Std 6 Basic Science - Chapter 03 Flower to Flower - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual

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Flower to Flower - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
1. Which are the parts of a flower?
* Corolla
* Androecium
* Gynoecium
* Calyx
* Pedicel
* Thalamus

2) Draw and label the parts of a flower?
3) Write the parts of a flower and their functions?
* Corolla:- To provide colour, fragrance, and attractiveness to the flower.
* Androecium:- Male reproductive part of the flower. ( formed of anther and filament ).
* Gynoecium:- Female reproductive part (formed of stigma, style and ovary)
* Calyx:- Protect the flower when it is a bud. Holds petals after it blooms.
* Thalamus:- Holds different parts of the flower.
* Pedicel:- Connects the flower with the plants

4) What is reproduction?
Answer: Reproduction is the process in which organisms produce their young ones to retain their ancestry.

5) What is the function of flowers?
Answer: Flowers perform the function of reproduction in plants

6) ---------------- are the reproductive organs in plants.
Answer: Flowers

7) Pollens are also known as -----------
Answer: Pollen grains

8) Egg is seen in the. ........... inside the ovary.
Answer: Ovule

9) Male gamete is seen in the ------------ found in the anther of the androecium.
Answer: Pollen grains

10) Differentiate between bisexual and unisexual flowers?
* Bisexual flowers:- Flowers having both androecium and gynoecium.
Examples:- Hibiscus, Oleander, Clitoria.
* Unisexual:- Androecium and gynoecium in separate flowers.
Examples:-Pumpkin, bitter gourd, ash gourd.

11) Explain male and female flowers?
Answer: Flowers that have the only androecium are male flowers and those with the only gynoecium are female flowers.
12) What is fertilization?
Answer: The male gamete from the pollen grains should reach the ovary and fuse with the egg. Fusion of male gamete with the egg is called fertilization.

13) Explain male and female plants?
Answer: There are male and female plants among fan palm, Gambooge
(Kudampuli), nutmeg etc. The male plant has only male flowers and the Female plant has only female flowers.

14) Draw the pathway of pollen grains and explain it.
15) What is pollination
Answer: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma is called pollination.

16) What do you mean by pollinating agents?
Answer: Factors that help pollination are called pollinating agents.

17) Name the organisms that help in pollination?
*Small birds

18) What are the peculiarities seen in flowers to attract pollinating agents?
* Flowers that are bright in colour are meant to attract birds and other insects.
*Some flowers have scents to attract insects.
*The foul order in some flowers is to attract flies.
*Small flowers grow as inflorescence to attract pollinating agents.
*The leaves surrounding some flowers changing colour and appearing like the flower to attract pollinating agents.

19) Which are the pollinating agents other than animals?
Answer: Water and wind are also pollinating agents. Pollination in plants like paddy, wheat, maize, and sugarcane occurs through the wind. The pollinating agent in the pepper plants is water (dew drops ).

20) What are the certain features of pollen grains in which pollination takes place through the wind?
 *Have a large number of pollen grains.
*Pollen grains are lighter in weight.

21. Notice the features of a few flowers. Which pollinating agent among those given below, matches the features?
22) What is artificial pollination?
Answer: Pollen grains from superior quality plants are collected and dusted on the stigma of other plants to produce high-quality seeds this is artificial pollination.

23) Which is the pollinating agent of the vanilla that grows in Mexican
Answer: A variety of Honey bees called Melipona pollinates.
24) Why do we want to adopt artificial pollination to cultivate vanilla In Our country?
Answer: We had to adopt artificial pollination to cultivate vanilla in our country, as there were no Melipona bees.

25) what is self-pollination?
Answer: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower. This type of pollination is called self-pollination.

26) what is cross-pollination?
Answer: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the different flowers. This type of pollination is called cross-pollination.

27) What changes occur in the various parts of a flower when it becomes a fruit?
28) Examine the picture:-
a. Which part grows into a seed?
b. Which part grows into a fruit?
a. Ovule
b. Ovary

29) What do you mean by simple fruits?
Answer: Only one fruit is formed from each flower. These fruits are called simple fruits.

30) What are aggregate fruits?
Answer: if more than one fruit is formed from a flower, such fruits are called aggregate fruits.
Example:- Custard apple, blackberry, polyantha fruit etc. are examples of
aggregate fruits.
31) With an example explain multiple fruits?
Answer: There are hundreds of flowers in an inflorescence of a Jack tree. Each such fruit is the ‘Chakkachula and the seed 'Chakkakkuru’. The flowers which don't turn into fruits, they turn into ‘Chakkachavini. They are all arranged inside a common covering, as a single fruit. Such fruits are called multiple fruits.

32) What are false fruits?
In some plants, parts like the pedicel, thalamus etc, develop into fruit-like structures. These are called false fruits.

33. Examine the figures given below and find out the right statement related to each fruit.

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