STD 9 Social Science II: Chapter 06 Economic Growth and Economic Development - Questions and Answers

Study Notes for Class 9 Social Science II (English Medium) സാമ്പത്തിക വളർച്ചയും സാമ്പത്തിക വികസനവും | Text Books Solution Geography (English Medium) Economics: Chapter 06 ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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Social Science II Chapter 6: Economic Growth and Economic Development Questions and Answers
1. What is economic growth?
• An increase in the production of goods and services in an economy
• An increase in the total output of a country compared to that of the previous year.

2. Make a chart to show how economic growth takes place.

3. How the progress in the production sector improves the standard of living of the workers?
• Progress in the production sector creates more employment opportunities in a country.
• The income earned by the workers through employment increases their purchasing power.

4. How economic growth can be calculated?
• A measure called the economic growth rate is used for this.
• Economic growth is calculated on the basis of increase in national income.

5. What is economic Growth rate?
• Economic growth rate is the rate of increase in the national income during the current year as compared to the previous year.

6. Write, different conditions that improve the standard of living of the people?
• Availability of nutritious food for all
• Better health care facilities for all
• Educational facilities for all
• Availability of clean water for all

7. What do you meant by Economic development?
• Economic development takes place when the standard of living improves with economic growth.
•  A country is said to have attained economic development when there is economic growth, and the benefit of which accessible to all.
• Economic development = Economic growth + Better standard of living

8. Some statements relating to economic growth and development are given below. Classify them into economic growth and development:
• National income increased
• Production of wheat increased to 150 crore tonnes
• National Highways were developed into four lanes
• Skill training was provided to the labourers
• Implemented modern facilities in the health sector
• Basic facilities of educational institutions were improved.
a. Economic growth
• National income increased
•  Production of wheat increased to 150 crore tonnes
• National Highways were developed into four lanes
b. Economic growth
• Basic facilities of educational institutions were improved
• Skill training was provided to the labourers
• Implemented modern facilities in the health sector

9. What is the difference between economic growth and economic development?

10. What are Development Indices? Which are they? Write its significance
• They are certain recognised indices used to measure and assess economic development
• Per capita income, Physical Quality of Life Index, Human Development Index, Human Happiness Index
• We can identify whether a country has developed or not

11. Write the features of Per capita income? How will you calculate?
• Simplest and was popularly used in the past.
• Conventional index of development.
• Calculated by dividing the national income by population.

12. What are the two aspects which must be analysed as per Per capita income in order to find out whether a nation has achieved economic development.
• Growth rate of national income
• Population growth rate

13. What are the uses of Per capita income?
• Increase in per capita income is an index of development.
•  Helps in assessing the economic growth of a country as compared to the previous year.
•  Useful in comparing the economic growth of different countries.
14.Write the limitations of Per capita income
• Per capita income is an average income, this is merely a numerical calculation.
• It cannot be claimed that improvement in the quality of living has been attained if the rich-poor disparity persists.
• Ignores factors like education, availability of nutritious food and health care facilities that improve the quality of living.
• Does not take into account social welfare and the equitable distribution of income

15. Which are the three factors that take into consideration for the calculation of the Physical Quality of Life Index?
• Life expectancy
• Infant mortality rate
• Basic literacy

16. Write the major limitation of the Physical Quality of Life Index?
• It ignores per capita income 

17. How human development has been defined by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)?
• "Human development is the expansion process of opportunities that help the people to improve their human resource".

18. Write the factors that help in attaining human development.
• Improved educational facilities
• Better healthcare facilities
• Increased training

19. How improved educational facilities leads to economic development 

20. Human Development Index is prepared on the basis of three main components. Which are they?
• Per capita income
• Literacy and gross school enrolment rate
• Life expectancy

21. On the basis of the values of the Human Development Index, countries are classified into four. Make a table

22. Who published the Human Development Report every year?
• UNDP(The United Nations Development Programme)

23. Write a short note about the Human Poverty Index
• Developed by the United Nations Organisation (UNO)
• First report was published in 1997.
• Human Poverty Index is calculated on the basis of three components.
• They are longevity, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.

24. Nine indicators are considered for the calculation of the Human Happiness Index. List them
• Health
• Standard of living
• Conservation of nature and biodiversity
• Social life and neighbour relations
• Good governance
• Cultural diversity
• Education
• Effective use of time
• Mental health

25. Which countries rank first, second and third in the Human Happiness Index, 2018. In which rank India stands?
• Finland, Norway and Denmark respectively.
• 133

26. Write the challenges faced by development in India
• Poverty, Illiteracy, malnutrition, economic inequality, death by starvation and unemployment etc.

27. What are the three types of inequality faced by development in India?
• Economic inequality
• Inequality in income
• Regional inequality

28. Explain regional inequality with an example
• Majority of the population in metropolitan cities have access to employment, better hospitals,  roads, clean drinking water, transport system, schools, colleges, industries, etc.
•  But certain rural areas in states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Odisha lack these facilities. In those regions, there exist death by starvation, unemployment, lack of good roads and telecommunication.

29. Define sustainable development by the Brundtland Commission appointed by the United Nations Organisation?
• "Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need".

30. Sustainable development has three main goals. Which are they?
• Environmental goal
• Economic goals
•  Social goals
31. Write any three activities that challenge sustainable development.
• Reclamation of paddy fields
•  Intensive use of pesticides
•  Polluting and wasting clean water

32. Make your suggestions for economic development that ensure the availability of natural resources for future generations as well?
• Rainwater harvesting
• Conservation of water resources
• Use bio-fertiliser
• Ensures social justice while utilising natural resources.

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