Class 6 Social Science: Chapter 02 Medieval India: Society, Resource, and Trade - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual

Textbooks Solution for Std 6 Social Science (English Medium) മധ്യകാല ഇന്ത്യ: സമൂഹം, വിഭവം,വിനിമയം | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 02 Medieval India: Society Resource and Trade 
ഈ യൂണിറ്റിന്റെ Teaching Manual & Teachers Handbook എന്നിവ ഈ പേജിന്റെ അവസാനഭാഗത്ത് നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക 

Medieval India: Society, Resource, and Trade - Questions and Answers & Teaching Manual
1. Which Traveller said about the towns and trade in medieval India?
Answer: Nicolo Conti

2. What is Babur Nama?
Answer: Babur Nama is a historical work, a memoir of Babur, founder of the Mughal empire.

3. What was the chief occupation of people in medieval India? 
Answer: Agriculture

4. What are the occupations and taxes mentioned in Albaroni's description?
• Agriculture and cattle grazing
• land revenue and grazing tax 

5. what are the major crops of Medieval India?
Answer: Cotton, cereals, pulses, indigo, sugarcane etc.

6. The agricultural activities in medieval India were admirable. Explain
Answer: Agriculture was the chief occupation of the people of medieval
India. In this period, there was plenty of cultivable land in India that was kept uncultivated. Those who first cultivated in such land were granted their own rights. The hardworking farmers tried to win the ownership of such lands in this way. These steps were taken by the rulers for the progress of agriculture Arranged irrigation facilities Supplied seeds Granted tax relaxation.

7. How did the spread of weaving and trade facilitate the growth of towns?
Answer:  Weaving and other handicrafts were the major occupations in towns. The Indian weavers produced garments of different colours and qualities. The garments made of silk, cotton, and wool were important among them. New tools like spinning wheels and looms were used for weaving. Indigo and colour mixtures were used for dyeing the textile. Indian textile won world acclaim. As trade increased, towns became more important as people were able to live there and produce and store merchandise.

8. Which town was the most prosperous place in medieval India?
Answer Vijayanagara

9.‘The Indian towns are highly populous and wealthy ‘. Which traveller said this?
Answer: Ibn Bathutah

10. Who was the English Traveller who visited during the Mughal period?
Answer: Ralph Fitch

11. What is Karkhana?
Answer: Karkhanas are the centres that produced and supplies goods for the places of the Mughal kings and nobles.
12. Which was the main Educational Centre in the medieval period? 
Answer: Nalanda University

13. what are the remarkable educational centres in India during the Medieval period?
Answer: Banaras, Agra, Lahore, Kanchi, Mathura, and Delhi.

14. Who was the Moroccan Traveller who visited in the Sultanate period?
Answer: Ibn Battutah

15. Who was the famous poet who lived in the Sultanate period?
Answer: Amir Khusro

16. Which is the Famous book in Mathematics written by Bhaskaracharya? 
Answer: Leelavathi

17. Who wrote about the social life of people in medieval India? 

18. who is Tavernier?
Answer: A French traveller, who visited India during the Mughal period.

19. Who is Ralph Fitch?
Answer: The English traveller who visited India during the Mughal period.

20. What are the steps taken by the rulers for the agricultural development of medieval India?
Answer: The steps taken by the rulers for the progress of agriculture are –
• Arranged irrigation facilities 
• Supplies seeds 
• Granted tax relaxation.

21. What is ‘ Iqta’ and ‘ jagirdari ‘ ?
Answer: In the Medieval period, the officers were given land as wages. This system was known as Iqta during the Sultanate period and Jagirdari during the Mughal period.

22. what are Calico and Calicut?
Answer: Cotton textiles were exported from Calicut. These textiles were known as Calico in the European market. Kozhikode was called Calicut by the Europeans.

23. What were the factors that attracted the travellers and traders to medieval India?
Answer: The agricultural progress of the medieval period created favourable conditions for the prosperity of trade and commerce. Indian spices, textiles, leather, gems, sandal, metals, pearls, ivory, etc. were in great demand in foreign countries. These commodities attracted traders to India. Several traders from different parts of the world reached India in the medieval period. Medieval rulers passed several laws to protect merchants' property and impose a unified tax system. It is this diversity and prosperity that attracted foreign travellers to India during the medieval period. 
24. Which foreigners engaged in trade with India?
Answer: The foreigners are –
• Chinese
• Arabs
• Portugues
• Dutch
• English
• French

25. What information available to the traveller about the Indian towns of the Medieval period?
Answer: Towns developed around the production centres and markets. Dacca, Paithan, Kanchipuram, Urayur, Madurai, etc. were the towns that developed this way. Artisans, traders, officers, servants, slaves,  and so on constituted the urban population. Karkhanas were the centres that produced and supplied goods for the palaces of the Mughal kings and nobles. 

26. Which occupational groups could be found in the Karkhanas?
• Embroiderers
• Goldsmiths
• Dyers
• cobblers

27. what are social and economic inequalities existed among the people in the Medieval period?
• Social status was determined based on caste, occupation and wealth.
• Kings, lords, priests, officers etc. Enjoyed higher social status.
• Those who engaged in agriculture and handcraft belongs to lower social classes.
• Each caste had its own customs and rituals.
• Evil customs like the Sati and child marriage Prevailed.

28. Examine the progress attained by medieval India in the field of learning.
Answer: Several educational centres existed in medieval India as well. Students from different parts of the world flocked to these centres in search of knowledge. The educational centres in Banaras, Agra, Lahore, Kanchi, Mathura, and Delhi were remarkable among them. Astronomy and Mathematics advanced during the period. Lilavati by Bhaskaracharya was a famous work in Mathematics. Observatories were established in Jaipur, Delhi, Ujjain, and Banaras. Several texts were translated into Persian. Chess, the Panchatantra stories, and Mathematics are the contributions of India to the world.

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