Kerala Syllabus Class 7 Social Science: Chapter 01 Medieval India - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 7 Social Science (English Medium) മധ്യകാല ഇന്ത്യ | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 01 Medieval India - Teaching Manual Teachers Handbook
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

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Std 7: Social Science Chapter 01: Medieval India - Questions and Answers
1. Observe the figures given below and identify them?
These are the historical relics of two kingdoms that ruled medieval India.
• The first figure is the Red Fort
• The second is the figure of Hampi 
i. Red Fort
• Red Fort, built in Delhi during the reign of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1648. 
• It is situated on the banks of river Yamuna.
• It is also known as Lal Qila
• Indo-Persian Architecture
 Redfort was declared as the world heritage centre by UNESCO in 2007
 Our Prime Minister hoist the National Flag here on Independence Day.
ii. Hampi
• Hampi, the capital of the Vijayanagara that existed in South India during the same period.
• It is situated on the banks of river Thungabhadra.
• Built-in Dravidian sculpture
• Humpi was declared as the world heritage centre by UNESCO

2. Who established the Mughal rule in 1526?

3. Name the main rulers during the Mughal period.
• Babur (1526-1530)
• Humayun (1530-1540) (1555-1556)
• Akbar (1556-1605)
• Jahangir (1605-1627)
• Shahjahan (1628-1658)
• Aurangzeb (1658-1707)

4. Find and list out the existing countries where the Mughals had extended their rule.
• Afghanistan
• Pakistan
• Nepal
• Bangladesh

Which war led to the establishment of the Mughal Empire in India?
First Battle of Panipat

6. First Battle of Panipat
In 1526, Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Lodi dynasty, and Babur, the ruler of Kabul, fought at Panipat in Haryana. This battle is referred as the First Battle of Panipat. Babur laid the foundation of the Mughal rule in India through this victory.

7. What can you understand about the Mughal ruler Akbar from the obituary written by the Jesuit priest Pierre Jaric after the death of Emperor Akbar (1605 CE)?
• Akbar was a powerful ruler.
• He administered equal justice without any distinction of high-low castes, familiar-unfamiliar. 
• He considered Hindu/Christian/Muslim alike. 
• He treated the strong with force and the weak with mercy

8. What was Akbar's aim in building Ibadat Khana?
In 1575, Akbar built Ibadat Khana in his new capital, Fatehpur Sikri. Scholars and dignitaries of various religions used to gather here. These discussions speak volumes about Akbar's policy of religious tolerance.

9. By combining the good aspects of all religions, Akbar created --------

10. The core of the vision of Din-i-Ilahi is
Peace to all 

11. Who abolished the religious tax called 'Jaziah'?

12. Who were prominent among those who held high positions in the royal court of Emperor Akbar?
Raja Todarmal, Raja Mansingh, Raja Bhagavandas and Birbal 

13. Write a note on Mansabdari system of the Mughals.
• During the Mughal period, a strong army was needed to expand the kingdom as well as to maintain the expanded kingdom. 
• 'Mansabdari' was the military system implemented by Akbar for this purpose. 
• According to this system, each officer had a regiment under him. 
• The title 'mansab' refers to the number of cavalry each officer is required to maintain. 
• The rank of the Mansab was determined by the number of soldiers to be maintained. 
• This system was implemented as an alternative to maintain army paying directly from the state exchequer. 
• Mansabdars were allotted land according to their ranks. 
• The Mansabdar maintained his army by collecting tax from land allotted to them. 

14. Write a note on The Mughal Administration.
• It was during Akbar's regime in Mughal rule that an administrative order(structure) was effectively formed. 
• During the Mughal rule, the country was divided into provinces called suba for proper administration. Suba was again divided into Sarkar, and the Sarkar were split into a group of villages called Parganas. 
• The emperor was the sovereign authority of the country, the commander-in-chief, the law-maker and the supreme judge. 
• During the Mughal period, there were no separate courts for the administration of justice as today. 
• Instead, local religious scholars (Qazi) investigated and adjudicated disputes. 
• Those who were dissatisfied with this decision had the opportunity to complain directly to the emperor.
• Ministers and Heads of departments were appointed to advise the king on administrative matters.

15. Look at the pyramid given below. What do you understand about the administration of Mughal rule from this?
During the Mughal rule, the country was divided into provinces called suba for proper administration. Suba was again divided into Sarkar, and the Sarkar were split into a group of villages called Parganas. 

16. Write a note on Socio-Economic Status of Mughal period
• A feudal social system existed at that time. Society was divided into different stratas.
• The common man was at the bottom of society with the king at the top. 
• Standard of living of the people depended on wages and income. 
• Most of the people were farmers. 
• Caste system existed among them. 
• Each caste had its own customs and rituals. 
• There existed wide differences in the way of life, food habits and clothing of people from place to place.
• Rice, wheat, barley, sugarcane, cotton and oilseeds were the major agricultural products of the time.
• The use of technology and new tools enriched the agricultural sector during the Mughal period. The Persian wheel and canals were widely used for irrigation.

17. Which was the gateway of foreign goods during Mughal period?

18. Find out the countries in which these Mughal cities are located now.

19. Who is the author of the books 'Ain-i-Akbari' and 'Akbar Nama'.
Abul Fazal 

20. Who translated  Mahabharata into Persian during the Mughal era?
Dara Shukoh- the son of the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan.

21. Give examples for the fusion of Indian Architectural style with the Persian style brought here by the Mughals. 
The Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Red Fort 

22. The new language formed by the fusion of Persian and Hindi languages

23. Who founded the Vijayanagara Kingdom?
The Vijayanagara was founded in 1336 CE by the brothers Harihara and Bukka.

24. Who was the Famous ruler of the Vijayanagara Kingdom?
Krishna Deva Raya

25. The ruins of Hampi were discovered in 1800 by ---------- 
Colonel Mackenzie

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26. Write a note about the Vijayanagara Kingdom?
• The Vijayanagara was founded in 1336 CE by the brothers Harihara and Bukka. 
• Krishna Deva Raya was the most famous ruler of the powerful and wealthy kingdom of Vijayanagara. 
• Vijayanagara (City of Victory) was the name of both a city and a kingdom. 
• The reign of Krishna Deva Raya was a period of imperial expansion and development of the empire. 
• A lot of construction works were carried out during his reign. 
• Apart from constructing more facilities in the capital city of Hampi, he also built new forts, palaces and temples. 

27. Who authored the works 'Amuktamalyada' and 'Jambavatikalyanam'. 
Krishna Deva Raya

List out the present-day Indian states included in the city of Vijayanagara from the
above map.
 Andhra Pradesh 

29. Prepare a note by comparing the religious policies of Akbar and Krishna Deva Raya.
• All religions were treated equally by Akbar and Krishna Deva Raya
• The people of different religions were allowed to follow their beliefs freely.
• Both rulers have religious tolerance
• During their period people got equal justice and equal consideration
• Respect for diversity

30. Compare and list the Mansabdari-Amaranayaka practices
Mansabdari System
• 'Mansabdari' was the military system implemented by Akbar. 
• Each officer had a regiment under him.
• The title 'mansab' refers to the number of cavalry each officer is required to maintain.
• The rank of the Mansab was determined by the number of soldiers to be maintained. 
• This system was implemented as an alternative to maintain army paying directly from the state exchequer. 
• Mansabdars were allotted land according to their ranks. 
• The Mansabdar maintained his army by collecting tax from land allotted to them. 

Amara-Nayaka System
• The military commanders were known as 'Amara-Nayakas'. 
• The Kings allotted lands known as 'Amara' to them. 
• The administration of Amara was carried out by Amara-Nayakas. 
• Amara-Nayakas had the right to collect taxes from these areas. 
• The Amara-Nayakas paid a fixed amount to the king. 
• They also maintained a certain number of foot soldiers (infantry), horses and elephants. 

31. The Scholars adorned the court of Krishna Deva Raya known as ------------

32. Write a note on the Vijayanagara administrative system.
• For administrative convenience, the country was divided into mandalam (provinces), nadu (districts), sthala (sub-districts) and grama (village). 
• There was cabinet to help the king.
• The King had the power to demote and punish ministers. 
• There were courts at various levels for the administration of justice. The appellate authority was the King himself. 
• Minor offences and labour disputes were dealt with by the village courts themselves.
• Nayakas and Amara-Nayakas played an important role in the administration of

33. Write a short note on the economic condition of the Vijayanagar Kingdom.
• Vijayanagara society consisted of various castes and religions. 
• Brahmins were the dominant group in the society. They were entitled to the revenue from the land allotted to the temples. 
• Other sections of the society were mainly engaged in agriculture, trade and handicrafts. 
• Kings employed women to prepare accounts of the royal palace and decorate gardens. 
• Polygamy, sati and child marriage prevailed in society.

34. Who were the prominent rulers of the Vijayanagara Empire?
   Kings                 -           Dynasty
• Harihara, Bukka - Sangama dynasty
• Narasimha Saluva - Saluva dynasty
• Vira Narasimha, Krishna Deva Raya - Tuluva dynasty
• Tirumala, Venkita I - Aravidu dynasty

35. Complete the table by comparing the common features of the Mughal and
Vijayanagara administrative systems.
Mughal AdministrationVijayanagara Administration
• Monarchy• Monarchy
 Mansabdari SystemAmara-Nayaka System
 Religious toleranceReligious tolerance
 Development of Urdu LanguageDevelopment of Sanskrit Language
• Indo-Persian style of architecture Dravidian style of architecture

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