SSLC Social Science II: Chapter 03 Human Resource Development in India - Questions and Answers

Study Notes for Std 10th Social Science II (English Medium) മാനവവിഭവശേഷി വികസനം ഇന്ത്യയിൽ | Geography (English Medium) Economics: Chapter 03 Human Resource Development in India
Class 10 Geography Questions and Answers
Chapter 3: Human Resource Development in India
Human Resource Development in India - Questions and Answers
1. The branch of social science that analyses the population, the changes in its size, its structural aspects is called _____________   
- Demography

2. Name the office which is responsible for the census activities in India 
- Office of the Population Registrar General and Census Commissioner

3. Which is the project that ensures the integrated development of children up to 6 years?
- Integrated Child Development Scheme(ICDS)

4. Which is the project that to ensure universal education to all up to higher secondary level?
- Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)

5. Which is the project that to increase access to higher education?
- Rashtriya Uchthal Shiksha Abhiyan(RUSA)

6. Which is the project that to improve the working skills of the youth?
- National Skill Development and Monetary Reward Scheme

7. Which is the mission that function to make available quality health services to all in the rural sector?
- The National Rural Health Mission(NRHM)

8. Which is the mission that function to make available quality health services to all in the urban sector?
- The National Urban Health Mission(NUHM)

9. Which of the following is not a factor in changing the population growth of a country?
(Birth rate, Death rate, Dependency ratio, Migration)
- The dependency ratio

10. Which of the following is a quantitative aspect of human resources?
(Education, Life expectancy, Health care, Population density)
- Population density 

11. Which of the following is a qualitative feature of human resources?
(Population density, Population growth, Literacy rate, Dependency ratio)  
- Literacy rate

12. Which law was passed in 2009 to ensure the goal of 'primary education for all?
- Right to Education Act 2009

13. Define Human Resource
People who have the manpower which can be utilized in the production sector is called human resource. Many goods and services are necessary for improving human life.

14. How Can human resource be developed?
- It is the development of people’s physical and mental ability. It can be improved through education, healthcare & training

15. What are the different levels of human resource development?
    • Individuals take efforts to develop their own skills.
    • Family creates an environment for the development of the potential of individuals.
    • Various institutions and agencies provide facilities for education and training.
    • Nation provides the necessary facilities for its people to develop their skills

16. Quantitative aspects of human resource:
- Size of population, Density of population, Growth of Population, Structure of Population.

17. Qualitative aspects of human resource:
- Education, Health care, Training, Social capital

18. Classify the following features of the human resource into Qualitative and Quantitative.
(Education, life expectancy, Death rate, population density, health care, sex ratio)
- Qualitative -  Education, Life expectancy, Health care
- Quantitative - Death rate, population density,sex ratio

19. What is the size of the population?
- The total number of people residing in a country at a particular time is referred to as the size of the population.

20. Describe the word Demography
- The branch of social science that analyses the population, the changes in its size, its structural aspects etc is known as demography.

21. Why the population studies are essential?
1) It help the Govt. to quantitatively assess the different needs of the people.
2) Informs the availability of human resource
3) Depicts the extent of basic facilities required by the people.
4) Quantifies the goods & services required
5. Determines the socio-economic development policies.
22. Population Census:
- Every country at regular intervals of time collects information on the number of people, age, sex, socioeconomic status and analyses them.

23. a) How often is the Census conducted in India? b) When was the last census conducted?
- a) Once in ten years b) on 1 March 2011

24. Countries that become successful in developing human resources has achieved greater high economic development. Evaluate with suitable examples.  
Countries can attain economic development through human resource dept. Eg: USA, Japan, China

25. What is the Density of population?
 - It refers to the number of people per square kilometre area.

26. How does the density of the population affect the availability of manpower?
- Human resource availability more in areas of a high density of population.
Human resource availability less in areas of less population density.

27. Population growth:
- It refers to the increase in the number of people in an area within a specific period of time.

28. Which date is observed as World Population Day? Write any one programme you are planning to implement in your school on that day.
• July – 11 
• Seminar on population growth - Awareness classes.

29. Define Birth rate and Death rate.
Birth rate:- It is the number of live births per 1000
Death rate:- It is the number of deaths per 1000

30. What is called migration?
- It is the settlement of people of a region in another region

31. What changes do birth rate, death rate and migration make. Explain.
• Increase in birth rate and decrease in death rate - Results in the increase in population
• Decrease in birth rate and increase in death rate - Results in the decrease in population
• Birth rate and death rate equal - No change in population
• Migration - Population of a region increases & decreases at another place.

32. Write down two situations of declining populations in an area based on factors such as birth rate, death rate and migration.
- Population declines as the birth rate decreases and the death rate increases.
- Migration - Population increases in one area and decreases in another.

33. Analyse the diagram and answer the questions given below
a. What percentage of the total population belongs to the age group of 15-59?
b. What percentage of the total population belongs to the dependent group?
a. 62.5%
b. 37.4%

34. Age structure: 
- It is the classification of population into different age group (0-14 years, 15-59 years and 60 above)   

35. Compare Labour force participation and Dependent group
- It is the ratio of the population in the age group 15-59, who are either employed or actively looking for jobs. The age group of  0-14 years and 60 years and above are included in the dependent group. They depend on the working force of the country.

36. What are the problems in the economy as a result of a decrease in the labour force participation rate and an increase in the dependency ratio?
- An increase in the dependency ratio decreases the per capita income.

37. Explain how decreasing the labour force participation rate and increasing the dependency ratio affect a country's economic progress.
- The decline in the labour force participation rate leads to lower production and lower income.
- An increase in the dependency ratio decreases the per capita income.

38. What is Sex ratio?
- It is the number of females per 1000 males

39. Advantages in developing human resource:
• Productivity of the worker's increases
• Economic inequality is reduced
• Natural resources can be utilised effectively
• Entrepreneurship improves
• Social welfare is ensured
 Makes possible the development and use of advanced technology
40. How education helps in the development of a country:
Improves the skills of individuals
Betters the technological know-how
Helps to secure better job & income
Improves the standard of living.

41. What is the Literacy rate?
- It refers to the percentage of the population that can read and write with comprehension.

42. What are the qualitative factors that improve the labour potential?
• Education
• Healthcare
• Training
• Social capital

43. What are the advantages of developing human resource?
1.Productivity of the worker's increases.
2.Economic inequality is reduced.
3.Entrepreneurship improves.
4.Natural resource is utilized effectively.
5.Social welfare is ensured.
6.Makes possible the development and use of advanced technology.

44. How education helps in the development of a country?
• Education.
• Improves the skills of individuals.
• Betters the technological know-how.
• Helps to secure better job and income.
• Improves the standard of living.

45. Write the main problems that existed in the education Sector?
• Drop out from schools without completing primary education.
• Lack of availability of basic facilities in the education sector
• Quality of education has to be improved

46. What is called Life expectancy 
- It is the average number of years that a person lives.

47. Name the projects implemented in India to develop education & Skills?
48. How healthy persons can participate in the progress of a country:
•  Production increases with the increase in efficiency
•  National resources can be utilized properly
•  Medical expense can be reduced
•  Economic development is possible through an increase in production

49. What is health?
- health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing.

50. List the facilities to be ensured for healthcare:
• Cleanliness
• Medical facilities
• Healthy environment
• Availability of nutritious food
• Availability of clean water

51. Name the institutions for healthcare at different levels set up by govt?
a) Medical colleges
b) District Hospitals
c) Community Health centres
d) Primary Health centres
e) Health sub-centres
52. Evaluate the work of the institutions that are engaged in the health sector for preventive measures and treatment.
• Multispeciality hospitals
• Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy
• National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
• National Urban Health Mission (NUHM)

53. Prepare a paper on 'The role of education and health care in human resource development.
      • Improves the skills of the individuals
      • Improves the technological know-how
      • Helps to secure better job and income
      • Projects implemented to develop education & skills, ICDS, SSA, RUSA, Right To Education Act.
      • Increase in the number of working days
      • Proper utilisation of natural resources
      • Less medical expenses
      • Increase in production
      • Hospital functioning at different levels
      • National Rural Health Mission (NHRM)
      • National Urban Health Mission (NURM)

Social Science II Textbook (pdf) - Click here 

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