Kerala Syllabus Class 5 Basic Science: Chapter 04 Seeds of Life - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 5 Basic Science (English Medium) ജീവനുള്ള വിത്തുകൾ | Text Books Solution Basic Science (English Medium) Chapter 04 Seeds of Life. 
ഈ യൂണിറ്റിന്റെ Teachers Manual & Teachers Handbook എന്നിവയുടെ ലിങ്ക് ഈ പേജിന്റെ അവസാന ഭാഗത്തു നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
Seeds of Life - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് ഉടമയുടെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

♦ What factors are required for germination of the seed? 
• Water
• Air
• Favourable Temperature

♦ Is soil necessary for the seed to germinate? Write down the experiment notes.
• Aim: To find out whether soil is necessary for the seed to germinate

• Materials required:
Glass, pea seeds, cotton, water

• Procedure:
• Take a wet cotton ball in a glass and place the seeds on it.
• Keep the glass open in sunlight.

The next day, the seeds sprout
The factors that the seed getsThe factors that the seed doesn't get
• Water
• Air
• Sunlight
• Soil

• Conclusion;
Soil is not necessary for seed germination

♦ Is water necessary for the seed to germinate? Write down the experiment notes.
• Aim: To find out whether water is necessary for the seed to germinate

• Materials required:
Glass, dry soil, pea seeds

• Procedure:
Fill a glass with completely dry soil. Put four or five pea seeds in it. The seeds should get normal air, light and atmospheric temperature.

The seeds did not sprout
The factors that the seed getsThe factors that the seed doesn't get
• Air
• Sunlight
• Soil
• Water

• Conclusion;
Water is necessary for seed germination

♦ Is sunlight necessary for the seed to germinate? Write down the experiment notes.
• Aim: To find out whether sunlight is necessary for the seed to germinate

• Materials required:
Steel glass, soil, water, pea seeds, black cardboard

• Procedure:
Put some soil in a steel glass. After putting some pea seeds, pour some water. Cover the glass with black cardboard in such a way that sunlight
never enters it.

The seeds sprout
The factors that the seed getsThe factors that the seed doesn't get
• Air
• Water
• Soil
• Sunlight

• Conclusion;
Sunlight is not necessary for seed germination

♦ Let us do the experiment
Let us try the experiments planned so far. Place green gram seed in a glass so that it receives soil, air, water and sunlight. Place the seeds in the other three glasses, that do not get any one of the following at a time - soil, water and sunlight.
Write each day’s observation in the science diary.
• Glass 1
Day One: Seeds begin to swell slightly.
Day Two: Seeds start to sprout.
Day Three: Sprouts grow longer, small leaves begin to appear.
Day Four: Healthy sprouts with green leaves.

• Glass 2
Day One: Seeds begin to swell slightly.
Day Two: Seeds start to sprout.
Day Three: Sprouts grow longer, small leaves begin to appear.
Day Four: Healthy sprouts with green leaves.

• Glass 3
Day One: Seeds remain dry.
Day Two: Seeds remain dry and unresponsive.
Day Three: Seeds remain dry, no sprouting.
Day Four: Seeds remain dry and unchanged.

• Glass 4
Day One: Seeds begin to swell slightly.
Day Two: Seeds start to sprout.
Day Three: Sprouts grow longer.
Day Four: Sprouts become longer.
♦ Classify the following factors into those that are required and those that are not required for the sprouting of seeds, and note them down in the science diary.
• Air
• Favourable temperature
• Water
• Manure
• Sunlight
• Soil
Factors required for the sprouting of seedsFactors not required for the sprouting of seeds
• Air
• Water
Favourable temperature
• Sunlight
• Soil
• Manure
♦ Life within the seed
Observe the germination of the green gram seed in the illustration (Textbook Page No: 60).
Record the changes that occur in five days in the table.
♦ Examine the glasses from previous experiments (Textbook Page No: 59, Table 4.2).
Which plant grows best after germination?
• Glass 1

♦ Which factors did the best growing plant receive?
• Sunlight
• Air
• Water
• Favourable temperature
• Soil

♦ The new method of growing plants without soil is known as --------
• Hydroponics

♦ Where does a plant obtain food until the seed germinates and grows a leaf?
• The cotyledon.

♦ What is the name of the cultivation method where plants are grown in a nutrient solution without soil?
• Hydroponics

♦ What is Endosperm?
Endosperm is the part attached to the cotyledon, in plants with only one cotyledon. The food for the plant is obtained from the endosperm until the seeds germinate and grow its leaves. Corn has only one cotyledon. 

♦ Seed germination 
• The seed becomes soaked and the outer shell bursts.
• First the radicle and then the plumule emerge. 
• The radicle becomes the root of the plant. 
• The plumule becomes the stem and leaf. 
♦ Why do plants store food in seeds?
The growing plant consumes the food stored in the cotyledon or endosperm until photosynthesis is fully functional.

♦ What seeds do we eat?
Paddy, Wheat, Corn, Ots, Mustard, Cumin, Sesame

♦ Which parts of the plants in the picture give rise to new plants?
• Hibiscus - Stem
• Queen of the Night (Nisagandhi) - Leaf
• Pagoda flower (Krishnakireedam) - Stem
• Miracle Leaf plant (Ilamulachi) - Leaf

♦ What creatures do you know that transport plant seeds to different places like this?
• Squirrel
• Birds
• Monkeys
• Bats

♦ What is Seed dispersal?
Seed dispersal is the process in which seeds from the mother plant reach different locations.

♦ Why seed distribution?
• If all the seeds of a plant fall and germinate at the base of the plant, they will not get the soil, water, sunlight, and minerals they need to grow. So the seeds have to be dispersed to many places.
• This is the reason why different plants are found in one region and one plant is found in different regions.

♦ How does coconut adapt for flowing through water?
• Even if it remains in water for a few days, it will not rot.
• It will float in the water as the husk is filled with air.

♦ What could be the reason behind appooppan thadi’s (milkweed pappus) flying in the wind? 
light seed
hair-like parts to fly

♦ What are the features of fruits for attracting birds?
• Fleshy parts
• Sweet Taste
• Bright Colors

♦ Some non-edible fruits have parts that help them stick to other things. How do these adaptations help in seed dispersal?
• hooks to stick on to bodies of animals
• gum
• pointed tips
♦ Name the plants that burst and release seeds when they ripen
• Rubber
• Balsam 
• Ladies finger

♦ Observe your surroundings, find out the methods of seed dispersal in different plants, and write them down.
1. Through 
• milkweed pappus
• mahogany
• pine

2. By bursting
• Ladies finger
• Rubber
• Balsam 

3. Through water
• Coconut
• Mangrove
• Lotus

4. Through Animals
• Guava
• Mango
• Love grass

♦ What is remaining in leaves that have lost their green parts? 
the veins of the leaves

♦ What is the function of the veins of the leaves?
It is through veins, that water is brought to the leaf and food is taken from the leaf. 

♦ What is reticulate venation? 
In the middle of the leaf, a main vein extending from the node to the tip, and many small branches that come out from it are connected to each other like the links of a net is known as reticulate venation. 

♦ What is parallel venation?
All the veins in the leaf start from the node of the leaf and reach the tip in parallel without touching each other is known as parallel venation.

♦ What is taproot system?
A taproot system is a root system consisting of a taproot growing downwards from the base of the stem and branching roots growing from it.
eg: mango tree, jackfruit tree

♦ What is fibrous root system?
Fibrous root system is one in which many fibre-like roots grow from the base of the stem. 
eg: grass

♦ Examine the leaves of the plants in your surroundings and list the venation and the root system.
 Plant   Venation Root System 
 Green gram  Reticulate  Taproot
 Grass Parallel Fibrous
 Jackfruit Tree  Reticulate Taproot
 Coconut Tree Parallel Fibrous

♦ Find out the relationship between the venation and the root system.
• Plants with reticulate venation have a taproot system. 
• Plants with parallel venation have a fibrous root system. 

♦ Observe the pictures and write the differences in root, leaf, stem, and number of cotyledons in group 1 and of group 2. 
 Plant part Group - 1 Group - 2 
 Root  Fibrous  Taproot
 Stem unbranched  branched
 Leaf  parallel venation  reticulate venation 
 Number of cotyledons  One Two

♦ What are monocot plants?
Plants that have only one cotyledon are called monocot plants. 

♦ What are Dicot plants?
Plants with two cotyledons are called Dicot plants.

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♦ What are the characteristics of monocot plants?
Fibrous roots, unbranched stem and leaves with parallel venation are
the characteristics of monocot plants. 

♦ What are the characteristics of Dicot plants?
Dicot plants are characterised by a taproot system, leaves with reticulate venation, along with branched stem. 

♦ We can see some plants in our surroundings which do not show any such relationship between root and leaf. Find examples?
• Taro 
• yam 
• Money Plant 

♦ Which plants are in decline in your locality?
• Indian prickly ash (Mullilam)  
• Thumba
• Touch me not
♦ What is extinction?
Extinction is the reduction in the population of an organism and their disappearance from the earth. 

♦ What is the major reason for extinction?
The major reason for extinction is the destruction of the natural habitat of the organism. 

Let us assess

1. What is the change in the size of the cotyledon when the seeds begin to germinate? What is the reason for this?
• When seeds start to germinate, the cotyledons often swell as they absorb water and nutrients. 
• As the plant grows, it shrinks and eventually withers away because its stored nutrients are used up to support the young seedling. 

3. Complete the table given below.
 Method of seed dispersal Adaptations of the seed 
 Through Animals  Fleshy parts.
 Parts that help it cling to other things.
 Through Wind The weight of the seed is less.
  Hair-like parts to fly.
 Through water Even if it remains in the water for a few days,
 it will not rot.
 By bursting When the fruit ripens, the outer shell splits
 open and the seeds are scattered outside.

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