STD 7 Social Science: Chapter 12 Insolation and Atmospheric Condition - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual

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Chapter 12: Insolation and Atmospheric Condition - Questions and Answers
1.  ------------- is the sole source of energy for the earth.
Answer: The sun

2. What is insolation?
Answer: Energy from the sun reaches the earth in the form of rays. This is called insolation.

3. What is the maximum and minimum temperature of a day?
Answer: Meteorologists consider the atmospheric heat experienced just before sunrise as the minimum temperature of the day. Heat experienced at 2 pm is considered as the maximum temperature.

4. The atmosphere temperature decreases gradually with the increase in ---------
Answer: altitude

5. How the heat required for the survival of life is maintained in the lower atmosphere?
Answer: The clouds and gases like carbon dioxide in the lower atmosphere absorb the heat radiating from the earth. Thus the heat required for the survival of life is maintained in the lower atmosphere.

6. At which time do we experience the minimum temperature of the day?
Answer: Meteorologists consider the atmospheric heat experienced just
before the sunrise as the minimum temperature of the day.

7. At which time do we experience the maximum temperature of the day?
Answer: Heat experienced at 2 pm is considered as the maximum temperature.

8. What is the use of solar energy?
Answer: Earth receives a continuous flow of solar energy. The utility potential of this non-conventional source of energy is great in a tropical country like India. As the technology for converting solar energy to electrical energy using solar panels become widespread, it will be a relief for our energy crises.

9. Solar energy is not uniformly distributed on the surface of the earth. Why?
Answer: Solar energy is not uniformly distributed on the surface of the earth. As the equatorial region receives vertical rays of the sun, the temperature is very high here. The temperature gradually decreases towards the poles due to the inclination of the sun's rays.

10. How the factors such as altitude, nearness to sea cause local variations in the temperature conditions?
• The atmospheric temperature decreases gradually with the increase in altitude. This is why we feel cold in high places like Munnar and Wayanad.
• The temperature of the coastal regions is regulated by the winds blowing from sea to land during daytime and vice versa during the night.

11. Atmospheres temperature is measured using the instrument called ---------
Answer: thermometer

12. What is a thermometer?
Answer: Thermometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric temperature. It records temperature in degree Celsius (°C) or degree Fahrenheit (°F)

13. What do you mean by atmospheric pressure?
Answer: The weight exerted by the air in the atmosphere is the atmospheric pressure.

14. What is Barometer?
Answer: Barometer is the instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure, which is recorded in the units hectopascal (hpa) or millibar (mb).

15. What is air current?
Answer: Due to insolation, the atmospheric air expands, becomes less dense and rises up this air movement is called air current.

16. What is called wind?
Answer: Air moves from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions. Such air movement is called wind.

17. How winds are created on the surface of the earth?
Answer: As a result of insolation, the atmospheric air expands, becomes less dense and rises up. Consequently, the pressure decreases. Air moves from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions.

18. What is the function/importance of windmills?
Answer: Electricity can be generated by installing windmills in regions having strong and continuous winds. Making use of this non-conventional source of energy we can overcome the increasing energy crisis. Wind energy is being generated in places like Ramakkalmedu in Idukki district and Kanjikkode in Palakkad district, using this technology.

19. What is Anemometer?
Answer: Anemometer is the instrument used for measuring wind speed.

20. What is a Wind vane?
Answer: Wind vane is used to find the direction of the wind.

21. What is known as humidity?
Answer: The moisture content in the atmosphere is called humidity.

22. What are the factors that influence the humidity of a place?
Answer: The humidity of a place is influenced by factors such as temperature and the quantity of water present on the surface of the earth.

23. ------------ is the instrument used to measure humidity.
Answer: Hygrometer

24. What is the use of a Hygrometer?
Answer: Hygrometer is the instrument used to measure humidity

25. Why do we observe water droplets on the surface of a glass containing cold water?
Answer: When the water vapour present in the air comes in contact with the cold surface of the cup, it clings on as water droplets through the process of condensation.

26. What is condensation?
Ans: The process by which water vapour cools down to a liquid state is called condensation.

Answer: Clouds, Fog, Dew

28. Explain the formation of clouds?
Answer: The water vapour from the earth, on reaching the atmosphere, condenses to form fine droplets of water. As the atmospheric temperature falls, the rate of condensation increases. The water vapour condenses around the fine dust particles in the atmosphere are called aerosols. The concentration of these water droplets leads to the formation of clouds
29. What is aerosols?
Answer: The water vapour condenses around the fine dust particles in the atmosphere are called aerosols.

30. What is the significance of aerosols in the atmosphere?
Answer: Frequent condensation concentrating around the fine dust particles in the atmosphere help in cloud formation.

31. What is called Fog?
Answer: Fine water droplets remain suspended like smoke over the valleys and water bodies. Their form of condensation is called fog.

Answer: In cool mornings, condensed water droplets can be found on grass blades and other cold surfaces. This is called dew.

33. What is known as precipitation?
Answer: Continuous condensation causes the droplets in the clouds to grow in size. Being unable to resist the gravitational force of the earth, the water droplets get released from the clouds and fall on the earth in different forms. This process is called precipitation.

Answer: The forms of prescription are –
(I) Rainfall – Precipitation in the form of water droplets.
(ii) Snowfall – Precipitation in the form of tiny crystals of ice.
(iii) Hailstone – Precipitation in the form of ice pellets.

35. ---------------- is the instrument used to measure rainfall.
Answer: Rain Gauge

36. What is the use of Rain Gauge?
Answer: Rain Gauge is the instrument used to measure rainfall

37. What is called weather?
Answer: The atmospheric condition experienced in a particular place at a particular time is called weather.

38. What is climate?
Answer: The average weather condition at any region over a larger period of time is called climate.

39. Certain human activities adversely affect the climate of the earth. How?
Answer: Researches have revealed that there is an increase in the average atmospheric temperature due to the increase in the content of gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. These gases are released into the atmosphere as a result of the excessive use of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, etc.

40. Present a seminar paper using information from reading materials regarding the human activities causing climate change.
Answer: Human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in Earth's atmosphere in the amounts of greenhouse gases, aerosols (small particles), and cloudiness. The largest known
the contribution comes from the burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect climate by altering incoming solar radiation and out-going infrared (thermal) radiation that are part of Earth's energy balance. Changing the atmospheric abundance or properties of these gases and particles can lead to a warming or cooling of the climate system.
Since the start of the industrial era (about 1750), the overall effect of human activities on climate has been a warming influence. The human impact on climate during this era greatly exceeds that due to known changes in natural processes, such as solar changes and volcanic eruptions.

Let us Assess

1. Even though the earth receives sunlight regularly, the surface temperature does not increase sharply. Why?
Answer: The surface of the earth gets heated due to insolation during the daytime. Heat is transmitted to the atmosphere from the heated surface of the earth through different processes. The surface of the earth gets cooled by these processes.

2. Cloudy days are warmer. Why?
Answer: The clouds act as a wall that prevents heat escape radiated by the earth's surface into the space which helps in the retention of the warm atmosphere near the earth's surface.

3. How are the following atmospheric phenomena related to temperature?
• Wind
• Humidity
 Wind - As a result of the temperature receives from the sun, the atmospheric air expands, becomes less dense and rises up. Consequently, the pressure decreases. Air moves from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions. Such air movement is called wind.
 Humidity- the water on the surface of the earth becomes water vapour and reaches the atmosphere through the process called insolation. The moisture content in the atmosphere is called humidity.

4. Find examples for the human activities leading to an increase in the
atmospheric temperature.
AnswerBurning fossil fuels, releasing chemicals into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of forest cover, and the rapid expansion of farming, development, and industrial activities are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and changing the balance of the climate system.

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