Class 5 Social Science: Chapter 02 From Stone to Metal Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual

Study Notes for Class 5th Social Science (English Medium) കല്ലിൽ നിന്ന് ലോഹത്തിലേക്ക് | Text Books Solution Social Science (English Medium) Chapter 02 From Stone to Metal 
ഈ യൂണിറ്റിന്റെ Teaching Manual & Teachers Handbook എന്നിവ ഈ പേജിന്റെ അവസാനഭാഗത്ത് നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക 

From Stone to Metal - Questions and Answers & Teaching Manual
1. Which material was influenced early human life the most?
Answer: Stone

2.Name the period in which man used stone tools?
Answer: Stone Age

3. The picture given below depicts early human life. What can you identify from the picture?

Answer: • Early human beings lived in forests
• They used stones and wooden rods are weapons
• They used leaves and barks of trees as cloths

4. Why early human life is known as the Stone Age?
Answer: Tools and weapons were essential for the early men to defend themselves from wild animals and to collect food. For this purpose, they used stones. As the stone was the material that influenced early human life the most, this period came to be known as the 'Stone Age'.

5. Which are the divisions of the stone age?
Answer: Paleolithic Age and Neolithic Age

6. The rough stones that the early humans used can be seen in
the picture. For what purpose might these stones have been used?

• To hunt animals
• To defend oneself from the attack of animals.
• To dig up edible tubers
• To break hard items

7. The Paleolithic age is otherwise known as …………………..
Answer: Old Stone Age

8. Where did the man live in the old stone age?
Answer: Caves

9. Neolithic age is otherwise known as ……………………
Answer: New Old Age

10. Which was the important invention of human beings in the Paleolithic age?
Answer: Invention of Fire

11. For what purposes fire might have been used by the early man? Discuss.
• To get light
• To prepare food
• To escape from Wild animals
• To get protection from cold

12. What type of tools were used by man in the Paleolithic age?
Answer: Tools made of rough stones
13. What type of tools were used by man in the Neolithic age?
Answer: Sharper and Polished

14. At which age did man started settled life?
Answer: Neolithic Age

15. From the pictures, what features can you identify about human life in the Neolithic Age?

• Engaged in farming
• Developed shelters
• Tamed animals
• Made and use earthen pots
• Wheels were used
 Humans began to live in groups.

16. In which period was a man who used the stone as well as metal tools?
Answer: Chalcolithic Period

17. What is Chalcolithic Age?
Answer: The period when man used both stone and copper tools are known as Chalcolithic Age (Copperstone Age).

18. Chalcolithic age other were known as …………….
Answer: Copper Stone Age

19. In which age man used bronze weapons and tools?
Answer: Bronze Age

20. Which invention was the striking feature of the Bronze Age?
Answer: The art of writing

21. Complete the following flow chart related to ancient human life.

22.  What changes were brought about in human life by the invention and use of bronze weapons and tools.
Answer: During this period agriculture improved and resulted in a better
harvest. The fertile soil of the river valleys and ample irrigation also helped in improving agriculture.

22. What changes might have been brought about by the improvement in agriculture?
• The storage of surplus food grains.
• Development of public places for the exchange of agricultural products
• Increase in the production and use of new agricultural tools.

23. What other occupational fields might have developed along with agriculture?
• Cattle rearing
• Production of Metals
• Pottery
• Jewellery making
• Brick making
• Weaving

24. The Mesopotamian Civilization
Answer: The Mesopotamian Civilization flourished in the valleys between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers. The word 'Mesopotamia' means 'the land between rivers'. It is now in Iraq. The Cuneiform script evolved in Mesopotamia. The 'Ziggurats' are the major remains of this great civilization.
25. In which river valleys the Mesopotamian Civilization flourished?
Answer: The valley between the Euphrates and the Tigris.

26. What was the meaning of Mesopotamia?
Answer: The land between rivers.

27. Now the area Mesopotamia is situated in …………….
Answer: Iraq

28. Which was the script of Mesopotamia?
Answer: The Cuneiform Script

29. What was the major remains of the Mesopotamian civilization?
Answer: The Ziggurats

30. What were Ziggurats?
Answer: The Ziggurats were temple complexes

31. In which river valley the Egyptian Civilization was flourished?
Answer: In the valley of the river Nile.

32. The Gift of Nile?
Answer: Egypt

33. What was the remarkable remains of Egyptian Civilization?
Answer: The Pyramids

34. Which was the script of Egyptians?
Answer: Hieroglyphics

35. Which is the biggest pyramid?
Answer: The Pyramid at Giza

36. Who built the pyramid at Giza ?
Answer: The Pharaoh of Khufu

37. Which was the civilization flourished in the valley of the Hwang  – Ho river?
Answer: The Chinese Civilization

38. Which civilization flourished in the valley of the river Indus?
Answer: The Harappan Civilization

39. What was the important remains of the Harappan Civilization?
Answer: The Great Bath

40. What was the striking feature of Harappan civilization?
Answer: Town Planning

41. Which was the first civilization in India?
Answer: The Harappan Civilization

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