Kerala Syllabus Class 9 Social Science II: Chapter 03 Plateau Where the Earth’s History Slumbers - Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers for Class 9th Social Science II (English Medium) ഭൗമചരിത്രമുറങ്ങുന്ന പീഠഭൂമി | Text Books Solution Geography (English Medium) Geography: Chapter 03 Plateau Where the Earth’s History Slumbers

Class 9 Social Science: Plateau Where the Earth’s History Slumbers - Questions and Answers & Model Questions

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

Observe the map (Textbook Page 53. Fig 3.1). Identify the physiographic division marked in it. 
• Aravally hills
• Vindhya ranges
• Satpura ranges
• Kaimur hills
• Rajmahal hills
• Mahadeo hills
• Maikala hills
• Western ghats
• Eastern ghats

1. Write the features of the Peninsular Plateau?
• The triangular-shaped physiographic unit occupying a major share of Peninsular India
• Average altitude of 600 to 900 metres above mean sea level.
• Physical diversities such as extensive table lands with bordering mountain ranges and hills, comparatively shallow river valleys and diverse flora and fauna
• One of the oldest landforms in the world.
• The largest physical division of India
• Extending over 16 lakh sq. km in area

2. What is a Plateau?
Plateaus are relatively flat and very extensive landforms situated at comparatively higher elevation from the surroundings.

3. There are three types of plateaus based on their location. What are they?
• Intermontane plateaus 
• Piedmont plateaus
• Continental plateaus

4. Identify the states which wholly or partly belong to the Peninsular Plateau?
• Madhya Pradesh
• Maharashtra
• Rajasthan 
• Andhra Pradesh
• Tamil Nadu
• Odisha
• Chhattisgarh
• West Bengal
• Jharkhand
• Karnataka
• Telangana

5. What are the boundaries of the peninsular plateau?
The Peninsular Plateau lies south of the North Indian Plain bordered by the Western Ghats in the west and the Eastern Ghats in the east. 

6. Based on it's location Peninsular plateau can be generally classified into two. Which are they?
• The Deccan Plateau
• The Central Highlands

7. What are the boundaries of the Deccan Plateau?
Deccan Plateau is the extensive plateau to the south of the Satpura ranges between the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. Satpura ranges, Maikala ranges and the Mahadeo Hills form the northern boundary of Deccan Plateau. 

8. From which Sanskrit word the term ‛Deccan’ has been derived?
‛Dakshin’, meaning ‛the South’.

9. How was the Deccan Plateau formed?
The Deccan Plateau is made up of crystalline rocks, like basalt, granite and gneiss, formed by the lava flows millions of years ago.

10. Which part of the Deccan Plateau is called as Deccan Trap? Write the peculiarity of this region?
• The northwestern part of the Deccan Plateau is composed of lava rocks called basalt. This region is called as Deccan Trap.
• The black soil formed by the weathering of basalt rocks is the peculiarity of this region. 

11. Which soil is also known as Regur soil. 
Black soil

12. What are the features of Black soil?
• This soil is also known as Regur soil. 
• Highly fertile and with more water-retaining capacity, it protects the
agricultural crops even in summer. 
• Also called as black cotton soil, as it is very useful for cotton cultivation. 
• Minerals like lime, iron, magnesium and aluminium are characteristics of regur soil.
13. Analyse the impact of Sahyadris on the life of the people of Kerala and prepare a note.
• Shayadri mountain ranges are situated along the east of Kerala. 
• This mountain range has a decisive influence on our climate, biodiversity and life of people. 
• This mountain range has been an important factor in shaping Kerala's geography, climate, ecology, and socio-cultural life.

14. Write a note about the Western Ghats. 
• This mountain range, extending for about 1600 km from Kanyakumari in the south to the state of Gujarat in the north, is commonly known as Western Ghats. 
• This range is the western edge of the Deccan Plateau. 
• The height of this range gradually increases from north to south. 
• Anamudi (2695 metres), the highest peak in Peninsular India, is located in Anamalai of the Western Ghats. 
• Most of the peninsular rivers that have considerable influence on the culture and human life in Peninsular India originate from the Western Ghat ranges. 

15. Name the mountain range, extending for about 1600 km from Kanyakumari in the south to the state of Gujarat in the north?
Western Ghats

16. Name the highest peak in Peninsular India? Where is it located?
• Anamudi (2695 metres)
• Anamalai of the Western Ghats

17. In which state is Anamudi located?
Kerala (Idukki)

18. The Western Ghat ranges, are known by different names in different states of India. Which are they?
• Anamalai and Elamalai in Kerala,
• Nilgiris in Karnataka and Tamilnadu
• Sahyadris in Maharashtra

19. Find out the major peaks in the Western Ghats?
• Anamudi: The highest peak in the Western Ghats, located in Kerala, at an elevation of 2,695 meters  
• Meesapulimala: The second-highest peak, also in Kerala, at an elevation of 2,640 meters 
• Doddabetta: Located in Tamil Nadu, near Ooty, it rises to 2,637 meters
• Kolaribetta: Another peak in Kerala, reaching 2,629 meters

20. Which hill ranges are part of the Eastern Ghats?
Javadi Hills, Palkondamalai, Nallamalai and Mahendragiri

21. Write a short note on the Eastern Ghats.
• The total extent of the Eastern Ghats is about 800 km from the Mahanadi banks in Odisha to the Nilgiri ranges in Tamil Nadu.
• The east-flowing peninsular rivers cut across the Eastern Ghats, breaking the continuity of these ranges and flow over the eastern coastal plains.

22. Where do the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats meet?
Nilgiri Hills.

23. Which are the peninsular rivers cutting across the Eastern Ghats?
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri

24. Write a short note about Central Highlands.
• Central Highlands are the extensive plateau region that lies to the north of Satpura ranges.  
• The Aravali mountains are on the western margin of this table land known as Malwa Plateau.
• The Aravali ranges is an example for old fold mountains or residual mountains worn down by long-term erosion. 
25. Can you name an example of old fold mountains or residual mountains that have been worn down by long-term erosion?
Aravali ranges

26. Name the major hill station in the Aravali ranges?
Mount Abu

27. Name the highest peak in the Malwa Plateau?
Mount Abu

28. Which is the tributary flowing directly to River Ganga from the Central Highlands?
Son River

29. Find out the tributaries of River Yamuna originating from the Central Highlands?
• Chambal
• Sind
• Betwa
• Ken

30. Name the plateau region along the eastern part of the Central Highlands? 
The Chota Nagpur Plateau.

31. Write the features of The Chota Nagpur Plateau.
• Situated at the south of Rajmahal Hills
• Richest storehouse of minerals. 
• Metallic minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, manganese and copper and non-metallic minerals such as limestone and coal make this region mineral-rich.
• The major economic activities in this region are mining and mineral-based industries. 

32. What are the major factors influencing the climate of Peninsular Plateau?
• Tropical location
• Peculiar shape of the Peninsula
• Distance from the ocean
• Orientation of mountain range
• Direction of Monsoon winds

33. What is the Diurnal range of temperature?
It is the difference between the maximum temperature and minimum temperature recorded at a particular place in a day.

34. The diurnal range of temperature is very high along the interiors of the plateau. Why?
Due to the considerable fall in the night temperature.

35. Cool climate prevails over places such as Ooty, Kodaikanal and Wayanad in spite of being located at the tropical region. Why?
This is mainly due to their high altitudes. As altitude increases, the temperature decreases, creating a cooler climate. 

36. Which regions are termed rain shadow regions.?
The places situated at the leeward side of the mountains that do not receive any rainfall are referred to as rain shadow regions. 

37. The eastern slopes of the Western Ghats are rain shadow regions. why?
The winds descending along the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats being dry, the plateau regions situated close to the eastern slopes receive very less amount of rainfall (less then 50cm). Such regions are termed as rain shadow regions.

38. What is the reason for the very scanty of rainfall in the interior parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka during southwest monsoon?
The states are located in the rain shadow region. The Western Ghats block the monsoon winds from blowing over these states.
39. The Western Ghats, the mountain ranges of the Central Highlands and the Aravali ranges extending up to the Delhi ridges, divides the peninsular drainage into three. Which are they?
• The peninsular rivers flowing eastwards into the Bay of Bengal
• The Peninsular rivers flowing westwards into the Arabian Sea.
• Rivers that flow northwards to join Yamuna and Ganga.

40. Catchment Area
The defined area from where the water flows into a river is termed as the
catchment area of the river.

41. Drainage Basin 
The area formed by a river and its tributaries is called a Drainage Basin.

42. Water Divide 
The boundary line separating two watersheds or drainage basins is called
Water Divide.

43. Name the rivers that cut across the Peninsular Plateau and flow eastwards through the eastern coastal plain to join the Bay of Bengal?
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri and their tributaries

44. Make a table on the peninsular rivers flowing eastwards into the Bay of Bengal.
45. Name the largest peninsular river.

46. Which river is also called Dakshin Ganga?

47. Find out the tributaries of River Kaveri originating from Kerala. 
• Bhavani River
• Amaravati River
• Kabini River (also known as Kabani)

48. Peninsular rivers are more seasonal in their flow. Why?
Peninsular rivers are more seasonal in their flow. The water flow decreases during summer and overflows during monsoons.

49. The water flow in River Kaveri does not experience any significant decrease in flow throughout the year. Why?
This is due to the fact that the catchment area receives southwest monsoon rains during summer and northeast monsoon rains in winter.

50. Where do the west-flowing Peninsular Rivers Narmada and Tapti originate?
From the uplands in Central Highlands.

51. In which river is Dhuandhar Waterfalls near Jabalpur and the Sardar Sarovar Multipurpose River Valley Project situated?

52. Make a table of the important facts related to the rivers Narmada and Tapti.
53. Find out the major rivers that originate from the Western Ghats and flow to the Arabian Sea through Kerala?
Periyar, Pampa, Neyyar, Chaliyar, Kadalundi, Muvatupuzha, Bharathapuzha, Achankovil, Kallada

54. Which are the main rivers that originate in the highlands of the Malwa plateau and flow northwards to join the Yamuna River and the Ganges River?
• Rivers that flow into the Yamuna River – Chambal, Sindh, Betwa, Ken
• Rivers that flow into the Ganges – Son

55. Which rivers are called peninsular tributaries of the Ganges?
Chambal, Sindh, Betwa, Ken, Zone

56. What are Ravines?
The gullies that are formed by the continuous erosion by Chambal River and its tributaries are a distinctive topographical feature of the region. Such badland topographical features along the northern slopes of Malwa Plateau are known as Ravines.
57. Peninsular rivers are, in general, not navigable. Why?
• Peninsular rivers are seasonal and often dry up in the summer.
• River beds are rocky and uneven with sharp edges 
• Peninsular rivers create waterfalls.

58. Multi-purpose river valley projects in the Peninsular India. 
59. What are Multipurpose River Valley Projects?
• Multipurpose River Valley projects are projects that construct dams across a river for serving different purposes simultaneously.
• Flood control, irrigation, hydel-power generation, inland water transport, fishing and tourism are some of the main objectives of such projects.

60. What are the major natural vegetation types in the Peninsular Plateau?
♦ Tropical Deciduous Forests
• These are the most widespread natural forests in the Peninsular Plateau. 
• 70 to 200 cm of annual rainfall. 
Based on the availability of rainfall, these are of two types:
• Moist deciduous forests
• 100 to 200 cm annual rainfall. 
• The type of vegetation commonly found along the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats are of this type. 
• Also seen along the hills of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh as well as in the Chota Nagpur. 
• Teak, Sal, Shisham, Mouva, Sandalwood etc. are common in these forests. 
• Dry deciduous forests
• 70 to 100 cm of annual rainfall.
• With the onset of droughts, these trees completely shed their leaves and the forests turn to grasslands having leafless trees.  
• Teak, rosewood, axle wood, bamboos etc are common here. 

♦ Tropical Thorn Forests
• High temperature and an annual rainfall below 75 cm. 
• Short trees are seen here and there. 
• Acacia, euphorbia, date palms, a few varieties of grass etc. 
• The semi-arid regions of Maharashtra and Karnataka to the east of Western Ghats, and the dry regions of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu have this type of vegetation. 

♦ Southern Montane Forests
• Higher reaches of the plateau such as the Western Ghats, Vindhya ranges, the Nilgiri Hills etc are generally included in the category of southern montane
• The places situated above 1500 metres have temperate vegetation, below which sub-tropical vegetation is seen. 

61. What is the subtropical vegetation found along the Nilgiris, Palani, and Anamalai hills?
Shola forests.

62. What is the difference between In-situ Soils and Transported Soils?
• In-situ soils are the soils that rest over the place at which they are formed. 
Example: Black soil 
• The soils carried away by rivers, wind etc. and deposited somewhere else are called Transported soils.
Example: Alluvial soil 

63. What are the different soil types found in the Peninsular Plateau?
♦ Black Soil
• Black soils are formed as a result of the long-term weathering of lava rocks
• Highly fertile and with more water-retaining capacity 
• Suitable for cotton cultivation
• Black soils are found mainly in the states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and partly in  Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
♦ Red Soil
• Formed by the weathering of very old crystalline metamorphic rocks of the Peninsular Plateau. 
• The red colour is mainly due to the presence of considerable quantity of iron in this soil. 
• In some places, it also appears in brown, grey and yellow colours. 
♦ Laterite Soil
• Formed as a result of leaching of minerals such as silica and 
lime from the soil at places experiencing alternating periods of heavy rain and
• Laterite soil is mainly found along the Western Ghats, the Eastern Ghats, Rajmahal Hills, Vindhya and Satpura mountains and Malwa Plateau. 
• Less fertile, it is used extensively for plantation crops such as tea, coffee, rubber and arecanut.
♦ Mountain Soil
• In South India, mountain soil is seen along the Western and the Eastern Ghats. • Suitable for plantation crops, especially tea, coffee, spices and tropical fruits in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and  Kerala. 

64. Agriculture is possible only in selected regions of the Peninsular Plateau. Why?
• Due to constraints such as undulating topography, fluvial eroded surface soil, steep slopes, thin topsoil, exposed rocks and a few scattered hills.

65. Which crops are mainly cultivated in the Peninsular Plateau region?.
• The plateau regions are generally not suitable for agriculture, crops such as rice, wheat, cotton, sugarcane and tobacco as well as plantation crops such as tea and coffee are being cultivated in different parts of the Peninsular Plateau.  
• Plantation crops dominate in the Western Ghats. 
• Tea and coffee plantations are quite common in the Nilgiris. But paddy is also being cultivated here by making hill terraces. 

66. Write a note about Coffee cultivation in India.
• Karnataka is the leading producer of coffee in India. 
• The state owns about 59% of the coffee plantations and 71% of coffee production in India. 
• Kerala, with 22% of production, stands second. 
• Rich varieties of coffee such as Arabica and Robusta are mainly cultivated. 

67. Write a note about Tea cultivation in the Peninsular Plateau region.
• The tea plantations in the plateau are mainly confined to the Nilgiri Hills
and the Western Ghats spread over Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. 
• The region stands out with 44% of the plantations and 25% of the total production in India. 
• Labour intensive, the sector provides a lot of employment opportunities, both in plantations and in the allied industries.
68. Write the favourable conditions for Sugarcane?
• Black lava soil in the Deccan Plateau
• Tropical climate and long crushing
• Comparatively high sucrose content in the tropical variety of sugarcane

69. Which is the largest sugarcane-producing state in India?
Uttar Pradesh 

70. Write the geographical features required for Cotton cultivation?
• Cotton is a Kharif crop, 
• The cotton cultivation in Peninsular India begins by the month of October and is harvested from January to May. 
• Frost-free growing season, 21° to 30° Celsius of temperature, and 50 to 100 cm annual rainfall.
• The black soil in the Deccan-Malwa Plateau region is the most suited for cotton cultivation. 
• Gujarat is the leading producer in India, followed by Maharashtra. 

71. The cotton cultivation in Peninsular India begins by the month of October and is harvested from January to May. Why?
Because it is essential to have seven frost free months in the early growing period.

72. Which place in India is termed the heartland of minerals? Give reason
• Chota Nagpur Plateau
• The Chotanagpur-Odisha Plateau which spreads over Jharkhand, West Bengal and Odisha, is the richest mineral belt in India.
• This region is rich in metallic and non-metallic minerals such as coal, iron ore, manganese, mica, bauxite and copper.

73. Based on the availability of mineral resources, the Peninsular Plateau can be divided into different mineral zones. Explain.
1. Northeastern Plateau Region
• The Chotanagpur- Odisha plateau region is the largest mineral belt. 
• This region spreads over Jharkhand, West Bengal and Odisha. 
• Minerals such as coal, iron ore, manganese, mica, bauxite and copper are being mined in this region. 

2. Central Region
• Minerals such as manganese, bauxite, limestone, marble, coal, mica, iron ore and graphite are largely obtained from the central region which spreads over Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.    

3. Southern Region
• Minerals such as iron ore, bauxite and lignite are seen along this region which spreads over the Karnataka Plateau and the adjoining parts of Tamil Nadu. 

4. Southwestern Region
• Iron ore, clay etc. are largely obtained from this region which spreads over western Karnataka and Goa.

5. Northwestern Region
• The Aravali range in Rajasthan and the adjoining parts of Gujarat are rich in copper, lead, zinc, uranium and mica.

74. Why were human settlements in the Peninsular Plateau limited in the earlier stages?
Due to non-arable topography and continental climate.

75. Which were the favourable factors that led to an increase in the population of the Peninsular Plateau?
• Beginning of mining activities
• Development of road-rail network
• Emergence of mineral-based industries
• Scope of commercial agriculture based on irrigation
• Technological possibilities  

76. Name some major cities in the Peninsular Plateau
• Bangalore (Bengaluru) 
• Mysuru
• Hyderabad
• Pune
• Nagpur
• Nashik
• Bhopal

ഈ ബ്ലോഗിലെ എല്ലാ പോസ്റ്റുകളും ഒരുമിച്ച് കാണാനും ആവശ്യമുള്ളവ എളുപ്പത്തിൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനും ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്കുക.

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