Kerala Syllabus Class 7 English: Unit 03 Cloud Nine: Lesson 01 - A Trip to a Hot Spring - Questions and Answers | Textual Activities Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 7 English Unit 03 Cloud Nine - Lesson 01 A Trip to a Hot Spring | Text Books Solution English Unit 03 Cloud Nine - Teaching Manual Teachers Handbook | Textual Activities
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

Std 7 English Unit 03 Cloud Nine - Lesson 01 A Trip to a Hot Spring - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
A Trip to a Hot Spring

About the author: Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Birth: August 9, 1933
Nationality: Japanese
Parents: Moritsuna Kuroyanagi and Cho Kuroyanagi
Place of birth: Tokyo City, Japan
Education: Keio University, Tokyo College of Music 
Career: Actress & Television personality
Goodwill Ambassador for the UNICEF
Lead actress in the radio drama(1954) Tombo Yambo Nimbo
Major achievements: Entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011 for having the highest number of broadcasts by the same host Global Leadership for Children Award (UNICEF) Japanese Cultural Broadcasting Award-the highest television honour in Japan
Major work: Totto-Chan, The Little Girl at the Window (autobiographical fiction) - a best seller with over 8 million copies sold

Answer the following questions

1. What made her mother let Totto-Chan go for the trip? 
Totto-Chan's mother had already got the Headmaster’s letter and decided to let Totto-Chan go for the trip. 

2. The children were amazingly well-behaved. Why?
The Headmaster told the children that they were travelling by train and by ship and he did not want any of them to get lost. The children understood the instructions and were amazingly well-behaved.

3. What were the values cultivated by the students at Tomoe?
The school life had instilled into them the basics of decency and good behaviour. They never bullied others, never took to unruly behaviour, picked up litter wherever they found it, and never annoyed or disturbed others. 

4. The hot spring in the sea was most unusual. Why?
The hot spring in the sea was not enclosed, so there was no line separating the hot spring from the rest of the sea. If you crouched down the hot spring, the hot water came up to your neck. So the hot spring in the sea was most unusual. 

5. How was the stay at the spa a real-life experience for the children?
The children bathed in the hot spring in the sea. There was a forest full of cicadas and a shop where they could buy popsicles. And they met a man on the beach who was building a big wooden boat. So the stay at the spa was a real-life experience for the children.

6. Why did the photo session take a very long time?
When the headmaster was ready with his camera, someone went to the toilet, someone had to change his gym shoes and one or two of the children lay on the ground because of tired. It was a big problem getting everyone ready for the photograph. So the photo session took a very long time. 

7. Totto-Chan never forgot the first summer vacation. Comment. 
Their photograph, with the sea in the background, became a treasured possession for each of them. when they look at it, the memories of swimming in the hot spring and staying in the spa will flood back. So Totto-Chan never forgot that first happy summer vacation. 
Activity 1
The trip lasted three days and two nights. 
Make a list of activities of the Tomoe students during the trip. 
1. embarked on a ship5. took turns telling ghost stories
2. inspected every corner of the deck
6. swam about in the sea 
3. pulled at and poked their hands
    into everything
7. buy popsicles
4. revelled in the unusual hot spring
    sea- bathing. 
8. took a photograph of all of them together
You might have gone on a tour from school or with your family.
Make a list of your activities during the tour.
1. Travelled by bus with my family3. Enjoyed shopping
2. Visited a waterfall 
4. Took many photographs with family
Activity 2
Rearrange the following events of the hot spring trip in the correct order.
1. The children assembled at the school on the appointed day before setting off.
2. After a short rest, the teachers took the children down to the sea.
3. They embarked on a ship.
4. The children enjoyed this unusual hot spring sea-bathing to the utmost.
5. The headmaster gave some instructions to the children before going to the sea.
6. The sea became rough and Totto-Chan and some others began to feel ill.
7. The children were excited at the photo session.
8. The man who was building a boat gave Totto-Chan a very long and curly wood shaving.
1. The children assembled at the school on the appointed day before setting off.
2. The headmaster gave some instructions to the children before going to the sea.
3. They embarked on a ship.
4. The sea became rough and Totto-Chan and some others began to feel ill.
5. After a short rest, the teachers took the children down to the sea.
6. The children enjoyed this unusual hot spring sea-bathing to the utmost.
7. The man who was building a boat gave Totto-Chan a very long and curly wood shaving.
8. The children were excited at the photo session.

Activity 3
"Mom, may I go for the trip?" She asked hesitantly. What would be the likely conversation between the mother and the daughter thereafter?

• Totto-Chan: “May I go for the  trip?”

• Mother: “Hot spring trip? You are quite young, aren’t you?”

• Totto-Chan: “Yes Mom, I really want to see the hot springs. All my friends are going.”

• Mother: “I know, sweetheart. But you can go for the trip.”

• Totto-Chan: “Oh really! I am so happy!”

• Mother: “Your headmaster already sent a letter about the trip.”

• Totto-Chan: “That is great!”

• Mother: “Go and enjoy your trip with your friends, but be careful.”

• Totto-Chan: “Yes, Mom. I’ll make sure to stay close to the group and listen to the teachers.”

• Mother: “And don’t forget to call me.”

• Totto-Chan: “I will, Mom. Thank you so much!”

• Mother: “I love you, dear. Have a wonderful time.”

• Totto-Chan: “Love you too, Mom.”
Activity 4
Totto-Chan had an intense desire to join the school tour to the hot spring. She came home from school one day and asked her mother, “May I go for the trip?”
Have you had such an experience seeking permission from your parents/ teachers/ friends to get or do something? How do you seek permission in different ways? Instead of ‘May I…’, expressions like ‘Can I’, ‘Shall I’ are also used.

There are various ways to give or refuse permission. Find out more.
Of course
No problem
No, please don't
I’m afraid, you can’t.
That's not possible.
Unfortunately, that's not an option.
Imagine that you are at a festival /water theme park/exhibition ground.
You meet your friends there. 
Complete the table.
You can seek permission more politely using ‘please’.   
Activity 5
Read the following paragraph.
“How about a souvenir photograph?” asked the headmaster when they were getting ready to leave. They had never had a photograph taken of all of them together and the children were excited at the idea.
The excited students busied themselves before the photo session.
Can you imagine and write some of the things, they might have done?
• A student had gone to the toilet.
• Some students combed their hair.
• Some students practised their best smiles and poses.
• Some students adjusted their uniform
• Some students whispered and giggled excitedly with their friends.
Activity 6
Totto-Chan was excited on the eve of the tour. She couldn’t sleep well. What would have been her thoughts and feelings?  
  Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
• anxiety 
• curiosity
• excitement
• gratitude
Write the thoughts that flashed through her mind.
Thanks Mom… You are such a lovely Mom to send me for the trip. What would the trip be like? What special food will my friends bring? ……………………..……………
Thanks Mom… You are such a lovely Mom to send me for the trip. What would the trip be like? What special food will my friends bring? Will I make new friends? What if I forget something important? I hope the weather is perfect. I can't wait to explore and see the hot springs. Will I get to see any interesting animals? I need to remember to take lots of pictures to show Mom. I hope I don't miss home too much.

Activity 7
7. Totto-Chan never forgot that first happy summer vacation.  
Make an entry in Totto-Chan’s diary, imagining yourself to be Totto-Chan. 
I can never forget this day in my life. Today was the best summer vacation ever!
We went on a trip to the hot springs. My friends and I sang songs and ate snacks on the bus. 
The hot springs were amazing. The water was warm, and we had so much fun playing games. We also took a group photo. It’s a picture I will always remember
I am very thankful to my mom for letting me go on this trip. I felt so happy every night. This vacation will always be special to me.

Love, Totto-Chan
Activity 8
Read the conversation below.
Gazal: What are you doing there?
Gana : I am watching a movie.
Gazal: What about your brothers?
Gana: They are playing football.
Gazal: Is your sister with them?
Gana: No, she is doing her homework.
In all these sentences
some actions are in 
progress. An '-ing' is
used to show it. 
Compare the responses in the above conversation with the one given in bold
letters in the following paragraph.
“Now then,” said the headmaster when they had all assembled to start the trip,
We’re travelling by train and by ship, and I don’t want any of you to get lost. 
Do you understand? All right, off we go!''
Here are two more sentences of the same type.
• The Prime Minister is coming tomorrow.
• My friend is getting married next month. 
In the above sentences '-ing' is used to talk about something that is planned for the future.

Mention some of the things you planned to do during the next vacation.
• I am joining the football coaching camp beginning on 10th April.

• I am visiting my grandparents in their village.

• I am learning to play the guitar.

• I am starting a DIY craft project.

• I am going on a picnic with my family.

• I am volunteering at the local animal shelter.

• I am attending a cooking class.

• I am planning a movie marathon with my friends.
Activity 9
Read the following sentences and analyse the use of the phrase in bold letters. 
When the ship rocked, one of the older boys stood amidship and ran from one side to the other saying “Oops”. It was so funny that the children couldn’t help laughing even though they felt so seasick.
Complete the table using appropriate sentences from the options given.
• But my friend liked it. 
• We couldn’t help questioning it. 
• They were in a secret conversation.     
• I couldn’t help supporting him.
Situation ResponseUsage
It was so funny.They couldn’t control
themselves from laughing,
though they were seasick.
They couldn’t help laughing.
He was very tiredI felt sympathy towards him.They were in a
secret conversation. 
The film was boring to me.But my friend liked it.So I couldn’t help staying 
to watch till the end.
I couldn’t help
supporting him.
I didn’t want to hear it.
But I couldn’t leave.
I couldn’t help overhearing
what they were saying.
The authorities
introduced a new rule.
It was not acceptable to us.
We couldn’t help
questioning it. 
Activity 10
Read the following profile. It is also given as a paragraph below. 
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the options given. 
About the author: 
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Birth: August 9, 1933
Nationality: Japanese
Parents: Moritsuna Kuroyanagi and Cho Kuroyanagi
Place of birth: Tokyo City, Japan
Education: Keio University, Tokyo College of Music 
Career: Actress & Television personality
Goodwill Ambassador for the UNICEF
Lead actress in the radio drama(1954) Tombo Yambo Nimbo
Major achievements: Entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011 for having the highest number of broadcasts by the same host Global Leadership for Children Award (UNICEF) Japanese Cultural Broadcasting Award-the highest television honour in Japan
Major work: Totto-Chan, The Little Girl at the Window (autobiographical fiction) - a best seller with over 8 million copies sold

Japanese writer Tetsuko Kuroyanagi ………..(is/was) born ……….(in/on) August 9, 1933 …………(at/in) Tokyo. She was born ………(to/for) Moritsuna Kuroyanagi and Cho Kuroyanagi. She………………… (completes/completed) her education in Keio University and Tokyo College of music. She is …………(a/an) actress and ………. (a/an) television personality. She is…………..(a/the) Goodwill ambassador for UNICEF. She got many……………………..(award/awards) like Global Leadership for children Award (UNICEF) and Japanese Cultural Broadcasting Award, ……………. (who/which) is the …………………(high/highest) television honour in Japan. Her masterpiece Totto-Chan, the Little Girl at the Window went on to  …………………. (sell/sold) over 8 million copies. 
Japanese writer Tetsuko Kuroyanagi was born on August 9, 1933 in Tokyo. She was born to Moritsuna Kuroyanagi and Cho Kuroyanagi. She completed her education in Keio University and Tokyo College of Music. She is an actress and a television personality. She is the Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. She got many awards like Global Leadership for Children Award (UNICEF) and Japanese Cultural Broadcasting Award, which is the highest television honour in Japan. Her masterpiece Totto-Chan, the Little Girl at the Window went on to sell over 8 million copies.

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