Kerala Syllabus Class 7 Social Science: Chapter 09 Maps and Technology to Know the Earth - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual
Questions and Answers for Class 7 Social Science (English Medium) ഭൂമിയെ അറിയാൻ ഭൂപടങ്ങളും ആധുനിക സങ്കേതങ്ങളും | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 09 Maps and Technology to Know the Earth - Teaching Manual | Teachers Handbook
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് അഡ്മിൻറെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.
Std 7: Social Science Chapter 09: Maps and Technology to Know the Earth - Questions and Answers
♦ What are the situations in which maps are used? Just try writing them.
• to locate a place
• to find the route to a destination scientifically
• to understand the geographical features
• to understand about resources
♦ The pictures of a globe and a map are given below. Observe them and identify the differences between the two based on the given indicators. You can also use the globe and map in the Social Science lab for the purpose.
• shape - spherical representation of the earth
• latitudes/longitudes - longitudinal lines are illustrated as semicircles and latitudinal lines are illustrated as concentric circles.
• use - gives a comprehensive visual sense of the earth as it is illustrated completely
● Map
• shape - two-dimensional image of the earth
• latitudes/longitudes - latitudes and longitudes are illustrated as straight lines.
• use - very useful for collecting information of a specific place and for planning the
route for a trip
♦ Some major characteristics of globes and maps are given below. Classify and list them as ‘characteristics of globes’ and ‘characteristics of maps.’
● characteristics of globes
• a real model of the earth
• spherical representation of the earth
• gives a comprehensive visual sense of the earth as it is illustrated completely
• longitudinal lines are illustrated as semicircles and latitudinal lines are illustrated as concentric circles.
• Not useful for a detailed understanding of a particular area.
● characteristics of maps
• two-dimensional image of the earth
• representation of the whole earth or a portion of it on a plain surface
• latitudes and longitudes are illustrated as straight lines.
• very useful for collecting information of a specific place and for planning the
route for a trip
• helpful to include details of a specific area.
♦ What are maps?
Maps are made by representing the whole earth or a portion of it on a plain surface. Such plain surfaces on which the earth is partially or completely depicted are called maps.
♦ Maps can be classified based on the two factors given below.
• the function of the map
• the scale on which maps are made
♦ Examine the titles of the maps in your Social Science lab and list them.
• Political Map
• Physiographic Map
• Transportation Map
• Soil Map
• Resource map
• Climate map
♦ List the maps and the information they contain
• Political Map - Maps that include states, capitals, union territories, boundaries, etc.
• Physiographic map - maps that include land surface features such as mountains, rivers, plains, plateaus, deserts, oceans, etc.
• Transportation Map - Maps including major roads, national and state highways, railways, waterways etc.
• Soil Map - Maps showing the different types of soil, soil composition, fertility etc. in different regions
• Resource Maps - Maps that include natural resources, agricultural resources, land use, economic information, etc.
• Climate map - Maps that include different climatic regions, temperature level, atmospheric conditions etc
♦ Maps can generally be classified into two based on their functions. which are they?
• Physical Maps - Maps that depict natural features of a region such as topography, soil, rivers, climate and vegetation.
• Cultural Maps - Maps that depict man-made features or cultural features. For e.g., political divisions such as countries, states and districts, and roads, railways, ports, population distribution, etc.
♦ Classify and list the following maps as physical maps and cultural maps.
physiographic map, soil map, climate map, vegetation map, river map, political map, population map, economic map, transportation map.
physical maps | cultural maps |
physiographic map | political map |
soil map | population map |
Climate map | economic map |
vegetation map | transportation map |
river map | |
♦ Columns A and B give the various features on the surface of the earth and the names of the maps on which they are depicted. Connect them with lines.
A | B |
• distribution of rain | • agricultural map |
• forest area | • transportation map |
• distribution of paddy fields | • climate map |
• road network | • vegetation map |
A | B |
• distribution of rain | • climate map |
• forest area | • vegetation map |
• distribution of paddy fields | • agricultural map |
• road network | • transportation map |
♦ Observe the maps given below.

The information on both maps, when brought together, will create confusion, making data collection complex. That is why major geographical features are depicted on different maps. The maps that thus focus on a particular topic or specific theme are called Thematic Maps.
♦ Examine an atlas find out Thematic Maps and identify their characteristics.
• Military map - For military purposes.
• Astronomical map - For the study of celestial bodies.
• Historical map - For the study of history.
• Landuse map - For understanding the landuse
• Transportation Map - Maps including major roads, national and state highways, railways, waterways etc.
• Soil Map - Maps showing the different types of soil, soil composition, fertility etc. in different regions
• Resource Maps - Maps that include natural resources, agricultural resources, land use, economic information, etc.
• Climate map - Maps that include different climatic regions, temperature level, atmospheric conditions etc.
♦ What is the scale of a map?
The ratio between the actual distance on earth and the distance marked on maps is the scale of a map.
♦ How maps are classified based on the scale?
Based on scale maps are classified into large-scale maps and small-scale maps.
♦ What are the differences between large-scale and small-scale maps?
● Large-scale maps
Large-scale maps depict more information about a small area
e.g., topographical map, village map
Scale e.g:- 1 cm = ½ km, 1 cm = ¼ km
● Small-scale maps
small-scale maps depict only less information of an area
e.g., World Map, Map of India, Map of Kerala
Scale e.g:- 1 cm = 25 km, 1 cm = 10 km
♦ What is map reading?
Finding or collecting information examining maps is called map reading.
♦ What are the factors that help in map reading?
1. Title
2. Scale
3. Direction
4. Latitude
5. Longitude
6. Conventional colours/symbols
7. Index
• Title - The title indicates the major geographical feature that is depicted on a map.
• Scale - Scale is the ratio between the distance of two places on the ground and the corresponding distance of the same places on the map.
• Direction - Helps to identify the direction of a place on a map
• Latitude & Longitude - Latitudes and longitudes are essential to identify the location of each region and the geographical feature on earth, and also to collect information about them.
• Conventional colours/symbols - Each geographical phenomenon is illustrated using Internationally accepted colours and signs.
• Index - It helps us to understand what each colour, sign or symbol on a map represents.
♦ What are the different methods used to record the scale on a map?
There are generally three methods used to record the scale on a map.
● Statement of Scale
Here, the scale is written as statements.
e.g., 1 cm on the map indicates 1 km on the surface of the earth (1 cm = 1 km).
● Representative Fraction or RF
Representative fraction is the ratio between the map distance and corresponding ground distance expressed in fractional form.
e.g., RF = 1:100000
• This indicates that 1 unit in the map is equal to 100000 units on the surface of the earth.
• The unit that is given before ratio (:) indicates the distance on the map and the unit that is given after ratio (:) is the distance on the surface of the earth.
• The distance on the ground and on the map is indicated in the same unit.
• 1cm on the map is equal to 1 lakh cm on the surface of the earth.
• 1 lakh cm is 1 km
● Linear Scale
Linear scale is drawing and marking the scale as a line on a map.
♦ What is meant by the Representative Fraction, RF =1:200000?
RF = 1:200000
• This indicates that 1 unit in the map is equal to 200000 units on the surface of the earth.
• 1cm on the map is equal to 2 lakh cm on the surface of the earth.
• 2 lakh cm is 2 km
♦ Examine the following sketch and complete the table.
Geographical Information | Direction |
In which direction of the playground is the school building located? | North |
In which direction of the school building is the water tank located? | West |
To which direction you should move from the school building to reach the toilet? | East |
In which part of the water tank is the well located? | South |
♦ Given aside is a sketch that depicts the geographical information using different colours and signs. Examine the sketch, identify the colours and signs that represent each geographical area and mark them in the table given below.
♦ Observe the map of India and find out between which lines of latitude and longitude India is located.
• Latitude: 8°4' to 37°6' North
• Longitude : 68°7' to 97°25' East
♦ What is Remote Sensing?
Collecting information on an object, region or a phenomenon from a distance without direct contact with the help of devices is called remote sensing.
♦ Is collecting information by taking pictures with a camera the only method for remote sensing?
Details of a geographical area can be collected by fixing cameras or scanners
(equipment used for collecting information) on balloons, aeroplanes and artificial
♦ What is sensors?
Equipment used for collecting information in remote sensing are called sensors.
Eg: Cameras and scanners are sensors.
♦ What is platform?
The surfaces on which sensors are fixed to collect data on a geographical area are called platforms.
eg: balloons, aeroplanes and artificial satellites.
♦ Identify the Remote Sensing platforms that are available and list them
• balloons,
• aeroplanes
• artificial satellites
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♦ Classify Remote Sensing based on Platform?
Based on the platforms that are used for collecting information on geographical areas, remote sensing can be classified into three.
1. Terrestrial Remote Sensing
2. Aerial Remote Sensing
3. Satellite Remote Sensing
● Terrestrial Remote Sensing
Terrestrial Remote Sensing is the method by which the geographical features are copied using cameras from the ground level.
● Aerial Remote Sensing
Aerial Remote Sensing is the method by which the photographs of geographical areas are copied with the help of a camera fixed on an aeroplane.
● Satellite Remote Sensing
Satellite Remote Sensing is the process by which the information on geographical areas are collected using platforms fixed on artificial satellites.
♦ What are the possibilities for remote sensing in the modern world?
• for climate studies
• for studies in the agricultural sector
• to understand the availability of natural resources
• to collect information about areas affected by natural calamities like drought, floods, etc.
• To collect data for map-making
• For ocean explorations
• For Telecommunication
• To understand the land use of an area.
♦ What is Geographic Information System (GIS)?
The information on geographical areas can be collected using methods like map reading and remote sensing and make products like maps, graphs and tables. A software-based computer technology is used to make such products after analysing geographical information. This technology is known as Geographic Information System.
♦ The diagram given below explains the working of Geographic Information System (GIS). List the information
• Analyses the information using a Geographical Information System software
• Converts maps, graphs, tables and three-dimensional models as products
• User uses products
♦ What are the benefits of Geographic Information Systems?
• industry
• trade
• education
• communication
• agriculture
• planning
• irrigation
• transport
• disaster management
• tourism
• resource management
• Urban planning
• Emergency services
• Public health
• Climate
• Commercial-marketing
♦ What is Global Positioning System (GPS)?
This is the technology that helps us to identify the latitudinal and longitudinal location and altitude of an object on the surface of the earth. If it is a moving object, its location, direction of movement, its pace and the time can be accurately calculated using this technology.
♦ Identify the different purposes for which GPS is used in day-to-day life.
• In police vehicles and ambulances
• In fishing boats
• In rail, road and air transport
• Disaster management (to provide emergency assistance in areas where power and communication systems are completely destroyed)
• For data collection and study in the field of education
• Environmental protection (GPS tagging of endangered wildlife).
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