Kerala Syllabus Class 7 English: Unit 05 Embracing Empathy: Lesson 03 - A Beacon of Hope - Questions and Answers | Textual Activities Teaching Manual 

Questions and Answers for Class 7 English Unit 05 Embracing Empathy - Lesson 03 A Beacon of Hope | Text Books Solution English Unit 05 Embracing Empathy - Teaching Manual Teachers Handbook | Textual Activities
ഈ അധ്യായത്തിന്റെ Teachers Handbook, Teaching Manual എന്നിവ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അവസാനം നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് അഡ്‌മിൻറെ രേഖാമൂലമുള്ള അനുമതിയില്ലാതെ ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ, ഇതേരീതിയിലോ പി.ഡി.എഫ് രൂപത്തിലോ, മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഡിജിറ്റലോ, പ്രിന്റഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും രൂപങ്ങളിലേക്കോ മാറ്റി മറ്റൊരു വെബ്സൈറ്റിലോ, ബ്ലോഗിലോ, യുട്യൂബ്, സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയാ ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിലോ ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഒരിടത്തും പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ പാടില്ലാത്തതാകുന്നു.

Std 7 English Unit 05 Embracing Empathy - Lesson 03 A Beacon of Hope - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
A Beacon of Hope

Usha Chaumar
 Usha Chaumar
Usha Chaumar was born into a family of manual scavengers in Alwar, Rajasthan, and was forced to clean toilets from the tender age of seven. She was married off at the age of ten and continued to work as a scavenger to support her family. Her life was nothing short of miserable, and she often felt nauseated after returning home from work. But in 2003, Her life changed when she came in contact with Sulabh International, an organization founded by Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, that aimed to eradicate manual scavenging and promote sanitation. The organization provided her with education, vocational training, and, most importantly, hope.

Answer the following questions

1. What is Usha Chaumar's mission?
Usha Chaumar's mission is to eradicate manual scavenging and promote proper sanitation to eliminate the need for such work. She also aims to empower women by encouraging them to pursue dignified jobs, fostering independence, and fighting against untouchability.

2. What were some of the challenges Usha Chaumar faced in terms of income and daily living?
Usha Chaumar faced significant challenges in terms of income and daily living. She earned a meager daily wage of 10 to 20 rupees for cleaning others' filth and often survived on leftover food. Additionally, she and her family wore worn-out clothes and faced social discrimination and untouchability.

3. How did the situation change when Sulabh International began constructing toilets in the villages?
When Sulabh International began constructing toilets in the villages, the need for manual scavenging was eliminated. This improvement in sanitation allowed Usha and other women to leave behind the inhuman practice of manual scavenging and engage in more dignified jobs. It significantly improved hygiene and living conditions in the villages.

4. What is Usha's message to the society?
Usha Chaumar's message to society is to eradicate manual scavenging and promote proper sanitation. She emphasizes that women should be independent through dignified jobs, which will help build a better society free of untouchability.
Activity 2
2. Imagine a day when spades, hammers and other tools begin to talk. What do you think they would say?
● Broom: I've seen you using me to clean up mess every day to keep things safe and clean. You're really making a big difference.

● Spades: "I've been digging deep into the earth, helping you plant and harvest. It's hard work, but seeing the garden flourish makes it all worthwhile."

● Paintbrush: "I've added color and life to your world, transforming blank walls into vibrant art. Your creativity shines through every stroke I make."

● Hammers: "I've nailed it every time, helping you build and repair. Together, we've constructed strong and sturdy structures, making sure everything stands tall and firm."

Activity 3
3.  Note the use of the phrase ‘wee hours of the dawn' in the poem. There are similar phrases about other phases of the day. We use phrases like 'blazing noon' and 'gathering dusk' to indicate other phases of the day.
Write sentences of your own using ‘wee hours of the dawn', 'blazing noon' and 'gathering dusk' in the spaces given below.

● Wee Hours of the Dawn
• The football players start their practice in the wee hours of the dawn.
• The bakery starts preparing fresh bread in the wee hours of the dawn.
• The fishermen set out to sea in the wee hours of the dawn.

● Blazing Noon
• The roads were empty in the blazing noon.
• The kids took a break from playing due to the blazing noon heat.
• The construction workers sought shade in the blazing noon.

● Gathering Dusk
• The birds were returning to their nest in the gathering dusk.
• The streetlights began to flicker on in the gathering dusk.
• The children reluctantly headed home in the gathering dusk.

♦ The day is divided into am (ante meridiem) and pm (post meridiem). 
Ante meridiem (am) is the time between midnight and noon (00:01 – 12:00).
Post meridiem (pm) is the time between noon and midnight (12:01 to 24:00).
Look at the diagram below.
Write sentences using am and pm.
Consider events like breakfast, school assembly, dinner, bedtime, examination, etc.
am pm
• Classes begin at 9.00 am• Classes end at 4.00 pm
• Breakfast is usually served at 7.30 am.• Dinner is served at 7.00 pm.
• The school assembly starts at 8.00 am.• Bedtime is usually around 10.00 pm.
• Morning exercise starts at 6.00 am.• The evening news airs at 6.30 pm.
• The examination begins at 10.00 am.• The movie starts at 9.00 pm.
Activity 4
4. Let us salute community helpers.
Community helpers are like superheroes in our neighbourhood. They do important jobs to keep us safe and happy. They work in different places like schools, hospitals, and even on the streets. Police officers make sure everyone is safe, doctors and nurses take care of us when we are ill, teachers help us learn and farmers grow crops providing us the food we eat. They’re like real-life heroes!

Here are some community helpers. Can you say what they are doing? How do they help the community? 

• Lifeguards: 
Lifeguards watch over swimmers at pools, beaches, and lakes. 
They ensure the safety of people in and around the water by preventing drowning and rescuing those in danger.

• Fire-fighters:
Firefighters respond to fires, accidents, and other emergencies. 
They extinguish fires, rescue people, and provide medical assistance during emergencies, protecting lives and property.

• Garbage collectors: 
Garbage collectors pick up and dispose of household and industrial waste. 
They keep our neighbourhoods clean and safe by removing waste, which prevents the spread of diseases and maintains a healthy environment.

• Health workers:
Health workers include doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other medical professionals. 
They provide medical care, treat illnesses, promote health education, and ensure the overall well-being of the community.
Activity 5
5. You may consider the following points while you prepare a thank-you note.
• Greeting - Start with a friendly greeting.
• Gratitude - Express your gratitude clearly.
• Closing: Use a closing phrase such as "Sincerely," "With love," or "Warm regards," followed by your name and signature.
• Try to keep the note brief.
Thank-you notes are polite expressions used to convey our appreciation and gratitude to others.
Think about the fruits and vegetables we usually eat. How would you show your appreciation and gratitude to the hardworking farmers who grow them for us?

Now read a thank-you note designed by Raya.

Dear Kuttettan,
I want to say a big THANK YOU for providing food for all of us! You work really hard to plant seeds, take care of plants, and look after animals. Because of you I get fresh vegetables and tasty fruits to eat.
You help me keep myself healthy. I appreciate your hard work. Farmers are amazing superheroes.
Thanks again for being an amazing farmer! With lots of love and gratitude.
Raya - VIIC

Imagine you are writing a special thank-you note to your favourite community helper. How would you express your gratitude and appreciation? Design a thank-you note and share it with your friends.


Dear Firefighter,

I want to say a big THANK YOU for your bravery and dedication in keeping our community safe. You work tirelessly, putting yourself in danger to protect lives and property. Your courage and selflessness are truly inspiring.

Because of you, our neighbourhoods are safer, and we can sleep soundly at night. I deeply appreciate your hard work and sacrifice.

Thanks again for being an incredible firefighter and a true hero in our community!

With lots of gratitude, 
[Your Name]

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