Kerala Syllabus Class 5 Basic Science: Chapter 08 Diverse Organisms - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual
Questions and Answers for Class 5 Basic Science (English Medium) ജന്തുജാലങ്ങൾ | Text Books Solution Basic Science (English Medium) Chapter 08 Diverse Organisms.
Diverse Organisms - Questions and Answers
ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് അഡ്മിൻറെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.
♦ How did the worm get inside the mango?
During the early stages of mango growth, fruit flies pierce the outer skin of the mango with a needle-like organ and deposit their eggs inside the mango. As the mango ripens, these eggs hatch and their larvae feed on the fleshy part. These are the worms seen when cutting a mango.
♦ Worms are formed from the eggs of certain insects. Observe the picture and record the findings.
2. Fly ➡ Worm / Larva (Maggot)
3. Beettle ➡ Worm / Larva (Grub)
4. Honeybee ➡ Worm / Larva (Grub)
♦ Find out and write down more examples of creatures that hatch into worms.
Wasps, Ants, Moths, Fireflies, Fleas
♦ Does the antlion hatched from the egg, look like its parent creature?
What are the further changes that happen to the antlion?
Antlion(doodlebug) is the larva of a kind of winged insect called antlion lacewing. They make funnelshaped pits in sand and eat small insects like ants. They are called antlions because they capture ants. Its larva makes a cocoon using sand grains and thin silk fibres secreted by itself and becomes a pupa. This pupa undergoes changes to become the insect.
♦ What is Metamorphosis?
In some creatures, the larvae do not resemble to the parent. The larva formed from the egg goes through different stages of growth and becomes a creature resembling the parent. This change is called metamorphosis.
♦ What other creatures do you know that go through such stages of growth?
Frog, Honeybee, Fly, Mosquito, Dragonflies,
♦ Does the offspring of a cockroach look like a cockroach itself?
What are the differences?
The offspring of a cockroach are called nymphs. Nymph goes through different stages of growth and becomes a fully grown cockroach. During these stages, the nymph sheds its outer shell many times.
♦ Find out and write examples for pests that harm the crops.
• Yellow stem borer larva.
• Leaf folder
• Rhinoceros beetle
• Fruit fly
• Coconut leafroller
• Red palm weevil
♦ We often keep some spices, along with grains when they are stored. Why?
The chemicals produced by the plants to protect themselves from pests make them aromatic spices. Adding some spices while storing grains can keep insects away.
♦ Prepare a short note focussing the importance of insects for the balance of the ecosystem.
• Insects play a major role in keeping the balance of the ecosystem.
• They keep the surroundings clean by eating dead creatures and food waste.
• There are many creatures that feed on insects. They cannot exist without insects.
• The insects that grow from worms pollinate many flowers.
♦ Observe the pictures and identify the butterflies.
2. Common Jezebel (Vilasini)
3. Common grass yellow (Manjapappathy)
4. Striped Tiger (Varayan Kaduva)
5. Buddhamayoori
6. Southern Birdwing butterfly (Garudashalabham)
♦ Write a note about Butterflies?
• Butterflies are a group of the insect family.
• Some butterflies lay eggs on particular plants. The parts of these plants are the food of the butterfly larvae.
• For the survival of butterflies both nectar plants and host plants are necessary.
• Butterflies get nectar from the nectar plants.
• The larvae feed on the host plants.
• A butterfly garden is a garden with both these kinds of plants.
♦ What are the features of Moths?
• Moths are insects that found during the night.
• Unlike butterflies, most of them are not colourful.
• Some moths have feather-like antennae.
• Silk is produced from the cocoon made by the larva of a kind of moth.
♦ Write the difference between Butterflies and Moths.
Butterfly | Moth |
• Antenna slender and curved upwards. • Active during the day • Wings are folded while resting • Silk cocoon is missing • Brightly colored wings • The body is thin | • Thick antenna shaped like a feather or comb • Active at night • Resting with wings spread • Making cocoon with silk thread for pupae • Not colourful • Bulky body and full of hair |
♦ Write the names of the creatures given in the picture.
2. Scorpion
3. Dragonfly
4. Louse
5. Wasp
6. Centipede
7. Spider
♦ How many types of ants do you know? Write down their names.
• Yellow crazy ant (chonan urumb)
• Weaver Ants
• Black garden ant
• Carpenter Ants
• Red Ants
♦ Ants
• Ants are small creatures living as a community.
• Different types of ants can be found in a colony of ants, performing the tasks of laying eggs, collecting food and protecting from enemies.
• Male and female ants that perform the reproductive function come out of their colonies with wings.
• They mate with male and female ants from another colony and form new colonies.
♦ When do the Ant's wings grow?
To perform reproductive function
♦ How many small creatures do you know that live as a community?
• Termites
• Ants
• Honeybees
• Wasps
• Aphids
• Cockroaches
• locusts
Observe the body parts such as antennae, legs, wings and eyes of the insects. What are the characteristics of these body parts?
• There are two large compound eyes.
• There are also two antennae on the head.
• There are six legs.
• Most insects have two pairs of wings. Some insects have only one pair of wings. For example, fly, mosquito, and fruit fly. Some are wingless
♦ What are the adaptations of fish for aquatic life?
• Air bladder helps to move at different depths (up and down).
• Lateral lines help identify changes in the aquatic environment.
• Fins help in moving through water.
• Scales help to protect the body and reduce water friction.
• Gills help in underwater respiration.
♦ In which months do fish lay eggs in our area?
June and July
♦ Why is there a ban on trolling on the Keralam coast in June and July?
The fish breed during the monsoon in the month of June. Catching fish during this period will reduce the stock of fish. So, fishing during this period is illegal.
♦ Some fishes hatch their eggs inside their body. Find out and write examples for such fishes.
• Shark
• Guppies
• Mollies
• Cardinalfish
• Gourami
• Jawfish
• Snailfish
♦ Compare the habitats of Mushi and Sardine. Prepare a note.
• Mushi fish are found in freshwater environments such as lakes, rivers, and swamps.
• They are native to Africa and the Middle East, but have been introduced to other regions for aquaculture purposes.
• Mushi fish can tolerate low oxygen levels in warm waters
● Sardine
• Sardines are found in marine environments, typically in shallow, near-shore waters.
• Sardines can also be found in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean.
♦ What are amphibians?
Amphibians live both on land and in water. When they are on land, they breathe using the lungs. When they are in water, they breathe using the skin.
♦ What are the adaptations that the tadpoles have for living in water?
• Tadpoles is an amphibian that lives in water.
• Tadpoles breathe through gills.
• Tadpoles hatch without limbs, but they develop hind legs first, followed by front legs.
• Tadpoles move through the water with the help of their tail.
♦ Observe the life cycle of a frog. What can be understood?
• The first phase of the life cycle is completely in water.
• When fully grown, they live in both land and water.
• They have spines.
• They are called amphibians.
♦ Caecilians
• Caecilians are a type of amphibians found in Keralam.
• They are also known as Blind Snakes (Kurudi).
• Their eyes are covered with transparent skin.
• Earthworm-like rings can be seen on their body.
• They are often mistaken as snakes.
♦ What are the common characteristics of Reptiles?
• Produce offspring from eggs.
• Breathe with lungs
• Cold-blooded animals
• Reptiles have thick skin
• Their body is covered with scales
♦ Do you know the names of snakes found in your area. Write their names.
• Viper
• Common krait
• Cobras
• King cobra
• Russell's Viper
• Echis carinatus
• Indian python
♦ Which are the non-venomous snakes?
• Rat snake
• Indian python
• Checkered keelback (Asiatic water snake) നീർക്കോലി (പുളവൻ)
♦ Make a note of common venomous snakes found in Keralam.
Most of the snakes are non-venomous. Only five species of snakes found in Keralam are venomous.
● Cobra
• Expandable hood.
• Two interconnected rings at the back of the hood.
• Two wide bands across and below the neck.
● King Cobra
• ⴷ mark visible on the hood.
• Length up to 5 metres.
• Bands in front of the body.
• Dark black colour of the tail
● Common krait
• Visible white bands across the body.
• Deep black colour
● Russell’s Viper
• Large triangle shaped head.
• Chain like ovals on the body.
● Beaked Seasnake
• The tail is broad and shaped like an oar.
• Dark rings on the body.
♦ What first aid should be taken in the Case of Snake Bite?
• Do not injure the bite site or try to suck out the venom.
• Don't panic the bitten person. Console and help them stay calm.
• The bitten person should be taken to hospital immediately.
♦ What are the things to observe when birdwatching?
• Characteristics of feathers
• Size
• Nest
• Shape
• Voice
• Colour of the bird
• Characteristics of feet
• Characteristics of beak
• Food
♦ What are mammals?
Mammals are creatures which give birth to young ones and feed milk.
♦ What are the general characteristics of mammals?
• Have pinna
• warm-blooded
• fur or hair
• Heart has four chambers
• They have spines.
• Three middle ear bones
♦ Some mammals are domestic animals. For what purposes do we keep them?
• For meat
• For milk
• skin / Fur
♦ Even though domestic animals are helpful to us, sometimes humans get diseases from them. Find out and list such diseases.
• Rabies
• Rat fever
• Bird flu
• Anthrax
• Brucella
♦ What precautions should we take while interacting with domestic animals?
• Vaccinate domestic animals
• Pets should always be kept clean.
• It is good to trim and groom the nails and hair of pets.
• Keep the pet's cage clean.
♦ What are the reasons for the extinction of some creatures that once existed on Earth?
• extreme cold
• drought
• meteorite fall
• epidemics
• volcanic eruption
• destroying their habitats
♦ Name some of the endangered creatures of Kerala?
• Tiger spider
• Fungoid frog
• Indian pangolin
• Slender Loris
• Viverra
• Barn owl
• Parrot
• Baya weaver
• Indian star tortoise
• Python
• Monitor lizards
• Western blind snake
Let's assess
1. Which all creatures that have the following characteristics are found around you?
• Do not have scales, have moist skin, live on both land and water.
- Frog
• Live in water, have scales, have fins that help them to move in water.
- Fish
• Have scales on legs, have feathers, can fly.
- Birds
• They have body parts such as head, chest, stomach, etc. Have six legs, antennae and exoskeleton.
- insects
• Have pinna, feed milk to their young ones.
- Mammals
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