STD 5 Basic Science: Chapter 04 Life Within the Seed - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual 

Study Notes for Class 5 Basic Science (English Medium) അദ്ധ്യായം 04 വിത്തിനുള്ളിലെ ജീവൻ | Text Books Solution Basic Science (English Medium) Chapter 04 Life Within the Seed 
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Chapter: 04 Life Within the Seed - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
1. What things are needed for a seed to germinate?
Answer: Air, water and favourable temperature are essential for the germination of seeds.

2. Classify the following factors into those that are required and those that are not required for the sprouting of seeds, and note them down in the
science diary.
• Air
• Favourable temperature
• Water
• Manure
• Sunlight
• Soil
• Air
• Favourable temperature
• Water
not required
• Manure
• Sunlight
• Soil

3. What is germination?
Answer: Germination is the process of the embryo inside the seed growing into a seedling under favourable circumstances.

4. What is a radicle?
Answer: During germination, the radicle is the first to come out. The radicle grows into the soil and forms roots.

5. What is plumule?
Answer: The plumule is the portion that grows upwards from the embryo. The plumule grows into the stem.

6. What is vegetative propagation?
Answer: Vegetative propagation is the formation of new plants from vegetative parts of plants like root, stem and leaf.

7. Classify the different plants seen around you on the basis of the mode of formation of plantlets.
8. What is the need for seed dispersal?
Answer: lf all the seeds of a plant germinate at the base of the plant itself, they may not get sufficient soil, water, sunlight or mineral salts for their growth. Hence seeds are to be dispersed to different places. This enables a plant to reach and grow in different places.

9. Does the dispersal of seed take place in the same manner in mahogany and balsam?
Answer: In balsam, the fruit breaks open to scatter the seeds. But in mahogany seeds are dispersed with the help of wind.

10. What peculiarities do seeds that are dispersed through water have?
* They can float on water
* They don't decay even when they are in the water for a few days

11. What are the peculiarities that help a coconut flow through water?
Answer: The smooth outer covering serves as a waterproof. Husk helps to float in water.

12. There are plants around us that disperse their seeds in different ways. Classify them on the basis of the mode of dispersal of their seeds and tabulate them in the science diary. 
* Mahogany - Wing like parts
* Coconut - The smooth outer covering serves as waterproof. Husk helps to float in water.
* Fruits of ficus, jack tree and guava tree are tasty and fleshy. Seeds of arrowgrass stick to clothes and get carried to distant places.
* Lady's finger, Balsam - When the fruit breaks open, the seeds are scattered in all directions.

13. Many plants have been brought from foreign countries and grown here.
14. Don't you think it is better if we ourselves can cultivate and produce at least a portion of the food items we need? If we do this, what are the benefits we will have?
What are the achievements we can gain if we can ourselves produce the food products we need?
• We can produce good quality products
• Dishes with better vegetables.
• Knowledge about different stages of vegetable cultivation.
• Pesticide-free vegetables.
• Employment opportunities and financial gains.

15. What are the factors to be taken care of while making a vegetable garden?
• Seeds should be of high quality.
• Soil should be fertile and should have good drainage.
• Sunlight should be adequate.
• Sufficient water should be made available.
• Proper manuring, pest control, weed control etc. should be taken care of.

Let us assess

1. You might have seen ficus seedlings sprouting from some buildings. How could have the ficus seed reach there?
Answer:  While the birds eat the fruit of the ficus tree, they may also eat the seeds. The seeds are thus eaten come out of the bird’s droppings and germinate where they fall.

2. Ramesh said that the seed of ladies finger if sown too deep, will not sprout.  Do you agree with this opinion? Why?
Answer: Yes, I agree with this opinion. Because the seed of ladies finger needs a favourable temperature and air to sprout. If we sowed too deep they will not get these factors and so they will not sprout.

3. Find out whether the given statements are true or false.
i. Plants without seeds also propagate.
ii. Only seeds that reach the soil will sprout.
iii. Man also facilitates seed dispersal.
iv. When a seed germinates the part that comes out first is the root.
v. Seeds dispersed through wind will have fleshy parts.
vi. Sunlight is not essential for seed germination.
i. True
ii. False
iii. True
iv. False
v. False
vi. True

4. The Agriculture Club in Sunitha’s school wishes to set up a vegetable garden. What suggestions can you give for a better yield?
• Seeds should be of high quality.
• Soil should be fertile and should have good drainage.
• Sunlight should be adequate.
• Sufficient water should be made available.
• Proper manuring, pest control, weed control etc. should be taken care of.

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