STD 6 Basic Science: Chapter 06 Living in Harmony - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

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Chapter 06: Living in Harmony - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
1. What are the factors in ponds that enable the fish to live?
• Aquatic plants
• Microorganisms
• Worms.
• Temperature.
• Sunlight.
• Oxygen.

2. Are there biotic and abiotic factors in your findings? List them.
3. Which of these factors are missing for the fish in the aquarium?
• Aquatic plants.
• Microorganisms
• Worms

4. Do all organisms depend on the same biotic and abiotic factors?
Answer: All organisms need almost the same abiotic factors like air, water, sunlight, temperate etc..... Most of the plants depend on abiotic factors like sunlight, water, oxygen etc... But, other organisms need biotic factors for their survival.

5. Which are the biotic and abiotic factors that the crane depends on for its existence?
Answer: lt depends on abiotic factors like water, oxygen, sunlight, temperate etc... and biotic factors like small fishes, insects, worms etc... for their survival.

6. List the biotic and abiotic factors the organisms in your Surroundings depend on for their existence.
7. What is called habitat?
Answer: The natural surroundings in which an organism lives is called its habitat.

8. What is an ecosystem?
Answer: The biotic and abiotic factors in the surroundings and are mutual
relationship together form the ecosystem.

9. Which are the ecosystems in your locality? List them.
• Sacred groves (Kavu)
• Paddy fields
• Ponds
• Gardens

10. Visit any one of these ecosystems. Don't forget to make use of the
Biodiversity Register in your panchayat.
A. What all planning must be done?
• Fix the venue and time
• Seek help from experts
• Know the instructions to follow while travelling through the biodiversity

B. How can we record our observations?
• Tables
• Illustrations
• Short notes

C. What should be done after the visit?
• Analysis and modification of the observation note.
• Preparation and presentation of the report.

11. What are the things that the frog feeds on?
• Grasshopper
• Butterflies
• Worms

12. From where does the grasshopper obtain its food?
Answer: From plants

13. Let us illustrate these on the basis of how each one becomes food for another.
Aren't their organisms that feed on water Snakes? Add them to the illustration.
Answer: Grass ---> Grasshopper ---> Frog ---> Water Snake ---> Eagle

14. Complete the food relationships using the organisms in the pictures given below.
15. Find out more about such food chains and write them down in the science diary.
Nectar (flowers) —> butterflies —> small birds —> foxes.
Corn —> Rat  —> Owl
Fruits  —>  tapir  —> jaguar.
Grass  —> Rat —> Snake —> Eagle
A. Write down the initial levels in the food chains you have found out.
Answer: Nectar (flowers), Corn, fruits, Grass
B. Which organisms occupy the top level in the food chains?
Answer: Fox, Owl, Jaguar, Eagle.

16. Notice this illustration
A. Is it only the frog that eats the grasshopper?
Fowl and calotes also eat the grasshopper.

B. Which all organisms are eaten by the lion?
Answer: Rabbits, goats, deer are eaten by the lion.

C. How many food chains can you find out from this? Write them down in the science diary.
• Grass  —> Rabbit —> Lion
• Grass —> Goat —> Lion
• Grass —> Deer —> Lion
• Grass —> Rabbit —> Tiger
• Grass —> Goat —> Tiger
• Grass —> Deer —> Tiger
• Grass  —> Rabbit  —> Human
• Grass —> Goat —> Human
• Grass —> Worm —> Fowl  —> Human
• Grass —> Grasshopper —> Fowl —> Human
• Grass —> Worm —> Frog —> Snake —> Eagle
• Grass —> Grasshopper —> Frog  —> Snake —> Eagle
• Grass —> Worm —> Calotes —> Snake—> Eagle
• Grass —> Grasshopper —> Fowl —> Snake —> Eagle
• Grass —> Grasshopper —> Calotes —> Snake —> Eagle
• Grass —> Worm —> Fowl —> Snake —> Eagle

17. Prepare a food web by including organisms you are familiar with.
18. What is the food web?
Answer: Many food chains join together to form the food web. In nature, we can see many food webs.

19. The first level of any food chain is always occupied by green plants.
What might be the reason for this?
Answer: The first level of any food chain is always occupied by green plants. This is because they are producers. They can prepare their own food
through the process of photosynthesis.

20. What are called producers?
Answer: Organisms that can prepare their own food are known as producers

21. What is called Consumers?
Answer: Organisms that depend on other organisms for their food are called consumers.

22. Do lions and tigers depend on plants for food?
Answer: Lion and tiger depend on herbivorous and omnivorous animals for food. These herbivorous and omnivorous animals depend on plants for their food. So, we can say that lions and tigers indirectly depend on plants for food.

23. Where do the animals preyed upon by the lion and tiger get their food from?
Answer: The animals preyed upon by the lion and tiger get their food from plants.

24. Observe the fallen leaves under a tree and write down the findings.
25. What happens to the body parts of plants and animals when they die?
Answer: Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break organic remains and add them to the soil. The nutrients formed as a result of decomposition further become available for the growth of plants.

26. What are decomposers?
Answer: Organisms that break organic remains and add them to the soil are called decomposers.

27. Analyse the illustration given below and explain the relations among
producers, consumers and decomposers.
Producers, such as a tree, make their own food and begin this cycle. The producers are then eaten by consumers that cannot produce their own food, such as a giraffe When the consumers and producers die, these are eaten by decomposers. This returns nutrients to the soil to help begin the circle of life again.

28. Many activities of human beings Cause destruction to the ecosystem.
List them.
• Deforestation. ...
• Overconsumption. ...
• Plastic Production. ...
• Emission of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases etc...

29. Observe the situations given below
A. Which are the ecosystems destroyed by these activities?
Hill slopes, paddy fields, ponds etc...

B. What all organisms lose their habitats?
Aquatic animals, Grasshoppers, snakes, pests, small birds etc.

C. Which organisms would face scarcity of food?
Cranes, frogs, snakes, Insects etc...would face scarcity of food

D. How do these activities affect the availability of abiotic factors necessary for the growth of plants?
Answer: Topsoil is the most fertile soil. The removal of topsoil will reduce
the nutrients required for the growth of plants. The destruction of aquatic
sources will reduce the availability of water.

30. There are many instances of the adverse effects of human interventions in the ecosystem. Suggest remedial measures for these interventions
• Afforestation
• Prohibition of non-eco-friendly activities
• Reduce Your Water Use
• Reduce the exploitation of resources etc...

Let us assess

1. Find out the maximum number of food chains by including the organisms given below. 
Tortoise, fish, aquatic plants, kingfisher, Water snake, eagle, frog, crab, Mushi (Catfish).
Aquatic plants  —> Fish —> Frog —> Water snake —> Eagle
Aquatic plants —> Fish —> Kingfisher
Aquatic plants —> Catfish —> Water snake —> Eagle
Aquatic plants —> Fish —> Tortoise
Aquatic plants —> Crabs —> Kingfisher
Aquatic plants —> Fish—> water snake —> Eagle

2. Ruby tabulated the various factors in a pond as follows.
• Are there only suitable ones in each group? Which are the unsuitable ones?
Answer: Small fish in producers is an unsuitable one. It should be included in consumers.

• Explain the interdependence of the various factors in this ecosystem.
Answer: Algae, water Lilly and lotus etc... are producers. Consumers depend on them directly or indirectly for food. Organisms like fungi, bacteria decompose the dead remains of producers and consumers. This returns nutrients to the soil which helps in the growth of producers. These producers and consumers depend on various abiotic factors also.

3. Explain how different organisms will be affected if a large mango tree is cut down.
Answer: The organisms that live on mango trees will lose their habitat. Many organisms like squirrels, parrots are depending on mango trees for food. By cutting a mango tree, these organisms will face food scarcity. Cutting a mango tree may increase the chance of soil erosion, which will reduce the availability of fertile soil required for the growth of other plants.

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