that, but let’s talk about the advantages first. Robots can work 24/7 without getting tired.
Anju: Yeah, that’s true. They can be like super helpers, especially in factories where they can make things faster.
Athul: Exactly! And they can go to places that are too dangerous for people, like the deep sea or outer space.
Anju: I see your point, but what about robots taking jobs away from people?
Athul: Hmm, you have a good point there. That can be a disadvantage. But they can also create new jobs in the field of robotics.
Anju: That’s true, but not everyone can afford robots. They can be expensive to build and maintain.
Athul: I agree, cost can be a problem. But think about how they can help differently-abled people.
Anju: Yeah, that’s a great advantage. Robots can improve lives in many ways.
The sentences above show agreement and disagreement.
Write the sentences which express agreement and disagreement in the
box below.
I agree they can do cool stuff.
I totally get that
Yeah, that’s true.
I agree
Yeah, that’s a great advantage.
But there are also some downsides.
I see your point, but...
That’s true, but...
Activity 5
5. Let us conduct a debate in the class on 'We cannot live without mobile phones'. Form two groups. Group A can support the argument and Group B can oppose it. You may fix a moderator for the debate.
Let us list the important points from Group A and Group B.
 easier and faster communication
• wastes time
 making phone calls and sending messages excessive use can lead to social isolation
 taking photos, recording videos and editing media can be misused for cyberbullying, cheating etc.
 using maps and navigation apps for directions and location tracking addiction to mobile games
 watching movies, listening to music, playing games and reading books prolonged screen time can cause eye strain and health issues
 enable quick access to information and research materials• mobile phones can be addictive and make us feel anxious or stressed when we can't use them
Activity 6
6. Sara has bought a washing machine from a popular outlet. Unfortunately, it has stopped working. Here is an e-mail sent to the company to get it repaired.
Sub: Complaint regarding washing machine
I purchased a washing machine from your company a few weeks ago. But it is not working now. Kindly attend to the issue at the earliest. Copies of necessary documents are attached.

Ricky kept on complaining to his parents about the robot, but they didn't listen to him. So he decided to register a complaint through email with the robot manufacturing company asking them to replace the mis-programmed robot. 
Help him prepare an email.

Sub: Replacement of the mis-programmed robot. 
My name is Ricky. My father purchased a robot from your company a few weeks ago. But it is not working properly. I think the robot is mis-programmed and does things that we don't want it to do. So can you please replace the robot with a new one? I have attached some pictures of the robot's problem. So kindly attend to the issue as soon as possible.

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Activity 7
7. Complete the following crossword puzzle related to household chores following the directions given.
Activity 8
8 a. Ricky’s mother wanted him to do various household chores.
Here is what she keeps telling him:
“Ricky, keep your school bag in the study room”.
“Ricky, put your clothes in the washing machine”.
“Ricky, wash your tiffin box”.
“Ricky, iron your T-shirt and trousers”.
Your parents too might have asked you to do certain things. Write a few of them. 
 Organize your toys
 Sort and fold your dresses
 Clean your dishes after eating
 Brush your teeth and wash your face before bedtime 
 Serve the table for dinner
 Dust the living room

b. How will you ask your parents to do something for you?
Fill in the following table by giving some examples. One is done for you.
1. Mother, please help me pack my lunch.
2. Mom, can you help me with my homework?
3. Dad, please can you play with me chess?
4. Please, can I play outside for a while?
5. Mother, will you read a bedtime story for me?
Activity 9
9. Look at the following paragraph from the story. 
Off he went, running to his parents.  “Father, this butler robot is faulty. He has filched my things. I think they programmed him badly. Let us send him off.”

Note the sentence given in italics.
Sentences like the above refer to an action completed in the past having its 
relevance in the present. 

Try to find sentences of a similar pattern from the paragraph given below.
Write them down in the space given.

I have lived here for thirty years. I have always looked upon this place as my home.
My children advised me against living here in my old age. There are no good hospitals here. But the government has promised the residents here a new multi speciality hospital which is expected to come up soon. I have realised that you cannot expect to have everything you like to have. I think you too have realised it.
• I have lived here for thirty years. 
• I have always looked upon this place as my home.
• I have realised that you cannot expect to have everything you like to have. 
• I think you too have realised it.

Activity 10
10. You might have prepared some posters while observing  
Environment Day. Look at these sample posters (Textbook Page 22).
a.Analyse the posters for the following:
• content
• picture/graphics/illustration
• layout
• message
What functions do they serve?
to educateto informawareness/warning 
Collect some posters and observe them carefully.
Do you think posters like these have a special kind of language? Give some
• Simple language
• Images, Icons, Graphics
• Colours, bond fonts 
• Slogans
• Messages

b. Prepare some slogans on the misuse of electronic gadgets. 
• Don't let gadgets replace your outdoor games.
• Don't let your screen steal your life's scene.
• Power down to power up your connections.
• Disconnect to Reconnect.
• Balance Your Screen Time, Balance Your Life.
• Put Down the Device, Pick Up Life.
• Screens Off, Real Life On.
• Stay Present, Limit the Screen.
• Digital Detox: Your Mind Deserves a Break.
• Less Screen, More Dream.
• Unplug and Play.
• Live More, Scroll Less.
• Healthy Mind, Limited Screen Time.

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