STD 6 Basic Science: Chapter 05 Food for Health - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

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Chapter 5: Food for Health - Questions and Answers 
1. Why do we have food?
• To acquire immunity
• For proper body growth
• For getting energy for doing work.

2. Complete the table by writing nutrients available in these food items.
3. What is carbohydrates? What is the need of including carbohydrates in our diet?
Answer: Carbohydrate is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chief function is to provide energy for physiological activities. Starch, sugar, glucose and cellulose are different forms of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is present in plenty in cereals and tubers in the form of starch.

4. What is the iodine test?
Answer: A test in which a deep blue colour is formed when starch reacts with iodine solution.

5. Conduct iodine tests on different food items and record the inferences in your science diary.
6. What do you mean by protein? Why do we need protein?
Answer: Protein is a major food constituent that helps the development and growth of the body. Protein is essential for the formation of cells, hair, digestive juice etc., in the body. Protein produces energy in the absence of carbohydrates. Protein contains hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. In accordance with the body weight, one should obtain protein from the diet at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram.

7. What is Kwashiorkor?
Answer: Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by a deficiency of protein. The body of the affected will be weak and with a protruded belly.

8. Explain the experiment to detect the presence of protein in a food item.
To detect the presence of protein in a food item.
Materials required:-
Copper sulphate, water, sodium hydroxide, dropper, beaker, egg white, test tube.
Add water to egg white and stir it well. Take it up to a quarter of a test tube. Add 8-10 drops of 1% concentrated sodium hydroxide to it. Stir it and add 2 drops of 1% concentrated copper sulphate solution to it.
The colour of the solution changes to violet.
The appearance of violet colour indicates the presence of protein In egg.

9. What do you know about fat? Why do we need fat?
Answer: Fat is one of the food constituents required by our body in small quantities. Meat, fish, milk, milk products, egg, different kinds of peas etc.,
contain fat. Different kinds of oils and ghee are fats extracted from many food items. Fat also provides energy like carbohydrates. Certain vitamins dissolve only in fat. To get these vitamins, it is essential to include fat in our diet.

10. How can we detect the presence of fat in food items?
Answer: Rub any food item on paper. lf the paper is oily even after it is dried we may conclude that the food contains fat.

11. What is the normal level of blood sugar?
Answer: 70-110 mg/dl

12. What is the normal level of cholesterol?
Answer: Up to 200 mg/dl

13. What is cholesterol?
Answer: Cholesterol is one form of fat. Besides obtaining from food, the body also produces cholesterol.
14. What problems does high cholesterol cause?
Answer: If the level of cholesterol becomes high, it adheres to the inner walls of the blood vessels and prevents the flow of blood. This leads to cardiac diseases. Hence taking excessive fatty food is not advisable.

15. What are the changes to be adopted in your diet to control the level of cholesterol? Discuss and write them in your science diary.
• Choose healthier fats. You should limit both total fat and saturated fat.
• Limit foods with cholesterol.
• Eat plenty of soluble fibre.
• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
• Eat fish that are high in Omega-3-fatty acids.
• Limit salt
• Limit alcohol

16. According to the Indian Medical Research Council in what quantities do an Indian adult include vegetables in diet?
Answer: 245 g of vegetables per day.

17. What do you know about vitamins and minerals? Write examples for food items that contain minerals and vitamins.
Answer: Vitamins and minerals are nutrient factors that are inevitable for proper health and the smooth functioning of physiological activities. They are required only in small quantities. Fruits, vegetables, milk, egg, etc., are the storehouses of vitamins and minerals

18. What are the health hazards caused by the deficiency of vitamin A?
• Dry skin
• Dry eyes
• Night blindness
• Respiratory infections

19. What are the food items to be included in the diet of a person suffering from ill-health of the gums?
• Cheese, milk, plain yoghurt and other dairy products.
• Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables
• Foods with fluoride etc...

20. What happens if the intake of fat in the food is very low?
Answer: Many health problems are caused by the deficiency of fat.
• Dry, scale, fully, dull, skin
• Dry, brittle or lacklustre hairs
• Soft, frying, splitting, or brittle fingernails

21. What are the vitamins that dissolve in water?
Answer: Vitamin B and Vitamin C

22. Infants who have not started taking food items are exposed to mild sunlight for a short time. Why?
Answer: Sunlight exposure has lots of health benefits for infants, it helps the body to produce vitamin D that helps the body to absorb calcium. It also has the function of strengthening bones.

23. What is the reason for saying While cooking fruits and vegetables it is better to cover the vessel.
Answer: When fruits and vegetables are cooked, the vitamin C dissolves in steam. It goes out of the vessel with the steam. So it is better to cover the vessel while cooking them.

24. Do you think it is advisable to wash vegetables after chopping them? Why?
Answer: It is not good to wash fruits or even vegetables after cutting because all the vitamins and minerals along with water wash away. So there is no matter of eating food items without nutrients.

25. The deficiency of which element Causes anaemia in a child?
Answer: The deficiency of iron causes anaemia in a child

26. What are the health hazards caused by the lack of leafy vegetables in the diet?
Answer: The lack of leafy vegetables in the diet may cause numerous health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, heart. diseases etc...

27. What is called nutrient deficiency disease?
Answer: The deficiency of nutrients causes retardation of growth and many other diseases. Such diseases are called nutrient deficiency diseases.

28. Which is the element responsible for the synthesis of haemoglobin in blood?
Answer: Iron is responsible for the synthesis of haemoglobin in the blood

29. What is the function of calcium and phosphorus in our body?
Answer: For the formation of bones and teeth, and the functionin¢ of muscles and nerves.

30. What is the function of sodium in our body?
Answer: Sodium retains water needed in the body.

31. What is the function of iodine in our body?
Answer: For the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and for mental development.
32. Write down the importance of water in our body?
Answer: Water constitutes two-third of our body weight; 85% of the brain, 90% of blood and 25% of bones. Water acts as the medium for many physiological activities including digestion. About 2.5litres of water is lost
from our body through urine, sweat etc. So a large quantity of pure water has to be drunk.

33. What is the importance of fibre in our body?
Answer: Fibres are a kind of carbohydrate that are available in vegetarian food and cannot be digested by the body. They are mainly composed of cellulose. Though they provide no nutrients to the body, they help in the movement of excretory materials in the large intestine

34. What are the food items that provide water to your body?
• Grapefruit
• Cucumber
• Strawberry
• Tomatoes
• Watermelon etc.

35. What are the problems caused by the excessive intake of food made of maida flour which contains very little fibre?
Answer: The excessive intake of food made of maida flour may cause numerous health problems like weight gain, stress, headaches, migraines and constipation etc...

36. What do you mean by a balanced diet?
Answer: Food that contains all nutrients in required quantities are termed a balanced diet.

37. Examine the food charts prepared by three students.
Whose food chart is more balanced why?
Answer: Anil's food chart is balanced. Because it includes all nutrients in the required quantity.

38. Can you prepare diverse, balanced food charts?
39. Arrange the nutrients given below based on the quantity in which they
are required (from the higher amount to lower).
[Protein, Minerals, Carbohydrate, Fat.]
40. Analyse the two statements.
What is your inference?
Answer: The boy's statement is correct.
Minerals and vitamins are needed only in small quantities. But, their deficiency can cause many health problems. So, we should consume plenty of foods that contain minerals and vitamins

41. Prepare a questionnaire to conduct an interview with a doctor to get more information about deficiency diseases.
1) What are the common deficiency diseases
2) How can we cure deficiency diseases?
3) What are the signs of poor nutrition?
4) How can we prevent nutritional deficiency diseases?
5) How do you know if your body is lacking vitamins?
6) What are the causes and symptoms of deficiency diseases?

44. Food for Health - Extended activities - Click here

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