Kerala Syllabus Class 7 Social Science: Chapter 02 Medieval India: Cultural Movements - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 7 Social Science (English Medium) മധ്യകാല ഇന്ത്യ: സാംസ്കാരിക പ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങൾ | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 02 Medieval India: Cultural Movements - Teaching Manual Teachers Handbook
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

Std 7: Social Science Chapter 02: Medieval India: Cultural Movements - Questions and Answers
The above verse is from 'Perumal Tirumozhi', written by Kulasekhara Alvar, a Bhakta poet who lived in Kerala in the 9th century.
What is the theme behind these lines?
These lines indicate the supreme devotion of Kulasekhara Azhwar. The lyrics are about self-surrender to his beloved deity. True devotion and love for the Lord is revealed through this praying if he should be reborn as a dove on the Tiruvenkata hill or a fish in its pond or a chembaka flower or a pillar on the hill, or as a step at the door of the temple.

♦ What is Bhakti movement?
Bhakti is the total submission of one's life to God. The ideas and activities that arise out of Bhakti are known as Bhakti movement.

♦ Who were Known as Alvars and Nayanars?
Bhakta poets who lived in South India composed hymns and devotional songs that express unwavering devotion to their favourite deity. These Bhakta poets were devotees of Vishnu known as Alvars and devotees of Shiva known as Nayanars. 

♦ Write the characteristics of Bhakti movement that existed between the 7th and 12th centuries?
• Composition and singing of devotional songs in vernacular languages
• Deep devotion to the beloved deity
• Love and Submission to God
• Equal participation of women
• Access to all irrespective of caste

♦ Make a note on the changes that South Indian Bhakti movement brought about in the social system.
• The Bhakti movement emerged as a popular movement in Tamil Nadu. 
• Alvars and Nayanars travelled from place to place singing devotional songs in vernacular languages which helped in spreading devotion among people. 
• The compositions of Bhakta poets had a great impact on the common people when evil practices and inequality were dominant. 
• The meaningless customary practices that prevailed in the society were questioned.
• Irrespective of caste, all sections of the society were attracted to the Bhakti movement. 
• The writings of Alvars and Nayanars popularised Hinduism.

♦ The writings of the Alvars known as ------------
 'Nalayira Divyaprabandham'

♦ The writings of the Nayanars known as --------------

♦ Prominent poets of the Bhakti movement.
💠Devotees of Vishnu (Alvars)
• Kulasekhara Alvar
• Periyalvar
• Nammalvar
• Andal
💠Devotees of Shiva (Nayanars)
• Karaikal Ammayar
• Appar
• Sambandar
• Sundarar
• Manikkavasaga

♦ Write a note about Anubhava Mandapam.
• Anubhava Mandapam was a spiritual forum founded by Basavanna in the 12th century CE. 
• Allama Prabhu and Akka Mahadevi led the discussions in the Anubhava Mandapam. 
• Everyone was allowed to participate in the discussions irrespective of caste and
• People used to come to Anubhava Mandapam for spiritual discussions and renewal of knowledge. 
• The ideas that emerged in the discussion were conveyed to the people in the name of 'Vachanas'.

♦ List out the key features of the social conditions during that period.
• Caste discrimination existed
• Child marriage existed
• Superstitions existed

♦ Who was the philosopher, social reformer and poet who lived in Kannada Desa in the 12th century?  

♦ Which social reform movement was founded by Basavanna?
Vira Shaiva movement

♦ What is the main idea of ​​Veera Shaiva movement?
freedom, equality and social justice
♦ Write the major activities of the Vira Shaiva movement.
• Brahminical supremacy and the authenticity of the Vedas were questioned.
• People were educated against caste discrimination and discrimination against women.
• Monotheism was encouraged.
• Convinced the people about the greatness of work and labour.
• He opposed child marriage and encouraged marriage after puberty and widow remarriage.

♦ The Vira Shaiva movement questioned the caste system and inequalities. Evaluate this statement.
• Veerashaiva movement was a social reform movement founded by Basavanna in the 12th century
• Basavanna decided to make people aware of the social and religious discrimination that existed in the society and endeavoured to wipe them out. 
• Basavanna put forward a vision based on freedom, equality and social justice.
• Through the Vira Shaiva movement founded by him, he coordinated these ideas.
• Brahminical supremacy and the authenticity of the Vedas were questioned.
• People were educated against caste discrimination and discrimination against
• Monotheism was encouraged.
• Convinced the people about the greatness of work and labour.
• He opposed child marriage and encouraged marriage after puberty and widow remarriage.

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♦ Kabir propagated his ideas through such hymns known as -------------

♦ To what extent did Kabir's ideas help to promote equality and religious harmony among the people?
• Kabir stood for Hindu-Muslim unity and brotherhood. 
• He reminded that the Hindus and Muslims are two vessels made of the same soil. 
• He argued that caste system, untouchability, religious rituals, post-death rites, idol worship etc. were meaningless. 
• Kabir criticized all kinds of discrimination based on caste, religion, race, legacy, wealth etc.

♦ You have read Kabir's Doha and stories (Textbook Page: 30). Add your findings below.
• People call God by different names.
• Kabir made people think against superstitions.
• Only treatment can cure the disease
• He rejected religious traditions completely
• He Convinced the people about the greatness of work and labour
• Kabir stood for Hindu-Muslim unity and brotherhood

♦ Read the story of Guru Nanak (textbook page: 31). What ideas did you get from this story?
• It is unjust to rob others of their wealth 
• Apologize if you get it wrong 
• Be honest in life

♦ Make a note on the methods adopted by Guru Nanak to propagate the ideas of religious tolerance and universal brotherhood.
• Guru Nanak attempted to harmonize the ideas of different religions. 
• He travelled within and outside India to propagate his thoughts.
• Guru Nanak was against the meaningless religious rituals. 
• He attempted to propagate the message of One God. 
• He promoted the ideals of equality, brotherhood, love, goodness, and religious tolerance. 
• Caste discrimination, idolatry, pilgrimage etc. were rejected by him. 
• Economic inequality was questioned and people were encouraged to abstain from using intoxicants.
• He emphasized the importance of the 'Langar' or community kitchen where all classes of people could eat together. 
• His ideas later paved the way for the formation of Sikhism.

♦ Birth place of Guru Nanak.
Talvandi in Sheikhpura, Punjab

♦ Discuss the significant role of Mirabai, Akka Mahadevi etc. in the growth of the Bhakti movement.
• With the advent of Bhakti movement, many women took to composing and singing hymns and songs to worship the deity of their choice.
• Mirabai was a Rajput princess who lived in Chittor, Rajasthan, gave up all worldly comforts and immersed herself in devotion to Krishna. Krishna Bhajans composed by Mirabai are very popular. 
• Karaikkal Ammayar and Andal were famous devotee poetessess from Tamil Nadu. Their compositions expressed deep devotion to their favourite deity.
• Akka Mahadevi was a prominent figure in the Vira Shaiva movement. She led discussions against the social and spiritual oppression the women faced in those days.
• Bahinabai and Soyarabai of Maharashtra and Lal Ded of Kashmir also contributed to the growth of the Bhakti movement.

♦ What were the main results of the Bhakti movement?
• There were progressive changes in the social and religious spheres 
• Caste system and special privileges were questioned  
• The concept of social equality emerged. 
• Thoughts about the idea of equality between men and women were formed.
• Convinced people about the greatness of occupation.

♦ Doesn't this incident tell us that Khusru, who was not afraid of death, was afraid of the displeasure of his Sufi Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya (Textbook page: 34)?. What else did you learn from this story?
• Sufis wanted to stay away from wealth and power.
• Sufis gave importance to spiritual life.

♦ What is Sufism?
• Sufism is an Islamic devotional movement which originated in Central Asia. 
♦ Prepare the information required to make a flip book on Sufi movement in the format of a flip page.
The information needed to make the flip is given below. 
• Sufis were those who accepted devotion as a means to approach God.
• Sufi scholars thought that one of the ways to access God was devotional singing.
• They travelled among the common people and propagated Sufi principles. • Emphasis was given to the concepts of monotheism, fraternity, humanity, and devotion to God.
• The Sufi movement reached India by the 12th century 
• The Sufi masters were the ones who gave importance to spiritual life abstaining from luxurious life. 
• The Sufi master was called Pir (Sheikh) and his followers were called Murid.
• The Khanqahs where the Sufis reside were the social centres of the time. 
• Qawwalis are devotional songs rendered in a special chanting style called Sama in the Sufi centres. 
• During the Sultanate and Mughal periods, Sufis were able to bring about unity among different religious sects.

♦ Major Sufi masters in India and the regions related to them.
Prominent Sufi MastersRegions
Sheikh Shihabuddin SuhrawardiSylhet
Sheikh Nizamuddin AuliyaDelhi
Khwaja Moinuddin ChishtiAjmer
♦ Prepare a note on how the Bhakti movement helped in growing vernacular languages?
• Bhakti-Sufi propagators used vernacular languages to spread their ideas among
common people. This led to the growth of regional languages. 
• Many devotional poems were composed in languages like Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam etc. 
• Many other literary works in vernacular languages were also composed. 
• Urdu, a combination of Persian and Hindi, is an example of India's
cultural integration. 
• Amir Khusru was one of the the most prominent writers of the Urdu language during this period. 
• Kabir's dohas enriched the Hindi language. 
• 'Mahabharata', 'Ramayana' and other works have been translated into various
regional languages. This led to the rejuvenation of language and literature. 

♦ Major literary works and authors in vernacular languages 
Literary workAuthor
TamilNalayira Divyaprabandham
KannadaVachanasBasavanna, Akka Mahadevi,
Allama Prabhu
TeluguTranslation of MahabharataNannayya, Thikanna, Yarapragada
BengaliGita GovindaJayadeva
HindiPadmavatMalik Muhammad Jaisi
Adhyatmaramayanam Kilippattu
Muhyudheen Mala
Thunchath Ramanujan Ezhuthachan
Qasi Muhammad
♦ What were the changes happened in the society as a result of Bhakti Sufi movements? Observe the given illustration.

• Religious tolerance
• Attitude against caste discrimination
• Attitude to question imposed customs
• Social equality
• Brotherhood and Humanity
• Hindu-Muslim unity 
• Monotheism
• Growth of Vernacular Languages
• Gender equality
• Cultural Integration

♦ How the Bhakti-Sufi movements contributed to the emergence of a syncretic culture in modern India.
• The medieval Indian society was characterised by severe hierarchial issues and
social inequalities. 
• Bhakti-Sufi movements have played a critical role in reducing conflicts, bringing people together and creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony. 
• These movements were successful in bringing the ideas of different religions to the common people. 
• The influence of Bhakti and Sufi ideas helped people belonging to different castes and religions to co-exist. 
• The hallmarks of modern Indian society such as communal harmony, unity in diversity, fraternity, equality and pluralism have evolved from the influence of Bhakti-Sufi movements.

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