Kerala Syllabus Class 5 Basic Science: Chapter 07 Magic of Senses - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 5 Basic Science (English Medium) ഇന്ദ്രിയജാലം | Text Books Solution Basic Science (English Medium) Chapter 07 Magic of Senses. 
ഈ യൂണിറ്റിന്റെ Teachers Manual & Teachers Handbook എന്നിവയുടെ ലിങ്ക് ഈ പേജിന്റെ അവസാന ഭാഗത്തു നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
Magic of Senses - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് അഡ്‌മിൻറെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

 Examine the illustration and complete the table below (Textbook Page: 123)
♦ Which are the organs that help us to understand our surroundings? 
• Eyes - Sight
• Skin - Touch
• Ears - Hearing
• Nose - Smell
• Tongue - Taste

♦ What are Sense Organs?
• Creatures have different types of organs that help them to understand the surroundings. These organs are called sense organs. 
• Eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are the sense organs of human beings. 

♦ Classify creatures into groups on the basis of the position of their eyes.
Those with eyes in front of the head Those with eyes on the sides of the head
• Cat
• Owl
• Dog
• Eagle
• Tiger
• Rabbit
• Fish
• Deer
• Horse
• Pigeon
♦ How does the position of the eyes help the creatures?
• Animals with eyes on the front of their heads are able to precisely understand the position and distance of the objects. This pecularity of animals like tigers and lions helps them to catch their prey. 
• Animals with eyes on the sides of their heads are able to see both the sides. This feature helps animals like deer and rabbits to escape from their predators.

♦ What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis?
• Pain in the eye.
• Redness
• Itching
• Swollen Eyelids
• Burning Sensation
• Tearing & Discharge
• Light Sensitivity

♦ What other eye diseases do you know?
• Cataract
• Glaucoma
• Night Blindness
• Colour Blindness
• Short sight
• Long sight
• Astigmatism

♦ Name the charts used for vision tests?
Snellen Chart

♦ How do visually challenged individuals understand their surroundings? 
• recognise people through sound.
• identify currency and coins by touch.
• Vegetables and fruits are recognised by their shape and smell

♦ Which features help the visually challenged individuals to recognise the currency note? Prepare a short note.
• The tactile lines on the sides of the notes and the difference in size help the visually challenged to identify them.
• 100 rupee note has 4 lines in the center on both sides and there is a small gap after two of those 4 lines.
• 200 rupee note also has 4 lines but there is a small circle between the lines
• 500 rupee note has 5 lines

♦ Look at the pictures. 
What are the special features you observed?
● Seat number in a train
The seat numbers on trains are marked in braille for the visually challenged people.

● The tile on the footpath 
The tiles on the footpath are made rough on the upper sides for the visually challenged people to recognise the path by touch.
♦ Which features of the devices like mobile phones, watches, computers, etc. help visually challenged people? 
Watches - Tactile watch, Talking watch
Mobile - Lookout app, Talkback app
Computers - JAWS, Orbit reader

♦ What are the different systems available to help visually challenged people?
• White cane
• Smart cane
• Braille Script
• Digital Braille slate
• Tactile watch
• Tactile keyboard
• Talking watch
• Orbit reader
• Lookout app
• Talkback app
• Abacus
• Tailor frame

♦ What health habits should you follow for the health of the eyes?
• Do not rub the eyes. 
• Do not touch inside the eye. 
• Do not watch television in dim light.
• Do not use mobile phones, computers, televisions, etc. for a long period of time.
• Do not use the handkerchiefs used by others. 
• Read in a well-lit place. 
• Get the eyes tested periodically. 
• Include fruits, leafy and other vegetables in the diet.

♦ Is the grandfather’s advice correct? What should we do in such situations?
Use medicines in the ear only according to the instructions of the healthcare professionals. Self-treatment is dangerous. This can even lead to loss of hearing. Getting water inside the ear can cause injury or infection to the ear. This may lead to earache and even loss of hearing.

♦ What should we be careful about to protect our ears?
• Don't put any objects such as pencil, pen, matchstick, safety pin, etc. into the ear.
• Don't blow on the ear
• Do not swim and bathe in impure water.
• Do not pour any liquids like salt water or oil into the ear.
• Do not listen to loud sounds continuously.

♦ What are hearing aids?
• Hearing aids are devices to solve the problem of loss of hearing.
• Hearing aids are used to increase sound volume and clarity.

♦ What is the reason for feeling moist inside our nose? 
The reason for this is the secretion in the nose. 

♦ What is the function of the secretion in the nose?
• The function of this secretion is to remove the dust particles and pathogens getting inside the nose. 

♦ What is the reason for loss of smell when you have a cold? 
• The cold is a condition when this secretion is produced in excess, when there is a virus infection.
• When secretion is produced in excess, the odour particles will not reach the cells that help to recognise the smell. That is why we don’t recognise smells. 

♦ What should we be careful of to protect the nose?
• Do not put any objects inside the nose
• Don't blow your nose forcefully
• Do not bathe in impure water.

♦ Secretion particles from the nose and mouth are likely to fall on other people's bodies while we sneeze or cough. What should be done to avoid this?
• Cover the mouth and nose with a clean handkerchief.
• Don't use the handkerchief used by others.
• Use a mask
When is it possible to sense the true taste of food? When it is well chewed or not? Why?
• We sense the true taste of food When it is well-chewed
• We sense tastes when it is dissolved in saliva and stimulates the taste buds.

List the tastes of the food you consume in a day.
Food Taste
• Lime pickle • Sour
• Ripe mango• Sweet
• Bitter gourd curry• Bitter
• Cake
• Sweet
• Dried fish
• Salty
What are the functions of the tongue? 
• Tasting
• Talking 
• Helps in swallowing.
• Helps to move food inside the mouth so that teeth can chew it.

What should be taken care of, for the health of the tongue? 
• Don’t eat extremely hot or cold food.
• Don’t forcefully clean the tongue with a tongue cleaner. 
• Keep the mouth always clean

What features can be recognised through touch?
• heat
• smoothness 
• softness
• shape
• size
• pain

Which organ helped you to recognise objects by touch
The skin is the organ that helps us to recognise objects by touch. The skin is the largest organ in the body.

What are the functions of skin?
• The skin is the organ that helps us to recognise objects by touch. 
• The skin helps us to feel sensations like hot and cold.
• It covers and protects our body. 
• It prevents pathogens from entering the body. 
• The skin has a role in controlling the temperature of the body and eliminating wastes through sweat.

What should we be careful of in protecting the skin?
• We should keep the skin clean.
• We should drink sufficient water.
• We should include leafy vegetables and fruits in our diet that help in the health of the skin.
• We should clean the skin very well while bathing
• We should protect the skin from excessive cold and heat

Let us conduct an interview with a healthcare professional to know more about the functioning and protection of sense organs. Prepare a questionnaire
• What are some common causes of hearing loss, and how can we prevent it?
• How does aging affect our vision, and what can be done to maintain eye health as we age?
• What are some ways to maintain a healthy sense of taste?
• How can we protect our skin from damage and maintain its health?
• What are some common causes of loss of smell, and how can it be treated?
• What are some general tips for maintaining the health of our sense organs?
Let's assess

1. There are restrictions in working hours during extreme summer. What may be the reason?
• Restrictions on working hours during extreme summer protect workers from the harmful effects of excessive heat and ensure their safety.
• The ultraviolet rays from the sun harm the eyes, skin etc.
• Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to serious health issues like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. 

2. What features of an object can be understood through sight, 
● Sight: Colour, size, shape
● Hearing: Recognize persons and creatures by sound, direction of the sound, source of sound
● Touch: hardness, softness, temperature.

3. The special organs of creatures are marked in the pictures. Find out and write down how each of them helps the creatures. 
● Whiskers of the cat:
• Whiskers help cats to sense nearby objects and avoid obstacles. 
• It helps cats to detect the movement and position of prey.
• Helps to communicate with other cats.

● Elephant trunk:
• For breathing
• For smelling
• For drinking water
• Used to grasp and pull leaves, branches, and grass into their mouth.
• To make sounds, such as trumpeting.
• For defence and protection

● Proboscis of butterfly:
• For sucking nectar from flowers

● Antennae of cockroach:
• For sensing the changes in the environment, such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of foods.
• Helping them to avoid obstacles and find their way.
• To communicate with other cockroaches

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