Kerala Syllabus Class 7 English: Unit 02 Imagination: Lesson 01 - A Doll's Journey - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 7 English Unit 02 Imagination - Lesson 01 A Doll's Journey | Text Books Solution English Unit 02 Imagination - Teaching Manual Teachers Handbook | Textual Activities
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

Std 7 English Unit 02 Imagination - Lesson 01 A Doll's Journey - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
A Doll's Journey
Answer the following questions

The Doorway

1. Imagine you had a doll at home. How did you take care of it?
If I had a doll at home, I would take care of it with affection and responsibility.
I Regularly clean the doll to keep it looking its best, such as brushing its hair, wiping down its body with a damp cloth, and using gentle soap to remove any stains.
I would store the doll in a safe place to prevent damage. I would ensure that the doll's clothing and accessories are in good condition. This might involve changing the doll's outfit periodically to avoid wear and tear on the same clothes. I would engage in imaginative play with the doll by creating a mini world. For special occasions, I might give the doll a bath, style its hair, and dress it up in a festive outfit. I create a special spot for it in my room, taking it on trips, and including it in family photos.


1. What did Kafka promise the girl?
Kafka promised the girl that he would meet her the next day to continue looking for her lost doll.

2. Why was the girl moody?
The girl became moody because she was missing her doll and badly wanted her doll to come back. 

3. 'There were no letters for some days.' Why?
Kafka realized he could not continue to make up letters indefinitely, as the girl was becoming moody and desperate for her doll to return. Kafka needed time to come up with an explanation for the doll's prolonged absence that would satisfy the girl. So there were no letters for some days.

4. Do you like the ending of the story? Suggest another ending. 
The ending of the story is bittersweet. It leaves the girl with a sense of happiness at receiving news from her doll but also sad and lonely to see her doll again. Instead of ending with the doll's engagement, Kafka could have arranged for the doll to return to the girl. The girl would be happy and delighted.
Activity 1

1. Read the story once again and identify the following.
Location CharactersTheme
• The story takes place in a park in Berlin.• Franz Kafka: The German writer
• The Girl: A young girl who loses her favourite doll. 
• The Doll: The girl's favourite doll
• The story explores the themes of loss, empathy, creativity, and the power of storytelling. 
• It highlights Kafka's kindness and inventiveness in comforting a distressed child through imaginative means. 
Activity 2

2. Read these sentences taken from the story.
It was a Saturday afternoon. Kafka was walking through a park in Berlin. He met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll.
Kafka comforted the little girl who was in great distress. Here is a small part of their conversation. Can you complete it?
• Kafka: Oh dear, why are you crying?
• Little girl: My Levi... Levi... my doll...
• Kafka :   ..........................................................................
• Little girl:  ..........................................................................
• Kafka :  ..........................................................................
• Little girl:  ..........................................................................
• Kafka :  ..........................................................................
• Little girl:  ..........................................................................
• Kafka: Oh dear, why are you crying?
• Little girl: My Levi... Levi... my doll...
• Kafka: What happened to your doll?
• Little girl: I lost her.
• Kafka: What does it look like?
• Little girl: She's small, with brown hair and a blue dress.
• Kafka: Don't worry, we'll find her. I'll help you look.
• Little girl: Really? You'll help me?
• Kafka: Of course. Let's start looking right now.
• Little girl: Thank you so much.

Activity 4

4. Read these sentences taken from the story.
The girl continued to receive letters from the doll. She wrote about her
adventures in detail. The letters delighted the girl. This went on for some time.  
After reading the letters from the doll, the girl was eager to see her. She waited and
waited, but the doll didn’t turn up. So she decided to put her thoughts and emotions
in her diary.  
Write the diary entry of the girl. 

My Diary                     Thursday
                                     18th July

Today, I received another letter from my dear doll. She's been on such an exciting adventure! She wrote about visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris and riding a gondola in Venice. I can't believe all the amazing places she's been to. I'm so happy for her, but I miss her terribly. The letters make me feel like she's not too far away. I've been waiting for her to come back. I know she's having a great time, and I'm glad she's safe and happy. I hope she comes back soon. I want to hear all about her adventures in person and give her a big hug to welcome her home.

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Activity 5

5.  Here is a letter written by the doll to the girl. Read it.

Dear Irma, 

How are you?  Hope you got all my letters and enjoyed reading them.
How can I forget those happy days with you! It was from you I first felt mother’s love. You bathed me, dressed me, carried me in your arms and made a bed for me. You were always busy with sewing clothes for me, taking me everywhere you went and feeding me. 
How I wish you were with me now! It is such fun here.  When shall we meet again?  With lots of love,

Imagine you are Irma and write a reply to Levi.

Dear Levi,
    I've received all your letters, I am so happy and excited to know that you are safe and having fun, but it's also bittersweet because I miss you dearly.

    Your words brought back so many memories of our time together. I remember every moment as if it were yesterday. You were always by my side, and I felt like a mother taking care of you. I wish I could be there with you now, to see the world through your eyes. I often find myself daydreaming about the places you've described and imagining us exploring them together.

   Please tell me more about your journey. I'm eager to hear all about your adventures. And most importantly, Levi, when will you be coming back? Take care and continue to enjoy your travels. I'll be here, waiting for you with open arms and a heart full of love.
With all my love,
Activity 6

6. What if Irma were living in our times? Close your book and listen to your teacher. 
Irma loved spending time with her friends. In the evening she would go cycling.
She could ride for a long time without getting tired. Early in the morning she would have great fun drawing and painting. But everything changed when she got a smartphone for her birthday.
At first, Irma used her phone for talking to her friends and taking photos. But as time went on, she found she could not take her eyes off the screen. Once she started using her smartphone, she would scroll through social media, watch videos, and play games for hours. Often she could not help reaching for her phone even when she was busy with other things.
Irma’s mother noticed this and she thought Irma should not let herself be carried away by the smartphone. Spending time outdoors and enjoying real-life moments should be just as important as the digital world to her.

a. Now read the passage. Pick out the sentences with words in italics and write them below.
• In the evening she would go cycling.
• She could ride for a long time without getting tired.
• Early in the morning she would have great fun drawing and painting.
• She found she could not take her eyes off the screen. 
• She would scroll through social media, watch videos, and play games for hours. 
• She could not help reaching for her phone even when she was busy with other things.
• Irma’s mother noticed this and she thought Irma should not let herself be carried away by the smartphone.
• Spending time outdoors and enjoying real-life moments should be just as important as the digital world to her.

b.  Fill in the blanks with suitable sentences from the above.
• Should 
• Function - to refer to duty or obligation
• Example - 
1. Spending time outdoors and enjoying real-life moments should be just as important as the digital world to her.
2. Irma’s mother noticed this and she thought Irma should not let herself be carried away by the smartphone.

• Would
• Function - to refer to past habits
1. In the evening she would go cycling.
2. Early in the morning she would have great fun drawing and painting.
3. She would scroll through social media, watch videos, and play games for hours. 

• Could
• Function - to refer to past ability
1. She could ride for a long time without getting tired.
2. She found she could not take her eyes off the screen. 
3. She could not help reaching for her phone even when she was busy with other things.
Activity 7

7. Read the following sentences taken from the story. Notice the words in italics.
1. He met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll.
2. Kafka had prepared the letter which was meant to be from the doll.
Now read this poem.

They kept their streets so clean and nice,
With actions that were truly wise.

There was a boy named Jack, who led the way,
Picking up litter every single day.
He knew that a clean town brings cheer,
So he worked hard to keep it clear.

And then there was Lucy, who had a knack,
For using less plastic and cutting back.
She carried a bottle that she’d always fill,
Choosing to help, rather than just chill.

In the park, they found a spot,
A secret garden that meant a lot.
Plants and flowers, which they adored,
They cared for each, their spirits soared.

Use the words in italics to complete the following conversation between Diya and Milan.
Diya: Hey, have you heard of the Earth Heroes' Club?
Milan: No. What’s that?

DiyaIt’s a group of kids who are really passionate about environment conservation.
Milan: That sounds cool! Who can join?

DiyaAnyone who wants to make a difference! Everyone can play a part in taking care of our planet, they say.   
Milan: That’s really smart. Do they do anything else?

DiyaThey convinced the shopkeepers to give up plastic bags which are harmful to the environment.
Milan: That’s a big achievement! How can I get involved?

DiyaYou can attend their meetings that they hold every Friday after school.
Milan: I’m excited to join! Thanks for telling me about the club.

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