Kerala Syllabus Class 5 Basic Science: Chapter 03 Water and Life - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 5 Basic Science (English Medium) ജലം നിത്യജീവിതത്തിൽ | Text Books Solution Basic Science (English Medium) Chapter 03 Water and Life. 
ഈ യൂണിറ്റിന്റെ Teachers Manual & Teachers Handbook എന്നിവയുടെ ലിങ്ക് ഈ പേജിന്റെ അവസാന ഭാഗത്തു നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
Water and Life - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

♦ What do we use river water for?
• For bathing 
• For agriculture 
• For washing clothes
• For industrial purposes 
• For electricity generation 
• For drinking water

♦ Can river water be used directly for drinking and other domestic purposes?
The river water is purified and used for domestic purposes 

♦ What are the sources of water you depend on?
• well 
• Borewell
• rainwater 
• stream 
• pond 
• canals

♦ What is the importance of water in our body?
Water is an important component of the human body. Water is essential for all life functions.

♦ What are the functions of water in plants?
• For photosynthesis
• To transport food from leaves to other parts of plant.
• To transport the absorbed minerals to the leaves.
• To maintain the structure of the plant body.

♦ Write the definition of pure water.
Pure water is colourless, odourless and tasteless.

♦ Is there any relationship between the shape of the water and the shape of the container?
Water has no definite shape. It takes the shape of the container.

♦ Which of the following objects will float in water?
ObjectsGuessFinding (✓ / X )
StoneSink in water(✓)
BallonFloat on water(✓)
CoinSink in water(✓)
Wood pieceFloat on water(✓)
CamperFloat on water (✓)
PlasticFloat on water (✓)
Iron nailSink in water(✓)
LeafFloat on water (✓) 
WaxFloat on water (✓) 
IceFloat on water(✓)
♦ We often utilise the ability of objects to float in water, don’t we? 
Write some examples for such situations.
• Rafting
• Life jacket for swimming
• Floating bridge
• Plantain stem used for swimming
• Inflated tubes for swimming
• To carry wood through the river
♦ Sugar, salt, vinegar, baking soda, detergent, kerosene, coconut oil, wax, camphor, copper sulphate, potassium permanganate
Which of the above substances dissolve in water?
Are there any substances that do not dissolve in water? 
Conduct the experiment and list your findings.
Substance that dissolves in waterSubstance that doesn’t dissolve in water 
• Sugar
• salt
• vinegar
• baking soda
• detergent
• copper sulphate
• potassium permanganate
• kerosene
• coconut oil
• wax
• camphor

♦ Where do the fishes in the aquarium get oxygen to breathe?
Fishes breathe oxygen that dissolved in water.

♦ How is soda water made?
Soda water is made by dissolving carbon dioxide gas in water. 

♦ What is solute?
A substance that dissolves is called a solute 

♦ What is solvent?
The substance in which the solute dissolves is called a solvent. 

♦ What is solution?
A solution is formed when the solute is dissolved in the solvent.

♦ List the solution, solute and solvent in each of the previous activity.
Solution  SoluteSolvent
Sugar solution
Copper sulphate solution
Diluted vinegar
Carbon dioxide
Copper sulphate
♦ How do you remove jackfruit gum and tar if they stick?
Jackfruit gum and tar are soluble in kerosene and coconut oil. So by applying kerosene and coconut oil, we can remove jackfruit gum and tar.

♦ What is the best way to remove ballpoint pen ink on clothes?
Ink dissolves in alcohol. Sanitiser contains alcohol. So, using sanitiser, we can remove ballpoint pen ink from clothes. 
♦ Are the substances soluble in water, soluble in kerosene and coconut oil too? Let’s experiment.
♦ Universal solvent.
Water has the ability to dissolve many substances. Hence water is called the universal solvent.

♦ Write more examples that take advantage of the dissolving capacity of water.
• To wash clothes
• To prepare various types of drinks 
• When taking medications 
• While watering plants 
• While diluting paints 
• When the dirt is washed off

♦ Do the following experiment using water, sugar and ink.

• Situation 1
Take water in two glasses and mix sugar grains in one and powdered sugar in the other.
• Sugar grains - Dissolves slowly
• Powdered sugar - Dissolves faster

• Situation 2
Take two glasses of water. Dissolve sugar in the first glass with stirring and dissolve the sugar in second glass without stirring.
• Sugar stirring - Dissolves faster
• Sugar without stirring - Dissolves slowly

• Situation 3
Take hot water in one glass, cold water in another glass and mix a drop of ink in each.
• Ink in hot water - Dissolves faster
• Ink in cold water - Dissolves slowly

♦ Is there any difference in the speed at which sugar and ink dissolve?

♦ Find out and write down the factors that affect the speed of dissolution of substances.
• Situation 1: When sugar is powdered, its surface area increases, and dissolves more quickly in water.

• Situation 2: When sugar is stirred in water, the contact between the sugar and water increases, and dissolves faster.

• Situation 3: As the temperature increases, the energy of the solvent molecules rises, and the dissolving rate increases.

♦ How is ice formed?
Ice is the solid form of water. At zero degrees Celsius, water condenses and turns into ice.
♦ What are the uses of ice?
• To preserve food items from spoiling
• In medical treatment (to reduce pain, infection, and swelling)
• Ice sports (skating, ice hockey) 
• Artworks with ice
• To chill beverages
• To preserve medicines.

♦ What happens if the ice is left outside for a short time? What is the reason for this?
Ice melts and becomes water. Ice absorbs heat and becomes water.

♦ Prepare a note by observing changes that happen to ice in different situations.
What are the different steps included in an experiment note?
• Aim: To observe changes that happen to ice in different situations.
• Materials: Ice cubes, Vessel, lid, Heat source (stove or burner)

Situation 1:
Take some ice cubes in a vessel at room temperature.

Situation 2:
Take some ice cubes in a vessel and heat them on a stove.

Situation 3:
Take some water in a vessel and heat it until it begins to boil.

Situation 4:
After boiling the water close it with a lid for a few minutes. Remove the lid and examine the bottom of the lid.

• Observation:
Situation 1:
The ice melts slowly.

Situation 2:
The ice melts rapidly as it absorbs heat from the stove, quickly turning into water.

Situation 3:
The water reaches its boiling point and begins to form water vapour.

Situation 4:
Water droplets are observed on the bottom of the lid.

• Inference:
• Ice melts slowly at room temperature due to the absorption of heat from the surroundings. 
• When heat is applied directly, the ice melts faster.
• Boiling water converts into water vapour.
• Water vapour cools and becomes water again.
1. When ice is kept in a vesselMelts slowly to form water
2. When ice is heatedMelts fastly to form water
3. When the water in the vessel boilsForms water vapour
4. When looking at the bottom of the lid of the vessel, after boiling the waterWater vapour cools and becomes water again
♦ In many situations, we use the ability of water to conduct heat. Which are those situations.
• For cooking rice
• In medical treatment (to treat fever)
• To reduce pain (muscle relaxation)
• In industry (distillation, sterilization, chemical reactions)
• Power Generation (Steam Powered Turbines)
• Steam engines

♦ What happens to the moisture in the wet clothes as they get dry?
When water is heated, it rises up as steam. As the moisture from the clothes evaporates and becomes water vapour and rises up, the clothes gradually become drier. The process continues until most of the water has evaporated, leaving the clothes dry.

♦ What is vaopuraisation?
• The spreading of small particles of liquid from its surface to the surroundings is called vapourisation. 
• As the substance heats up, the rate of vapourisation increases. • Vapourisation occurs at all temperatures. 

♦ ---------- is the only substance that exists in nature in all the three states: solid, liquid and gas.

♦ Make the apparatus as shown in the picture. Pour water in any bottle and observe what is happening. Write your findings.
The water levels in the three bottles become the same. Water maintains its level. This is a property of water.

♦ What will happen to the water level in the wells of the nearby houses when water bodies dry up?
When water bodies dry up, it results in the depletion of water level. Water maintains its levels. This leads to the fall of water levels in the wells of the nearby houses.
♦ Write down the sources of freshwater around you.
• Streams 
• Rivers 
• Ponds
• Groundwater 
• Glaciers 
• Rainwater

♦ How is rain formed?
The water from water bodies and plants reaches the atmosphere in the form of water vapour due to the heat of the sun. The water vapour condenses in the form of clouds, gets cooled and comes down as rain.

♦ Rain Water harvesting methods.
• Rainwater storage tank
• Check dams
• Stone walls
• Well Recharging
• Rain harvesting pit
• Sloping land cut into different layers
• Preparing basins around trees
• Silpaulin water storage tank

♦ Name the human activities that cause water pollution.
• Washing vehicles and bathing cattle in the river.
• Throwing plastic wastes into water sources.
• Dumping waste materials from fish and meat markets.
• Dumping waste from factories.
• Water from sewage.
• Spraying pesticides in agricultural fields

♦ Let us assess -
1. The change in state of water is illustrated below. Complete the flowchart by adding appropriate words.
2. Complete the idea chart made on water.
• Streams 
• Rivers 
• Wells

• Drinking
• Cooking
• Bathing

• Can flow
• Dissolves substances
• Carrys heat

• Solid
• Liquid
• Gas

• Washing vehicles
• Throwing plastic wastes 
• Waste materials from markets.

3. Examine the test report on water quality made on three different sources. Analyse the table and write your findings.
a) Which source of water is the safest to drink?
Well water

b) Can we make river and pond water potable. How?
Yes, river and pond water can be made potable (safe for drinking) using several methods such as filtration, chlorination, distillation etc.

c) What can we do to prevent pollution of water sources?
• Don't throw plastic bags, bottles, and cans into water bodies.
• Don't allow harmful chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers, or factory waste to flow into the water bodies.
• Don't release dirty water from homes and factories into water bodies.
• Don't dump waste materials from fish and meat markets into water bodies.

4. The properties of water are listed. Find out and complete the table with suitable details from daily life.
Properties of water Situations 
• Conducts heat
• Maintains level
• Universal solvent
• Ability to vapourise
• Cooking, Industrial purposes
• Builder uses the level tube
• for sweetening drinks, washing cloths
• Drying wet cloths, make puttu using steem

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