STD 7 Social Science: Chapter 11 Individual and Society - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 
Textbooks Solution for Class 7 Social Science (English Medium) വ്യക്തിയും സമൂഹവും | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 11 Individual and society | ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
Chapter 11: Individual and Society - Questions and Answers
1. Which type of people do you interact with during the course of a day?
Answer: Mother, father, siblings, neighbour, teachers and friends.
Observe the above pictures that form a web and identify the situations through which social relationships are created.Answer:
• Playing with friends
• Curing diseases by doctors
• Buying household things from the shopkeeper
• Gets Education from Teachers
• Neighbours help in critical situations
3. What is society?
Answer: An individual establishes relationships with different people at each stage of his life. Society is a large group where such webs of relationships exist.
4. What is the importance of social relationships?
How the society forms the foundation for an individual's development and existence?
• An individual begins to depend on others right from the time of birth.
• Family, neighbours, friends, and teachers play important roles in the development of an individual.
• It is from a society that we internalize the language, dress code, manners and culture.
• An individual establishes relationships with different people at each stage of life, family and social relations help them to establish relationships for further life.
• Society or social relationship forms the foundation for an individual's development and existence.
5. ------------- two girls found living with animals in .............
Answer: Kamala and Amala, Midnapur village of Bengal in 1920.
6. Human beings are related not only to society but also to several groups. Which are the groups?
Answer: Clubs, meetings, schools, colleges, neighbours, etc.
7. Who promoted education for women?
Answer: Raja Rammohan Roy
8. Who is the victor?
Answer: A few huntsmen found a ‘strange creature’ among the wolves while hunting in the forest near the village at Aveyron in France. The sigh around their curiosity and anxiety. They fired at the wolves and drove them away. Then they chase the creature and trap it. It had a human for however, it ran fast using both legs and hand. It was a human child. But he was not able to speak dress or eat like a human being. He possessed no human characteristics.
Later, the child was taken to Paris for further research. Jean-Marc Itard, a doctor there, adopted him. The doctor and the nurse who assisted him named the child victor.
9. What would be the nature of the development of an individual in the absence of a social environment? Prepare a note. Use the following hints.
- Physical development
- Intellectual development
- Behavioural pattern
A person who does not live with human society does not develop the physical characteristics of a human being. The intervention of society is essential for the development of human intellect. It is from the society that a man practices his manners.
10. What is socialization?
Answer: Socialization is the process that enables an individual to live in society.
11. What does Ogburn says about socialization?
Answer: Socialization is the process by which an individual learns to conform to the norms of society.
12. Human beings are related not only to society but also to several groups. Which are the groups you interact with?
• Clubs
• Religious groups
• Friends groups.
• Associations
• Library
• Children's group
• Child farmer group
• Neighbourhood
• Co-operative societies
13. What is community?
Answer: Community is a group of people living in a definite locality with the feeling of oneness.
14. What are the major characteristics of a community?
Answer: Living together in a definite locality organized interaction, close social relationships and common cultural values are the major characteristics of a community.
15. What could be the reasons for considering the people residing in the same village as a community?
• The feeling that we are one
• Accommodation in a designated area
• Similar cultural values
• Depth of soul connection.
• Close socials relationship
• Organized interaction.
16. You have many clubs functioning in your school. List them out along with their objectives.
• Vidyarangam - To promote arts and literature
• Science Club - To excel in science
• Eco Club - To understand the importance of an eco-friendly environment
• Agricultural - Club To promote interest in agriculture
• Environmental Club - To cultivate environmental awareness among students and the community
• Seed Club - to promote environmental awareness in children
• Maths Club - Develop children's interest in mathematics, Organize day celebrations related to mathematics, Organize maths fairs
• Social Science Club - Develop a taste for the social sciences
• English Club - to Practice and handle the English language freely
• IT Club - Increase interest in IT among children familiarize the latest technology
17. Write the difference between community and society?
Answer: An association is a group of people striving to achieve specific aims. Resident’s association trade unions, students unions etc. are examples of association.
19. What is the aim of an association?
Answer: Associations are formed with the aim of developing the individual's talent for the common good.
20. What are the characteristics of an association?
• Diverse goals
• Activities for the common good
• Collective action
21. Observe the pictures. What are the contributions they made to the well being of society?
i. Raja Rammohan Roy
• Worked to abolish the practice of Sati
• Opposed child marriage
• Promoted education for women
ii. Gandhiji
• Non-violence
• Simple life
• Satyagraha
iii. Sree Narayana Guru
• Eradication of untouchability
• Opposed Caste system
• Fought against evil practices
22. Individual and society are complementary to each other. Support the statement.
Answer: Society forms the foundation for an individual's development and existence. All the Physical development, Intellectual development and Behavioural pattern of an individual depend on the society in which he/she lives. Similarly, the creative involvement of individuals brings about positive changes in the family, neighbourhood, educational institutions, associations, etc. Individuals having good qualities play a crucial role in the development and transformation of society. For example, Gandhiji, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Sree Narayana Guru. An individual cannot exist without society and vice versa.
23. What is socialization?
Answer: Socialization is the process that enables an individual to live in society.
24. What are the agencies of socialization?
• Family
• Peer groups
• Mass media
• School
• Association
• Neighbourhood
25. What does one learn from family?
• Discipline
• Punctuality
• Respect and love for elders
• Good habits
• Honesty
• Humility
• Courage
• Responsibility
• Learn the difference between good and evil and right and wrong.
26. What are the qualities we internalize from family as an agency of socialization? Complete the diagram with your answers.
27. How does the family play an important role in the process of socialization?
Answer: We learn good manners and habits from our parents. Hence, it can be said that the family has the most important role in the process of socialization. It is the parents who transact the primary lessons of socialization to a child. It is from the family that we learn to discriminate between good and evil and right and wrong.
28. How the friends play a major role in the formation of good manners and habits?
Answer: While interacting with our friends or peer group, we learn a lot of things. Our participation in sports and games instils cooperative spirit and group consciousness. It enables us to accept both victory and defeat and to go ahead with motivation from it. Our friends play a major role in the formation of good manners and habits.
29. What does one learn from peer groups/ friends?
While interacting with our friends or peer group, we learn a lot of things –
• Our participation in sports and games instils cooperative spirit and ground consciousness.
• It enables us to accept both victory and defeat and to go ahead with motivation from it.
• Our friends play a major role in the formation of good manners and habits.
30. By which ways do schools help in socialization?
• Training students to abide by the rules
• Imparting knowledge
• Inculcating values
• Providing opportunities to interact with students having a diverse social background
• Developing good habits.
The knowledge, abilities and values we acquire from school enable us to be responsible social beings.
31. What are the important mass media?
• Newspapers.
• Periodicals.
• Television channels.
• Internet
32. How the mass media plays a role in the process of socialization?
Answer: The media influence our views, attitudes and way of life. They help to unite people from different parts of the world into a Single society.
33. Have you ever noticed that any of the agencies of socialization discussed above can also induce one to do undesirable things? Write examples for it.
• Group of friends destroy public property
• Some friends induce bad habits like alcoholism and drug addiction
• Unhealthy use of the internet leads to deviant behaviour
• Spending time excessively in front of visual media, restricts social relationships.
34. How can we overcome these tendencies through socialization? Discuss.
• Grow up to be good people with your own vision and values
• maintain good friendships.
• Do not rely too heavily on anyone.
• Make good books friends.
• Do not sit alone and join the society.
• Participate in social activities
• Try to question the mistake and correct the wrongdoer and add it to the group
• Have mercy and care for all living beings.
• Develop the ability to discriminate between right and wrong.
• Do not fall into bad habits
• Protect public property
• Use the Internet only for the purpose of the study
35. Family, Peers, school and the media are the main contributors to socialization. How do you evaluate this as a student?
Answer: Socialization is making us a complete social beings as a student. For one to become a social being, socialization must be possible. Social work moulds the man as a good man. Family, friends, school, and the media are all the agencies of socialization. We learn the primary lessons of socialization from the family. Practising love, mutual trust and discipline are learned from the family.
Broad vision and team spirit develop in children. Practices through the peer group help to embrace successes and failures.
Schools also enable one to socialize by cultivating good manners, imparting knowledge and imparting values.
The media helps to shape one's own perspective and influence one's lifestyle.
Let us asses
1. Community and association are groups within a society. List out their features in the table provided.
2. You are familiar with different agencies of socialization. How does each
one of them help socialization? Complete the table given below.
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