Kerala Syllabus Class 3 EVS - Unit 8: Home and Nest - Questions and Answers | Activities

Activities related to the Environmental Science for STD 3 - EVS - Home and Nest - Questions and Answers | Student Support Materials for Class 3 പരിസരപഠനം - വീടും കൂടും - Study Materials & Teaching Manual | Questions and Answers | Teachers Text
മൂന്നാം ക്ലാസ്സിലെ പരിസരപഠനം - Home and Nest - ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ (English & Malayalam Medium) | പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ, Teachers Handbook & Teaching Manual. പഠന സഹായികൾ അയക്കാൻ താല്പര്യമുള്ളവർ ഈ നമ്പറിൽ വാട്സാപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക: 9567456250. 
Std 3: Environmental Studies - Unit 8: Home and Nest - Questions and Answers

♦ Did you read about the weaver bird in the lesson?
♦ Have you seen the nest of a weaver bird?

♦ Which all birds’ nests have you seen?
Crow, cuckoo, myna, pigeon, kingfisher, parrot, Indian magpie (olanjali)

♦ Are the nests of all birds the same? How are they different?
No, the nests of all birds are not the same. Birds use a variety of materials to build their nests, such as twigs, grass, leaves, moss, feathers, and mud. Some birds use their saliva to build their nests. 

♦ Where does the lapwing bird (Thithiripakshi) lay eggs?
The lapwing birds lay their eggs in open areas

♦ Why do birds build nests?
• Birds build nests primarily to lay eggs in the nests and facilitate their young ones. Nests provide a safe environment for the babies to grow.
• Nests protect their babies from heat, cold, rain and to save them from other creatures.

♦ Do all the birds build nests?
All the birds do not build nests. Some birds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.
The cuckoo laying its eggs in the crow’s nest is an example for the dependence on other birds.

♦ Observe the birds in your locality. Where do they build nests? Find out the birds that build nests in trees and the birds that do not. 
 Birds that build nests in trees Birds that do not build nests in trees
 Crows• Pegeon
 Woodpeckers• Duck
• Mynas Hen
• Sparrow• Lapwing bird
♦ Are there other creatures like birds that build nests only to raise their young? 
Yes. Beever, rabbit, mongoose 

♦ What are the creatures that live in groups by making nests? 
Ants, bees, wasps, termites 
♦ What other creatures around you build nests? Do they use the same materials to build nests? Find out and write.
 Birds that build nests in trees Birds that do not build nests in trees
 Termite• Soil
 Wasp• Pulp, Soil, saliva
• Ant Leaves, soil
• Spider• Saliva
• Crow, Pegeon, Sparrow With twigs and boughs, dried grass, cotton
• Earthworm• Soil
♦ Match the following
♦ Why do we build houses?
• for a safe living
• for keeping us away from rain and sunlight
• To protect us from harmful creatures. 
• To maintain a healthy life. 
• For better development of future generation. 
• Have a place to read and study. 
• Keep different things safely. 
• Cook food. 
• Take rest and sleep

♦ What types of houses do we make? Look at the pictures of various types of houses. What are the materials used for the construction of each house? Observe the pictures and complete the table below.
Picture Wall Roof
• 1• Soil, Stone• Grass
• 2Soil, Stone• Coconut leaf 
• 3• Cement block• Concreate
• • Cement, Bricks, Wood • Tiles
• • Bamboo• Sheet
• • Stone• Tiles
♦ Why are different materials used to build a house? 
Different materials are used for building houses according to the climate and availability.

♦ The different jobs associated with the construction of houses are indicated in the pictures. What are they? Write them down.
1. Construction of wall
2. Fitting windows and doors
3. Painting
4. Wiring

♦ What do you meant by the term flat?
Flats are huge buildings with many floors in which a lot of people can live.

♦ Pictures of different types of houses are given below. Identify glass house, house built on pillars, igloo, and 3D printed house among them. 
(1) House built on pillars. 
(2) Glass houses
(3) Igloo 
(4) 3D printed house 

♦ What are the special features of each house? 
(1) House built on pillars: 
The main features of this house are the use of pillars. 
Pillars help keep the house up, allow air circulation and prevent flooding in areas with high water levels. 

(2) Glass houses:  
Glass walls ensure better air circulation.
Glass walls and windows allow light to flow into the home.

(3) Igloo:
Walls and roofs of these temporary houses are made of ice blocks. They are built in places which are covered with ice.

(4) 3D printed house: 
3D printed houses can be built very quickly. 
The cost of construction of these houses is low.
These houses are more resilient to natural calamities.
♦ What factors should be kept in mind when constructing houses?
Houses should be constructed keeping in mind the climate of each region, the peculiarity of the location, availability of resources, security and the number of family members. The growth in technology has brought about big changes in the construction of houses. 

♦ What are the different household chores? What chores can each person do?
• Sorting waste materials - Father, Mother, Children
• Ironing clothes - Father, Mother
• Washing the dishes - Father, Mother, Children
• Paying the electricity bill - Father, Mother
• Refilling the cooking gas cylinder - Father
• Wiping floor - Father, Mother, Children
• Cleaning the bathroom - Father, Mother
• Recharging the mobile phone - Father, Mother
• Purchasing things - Father, Mother, Children
• Cooking - Father, Mother, Children

♦ Shouldn’t the household chores be done with the cooperation of all the family members?
The household chores are to be done with the cooperation of all the family members.

♦ Public Institutions
Institutions which are either fully or partly owned by the government, providing various services to people are Public Institutions.

♦ What are the other institutions that provide us different services?
• School - Education
• Hospital - Care to those who are sick
• Bank - Accept deposits and grant loans
• Police station - Protection of law and order
• Panchayat - Development of the village
• Railway - Transport
• KSEB - Electricity
• Supplyco - Food

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