Class 5 Social Science: Chapter 01 A Road to History - Questions and Answers

Textbooks Solution for Class 5th Social Science (English Medium) ചരിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 01 A Road to History

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Chapter 01: A Road to History
A Road to History - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
1. Define history?
Answer: History is the record of the progress that human being acquired down the ages.

2. Name the period before the formation of the art of writing?
Answer: Pre-historic period.

3. Name the period with written records?
Answer: Historic period.

4. where do we keep the objects or their remains that were once used by man?
Answer:  In a museum.

5. Why are the historical monuments preserved?
Answer: They are preserved because they give much valuable information on the past of human life.

6. What are the major sources that help us to record history?
Answer:  The tools, coins, utensils, other historical remains,  and the written documents are the major sources that help us to record history.

7. who built the Palakkad Fort?
Answer: Hyder Ali.

8. What is the meaning of the word A D?
Answer: In the year of our lord.

9.  Abbreviation of A D?
Answer: Anno Domini’

10. AD and BC are now known by which name?
Answer:  AD- CE (Common Era)
BE-BCE(Before Common Era).

11. How many years are in a century?
Answer: 100 Years.

12 . The study of coins is known as …………………..
Answer: Numismatics

13. The study Inscriptions or Epigraph is known as …………………
Answer: Epigraphy.

14. Name the objects used in ancient Kerala for funeral practices.
Answer: Nannagadi, muniyara, kudakkallu.
15. Which era is the common scale of chronology all over the world?
Answer: Christian Era.

16. People in Palaeolithic Age used implements made of …………….
Answer: Rough Stones.

17. The State of Kerala was formed in which year?
Answer: 1956.

18. When did India attain independence?
Answer: 1947

19. How many years after independence was the state of Kerala formed? 
Answer: After Nine years

20. In which year did Gandhiji perform the Salt Satyagraha?
Answer:  1930.

21. How many years before the independence was the Salt Sathyagraha organized?
Answer: Before 17 years 

22. Identify the centuries to which the following years fall.
AD  2014
AD 1947
AD 1857
261 BC
326 BC
AD  2014 --> 21st century 
AD 1947 --> 20th century 
AD 1857 --> 19th century 
261 BC --> 3rd century BC 
326 BC --> 4th century BC 

23. The beginning and end of the century in the Gregorian calendar.
According to the Gregorian calendar, the 1st century AD began on January 1, AD 1. It ended on December 31, 100 AD. Second century AD 101, third-century 20th century. The nth century begins at 100 × n - 99. Every century has only one year starting with that number, no matter how many centuries it is. (E.g. 19th-century 19th century)

24. A Road to History - More Questions & Extended Activities - Click here.

Social Science മറ്റ് അദ്ധ്യായങ്ങളുടെ Notes- നായി ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്കുക 

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