SSLC Information and Communications Technology Chapter 01 The World of Designing

Class 10 വിവരവിനിമയ സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യ അദ്ധ്യായം 01 ഡിസൈനിങ്ങിന്റെ ലോകത്തേക്ക് | Text Books Solution ICT (English Medium) Chapter 01 The World of Designing

Class 10 ICT Questions and Answers
Chapter 01 The World of Designing
Study Notes
* Image File Formats
• PNG, SVG JPEG (jpg), GIF
Activity 1 (Practical) – Comparing PNG and SVG
• Open the file honey .svg and honey.png using the Image Viewer application.
(Home➡School Resources➡STD X)
• Zoom this image in different sizes

✔The images on a computer are formed by many colourful tiny squares (pixel)
 Raster images are made of pixels.
 For creating raster images, the colour and size of each pixel will be mentioned in the program.
 Bitmap images are also called raster images
 Gimp is an important raster image editing software

 svg images are vector images
 SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics
 Vector images are created based on the path defined between the starting and ending point
Inkscape, Libre Office Draw, Karbon, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw are different types of vector image editing software

* Inkscape 
 Inkscape is a Vector graphics editing software.
 It is used for creating and editing mainly svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) images.
 It is a free software
 It can import bitmap images and edit them
 It can also convert vector images into raster

* Free Vector graphics image software 
• Inkscape
 Libre Office Draw

* To open Inkscape Software 
• Application ➡Graphics ➡Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
* Inkscape Canvas 
• The default canvas in Inkscape is Transparent.
• The default page size is A4
• Can change the page size at any stage of work
• To change the page properties: File ➡ Document Properties
• To change page size according to the content: File ➡ Document Properties➡ Resize page to content

* Tools of Inkscape Software 

* Fill and Stroke Window

* Drawing the Saucer 
• Open Inkscape Software: Application → Graphics → Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
• To remove page border:
File → Document Properties → Click on show page border → Close the window.
• Drawing an oval horizontally using Create and Circles tool. Select the oval using the selection Tool.
• To give it a Gradient colour, Object →Fill and Stroke →Fill →Radial Gradient.
• Click on the Gradient tool in the Toolbox. You can give suitable colours to the object by clicking each node that appears and then the colours in a sequence.
(To select colour – use Colour Palette).
• To create a duplicate of the oval – Select the oval → Edit (Menu) →Duplicate.
• A copy must have prepared on top of the original.
• To make it proportionately smaller, press the ctrl and shift key together.
• Arrange the second one in the middle of the first oval.
• Create more ovals to get a form of Saucer (To arrange the oval to the bottom choose Object →Lower or Object →Lower to Bottom.)

* Grouping Pictures 
• Select the objects using the Selection tool
(select different objects by pressing the shift key while clicking on them separately)
• Object → Group

* Drawing the Tea Cup

* Filling with Tea 
 Draw an oval just below the top of the cup and fill with the colour of Tea and arrange it in the proper place and Group them.

* Grouping Cup and the Saucer 
 Place the cup on the top of the Saucer and Group them together.

* Steaming Tea 
 Draw two or three vertical lines above the teacup using a Calligraphic tool. Select all of them Together.
Give them a Suitable colour.  Object→ Fill and stroke→ Blur. Group the images.
* Adding Text 
 Draw a rectangle and give suitable colour (Green)
 Type the required text (Taste the Real Taste of Nature) using the tool Create and edit text objects
 Give suitable size and colour to the object
 Take a duplicate copy (Edit → Duplicate) of the text, give it a different colour, and arrange it to get the shadow effect. Group the text.
 Arrange the text into the rectangle and Group it.

 * Text in a curve
• Click circle tool, change the value of Start in Tool Control Box as 180 instead of 0.000.
Draw a semi-circle.
• Type the text (A KUDUMBASREE INITIATIVE) using the tool Create and edit text objects
• Select the text and semi-circle together. Text → Put on Path
• Select Text tool, click on the text and aligning the text at the centre by pressing the space bar
• Select the semicircle and eliminate its colour using the Fill and Stroke Tool
• Arrange the text along the curve in a suitable manner in the logo. Object → Group.

* Arrange background Colour

* Adding a logo to the banner 
 Draw a rectangle and give suitable colour (Green)
 Import a picture, File → Import →Home →School Resources → Standard_10 →bg_image1
In the window that appears, select Embed as the image type.
 Adjust the size and arrange the image into the rectangle.
 Arrange the Logo into the Banner
(If the imported image appears above the picture, then it is possible to use the Lower/ Raise options in the Object menu to move it behind.)
 Type the required text (RAINBOW COFFEE SHOP) using the tool Create and edit text objects.
 Give suitable size and colour to the object (Text - Bold)
• To give a 3D effect to Text: Take a duplicate copy (Edit → Duplicate) of the text and give it a different colour and arrange it (Arrow key)
• Draw a rectangle and give suitable colour
• Type the required text (കുടുംബശ്രീ സംരംഭം) using the tool Create and
edit text objects.
• Arrange the text into the rectangle and Group it
• Arrange it into the banner
• Group all

* Save it in your folder
• File ➡ Save ➡ Home ➡ Students_works_10 ➡ Logo.svg ➡ Save

* Resize Page to Content
• Select the banner
• File ➡Document Properties ➡ Resize page to content ➡ Resize page to drawing or selection.

* Export into PNG Format 
• File ➡ Export PNG➡(Page - Selection) Export as ➡Home ➡ Students_Work 10 ➡Logo.png ➡ Export

ICT Textbook (pdf) - Click here 

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