STD 6 Social Science: Chapter 06 World of  Diversities - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual

Textbooks Solution for Class 6 Social Science (English Medium) വൈവിധ്യങ്ങളുടെ ലോകം | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 06 World of  Diversities
 ഈ യൂണിറ്റിന്റെ Teaching Manual & Teachers Handbook ഈ പേജിന്റെ അവസാനഭാഗത്ത് നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക 
Chapter 06: World of  Diversities- Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
1. What are climatic regions?
Answer: Regions on the Earth's surface that share almost similar climatic characteristics are known as climatic regions.

2. How does nature influence the Pygmies' s lifestyle?
Answer: Cassava (tapioca) is their staple food. They also eat hunted meat and gathered fruits. They often wear deerskin or leaves as clothes. They build semi-circular houses out of branches of trees and broad leaves. They dearly love and care for the forest.

3. What are the peculiar features of the Congo basin in Africa where the pygmies mainly dwell?
• High atmospheric temperature throughout the year and daily afternoon showers with thunder and lightning.
• Dense evergreen vegetation consisting of big trees, climbers, thick undergrowth, moss, vanda, and so on.
• Diverse fauna

4. What may be the cause for the above-mentioned peculiarities in the Congo basin?
Answer: The distribution of sunlight is not uniform everywhere. It is the proximity of these regions to the Equator that causes climatic peculiarities. This in turn causes the luxuriant plant and animal diversity here.

5. Name the equatorial regions with similar characteristics in another continent.
Answer: Similar characteristics prevail in the Amazon river basin in South America and Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.
The aboriginal tribes of the Amazon river basin in South America, the Semangs of Malaysia, and the Kubus and Dayaks of Indonesia are also forest dwellers like the Pygmies.

6. What is known as Equatorial Climatic Region?
Answer: The region located between 10°North and 10° South of the Equator is known as Equatorial Climatic Region

7. The Equatorial Climatic Region is generally sparsely inhabited. Why?
Answer: Climate is not as comfortable as other regions.

8. Most of the animals in equatorial forests are tree dwellers. Why?
Answer: Most of the animals in equatorial forests are tree dwellers because more than a thousand species of plants grow densely in every square kilometre area of the equatorial forest region.

9. Why the forests in Equatorial Climatic Region are called equatorial evergreen forests.
Answer: The trees in these forests do not shed their leaves owing to high atmospheric temperature and copious rainfall. Hence these forests are called equatorial evergreen forests.

10. What is the major livelihood in the Equatorial Climatic Region?
Answer: Collecting forest resources is a major livelihood in the Equatorial Climatic Region.

11. Write a short note on equatorial evergreen forests?
Answer: Equatorial evergreen forests contain a lot of hardwood trees like mahogany, ebony, rosewood, etc. More than a thousand species of plants grow densely in every square kilometre area of the equatorial forest region. The fauna here is diverse with simian species like apes, lemurs, orangutans; reptiles crawling from tree to tree; animals like hippopotamus and crocodile that mostly dwell in water; and birds like parrots, hornbills, etc.

12. Are all places in the equatorial climate region are forest lands?
Answer: All places in the Equatorial Climatic Region are not forest lands. In some places like Brazil, Malaysia, and Indonesia which fall in this climatic region, agriculture, mining, and industrial activities are effectively practised. These places have been transformed into big cities.

13. Write a note on the Biodiversity in the Amazon basin?
Answer: World's most expansive rain forests rich in biodiversity belongs to the Amazon river basin in South America. Very high day temperature and abundant rain foster the region's rich biodiversity. Innumerable species of vegetation ranging from tall hardwood trees to moss are the speciality of the region. Infinite species of microorganisms, insects, different types of monkeys, amphibious, reptiles, birds, etc. also add to the biodiversity of this basin.

14. Try to find out the major towns or cities belonging to the Equatorial Climatic Region with the help of an Atlas.
• Kuala Lumpur
• Singapore
• Bogota
• Addis Ababa
• Nairobi

15. Name some inhabitants of the hot deserts over different continents of the world. 
Answer: The aboriginal tribes of Kalahari known as Bushmen, Tuareg people of Western Sahara, Bedouins of the Arabian Desert... They are the inhabitants of the hot deserts spread over the different continents of the world.

16. Where are hot deserts located?
Answer: The hot deserts are located along the western margins of continents on both the hemispheres between 20° and 30° latitudes.

17. With the help of an Atlas complete the table by identifying the continents where the hot deserts are located.
18. What are the common climatic characteristics of hot deserts?
Answer: Though the day temperature is very high, nights are cool here. Summers are very hot, but the very low temperature is experienced in winters. The amount of rainfall is very less here.

19. What are the common plants and animals present in hot deserts?
Answer: Cacti, acacia, etc. form the common vegetation in these drylands with very high temperatures and dry winds. A few species of animals, adapted to the physical conditions of hot deserts, are seen here. Camels, donkeys, horses, foxes, snakes, scorpions, lizards, etc. form the fauna here.

20. The cacti have no leaves, only fleshy stem. Why is it so? Find out
Answer:  Cactus usually lives in dry areas. Their fleshy stem stores water in it. They contain spines instead of leaves which helps to reduce loss of water. So, they don't contain leaves.

21. What is the major livelihood of the aboriginal tribes of the hot deserts?
Answer: Hunting and cattle rearing is the major livelihood of the aboriginal tribes of the hot deserts.

22. Agriculture is sparse in hot deserts. Why?
Answer: It is because of the lack of water and fertile soil.

23. Write a short note on Oases.
Answer: Oases are the places where water is available in hot deserts. Plants, animals, and human habitations are largely concentrated in and around these water bodies. Permanent settlements are found only around oases in hot deserts.

24. Why Egypt is known as Egypt: The Gift of Nile
Answer: Egypt is aptly called the Gift of Nile. Most regions here are deserts. The only exception is the Nile basin. The Nile basin has not only witnessed the emergence of the early civilization, but it also provides water and fertile soil, which enables agriculture in the country. The Nile basin is one of the most densely populated areas in the world

25. What led to the development of cities in desert regions?
Answer: Most of the hot deserts are rich in mineral deposits. The mining of
these minerals led to the development of these regions.

26. What kind of dresses are commonly worn by desert dwellers.
Answer: Light coloured loose-fitting garments are commonly worn by desert dwellers. Turbans partially covering the face are another speciality of their dressing

27. Why do desert dwellers commonly use such dresses?
Answer: The turbans protect themselves from direct sun exposure and sudden sand storms. The layers of loose clothing also slow down the evaporation of sweat, keeping the body cooler. ... Light-coloured clothing reflects sunlight and lessens skin temperature.

28. Why camels are described as ‘the ships of the deserts?
Answer: Camels are the common animals of the deserts. Camels are largely
relied on for travelling and for carrying the load. That is why camels are described as the ships of the deserts

29. How do camels survive in hostile desert conditions?
Answer: The camels survive in hostile desert conditions thanks to their capacity to Store water within the body and to maintain moderate body heat. Joined toes help them from sinking in sands. Double eyelids and long eyelashes protect them from the sandy winds.

30. Who are the dwellers of the permanently snow-covered regions in the northern part of North America and Eurasia?
Answer: Inuits are the dwellers of the permanently snow-covered regions in the northern part of North America and Eurasia.

31. Why don't the Inuits make permanent settlements?
Answer: Inuits never settle anywhere permanently. Because they experience an adverse climate and a lack of resources.

32. What kind of food did the Inuits eat during summer?
Answer: During Summer they hunt seals, reindeers, polar bears, etc. They consume the flesh of the hunted animals.

33. Write a short note on the dressing of Inuits. 
Answer: The Inuits wore clothes made of skins of hunted animals. Airtight leather shoes and double-layered jackets and trousers made of fur are the common costumes of the Inuits.

34. Why do the Inuits have a different style of dressing?
Answer: To protect themselves from adverse climate, Inuits have a different style of dressing.

35. What is known as the Tundra Climatic Region?
Answer: The climatic region lying to the north of the Arctic Circle (66½°N) and extending around the North Pole is known as the Tundra Climatic Region.

36. What are the characteristics of the Tundra Climatic Region?
Answer: This region characterised by very low rainfall, scarce vegetation, and an extremely low population is actually a cold desert. The rarely experienced 10° Celcius in June is considered as the highest temperature here.

37. With the help of an Atlas, identify the continents where the Tundra Climatic Region exists.
Answer: North America, Europe and Asia

38. What are the plants and animals present in Tundra Climatic Region?
Answer: The major vegetation that survives the extremely cold climate comprises moss and lichens. Small flowering plants and shrubs can be seen only during short Summers. Tall trees are rare here. The major fauna includes polar bears; reindeer; and sea animals like whales, seals, and fish.

39. Write down the features of the climatic regions you have discussed in the following table.
40. Look at the picture (Fig 6.12) and find out the temperature zones marked in it
41. Complete the table by identifying the temperature zones to which the given climatic regions belong.
Let Us Assess

1. Human habitation is less in the equatorial climatic region. Give an account of the contributing factors.
Answer: Equatorial climatic region is mostly covered with evergreen forests. It is due to the insecure climatic conditions and the presence of dangerous wildlife, this region has less human habitation.

2. To which climatic region does each of the following areas belongs?
• Amazon river basin
• Atacama
• Amazon river basin- Equatorial Climatic Region
• Atacama- Hot desert

3. Climate has a strong influence on dressing habits. Justify it with reference to the dressing habits of the desert dwellers.
Answer: Light coloured loose-fitting garments are commonly worn by desert dwellers. Turbans partially covering the face are another speciality of their dressing. The layers of loose clothing help to slow down the evaporation of sweat, keeping the body cooler. ... Light coloured clothing reflects sunlight and lessens skin temperature. They wear turbans to protect themselves from direct sun exposure and sudden sand storms.

4. The influence of nature is evident in the human life of different climatic regions. Explain on the basis of anyone climatic region you have familiarised.
Hints: -
• Food
• Shelter
• Dressing
Answer: For the people in the tundra climatic region, hunting and fishing are the means of life. They consume the flesh of the hunted animals, clothe themselves with their skin. Airtight leather shoes and double-layered jackets and trousers made of fur are the common costumes of the people. The people mostly live in igloos. They also make houses using the bones of whales, rough rocks, and leather.

👉Std VI Social Science Textbook (pdf) - Click here 

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