STD 5 English Unit 3 The Little Girl and The Umbrella - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual & Teachers Handbook

Study Notes for Class 5 English Unit 03 The Little Girl and The Umbrella | Text Books Solution STD V English Unit 03 The Little Girl and The Umbrella - A Girl in the Rain, Lost Childhood, A Bruise, A Saturday Morning, Happiness. 
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Chapter 03: The Little Girl and The Umbrella
The Little Girl and The Umbrella - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
I. A Girl in the Rain

1. ‘Lily, you go with Gracy,’ Baby said. Why did Baby say so?
Answer: Baby and Lily have no umbrella. Gracy is a rich girl and she has an umbrella with her. So baby said like that.

2. Is it just a drizzle or a heavy downpour? How does the author describe rain in the passage?
Answer:  It is not a drizzle. It is a downpour. Lily feels the rain lashing her face.

3. Why did Lily weep bitterly?
Answer: Gracy didn't allow her to stand under her umbrella. and she also shouted at lily. so she wept bitterly.

4. Lily saw Gracy passing by holding her umbrella open. What might Lily's feelings be?
Answer: Gracy is very cruel to me. She is a rich girl. She has rich parents to buy her things that she needs. we are very poor. How could I buy an umbrella?

5. We usually enjoy playing in the rain. But Lily could not enjoy the rain. Why?
Answer: Lily could not enjoy the rain because she has no umbrella. She wants to keep her books from the rain. But it was not possible in the heavy rain. And the behaviour of Gracy also made her sad.

6. Cite an expression which suggests that Lily belongs to a poor family.
Answer:  It was a very old skirt, the only one she had. At home, she always had to change into a bath towel.

II. Lost Childhood

7. How does the author describe the aunt?
Answer: She was a fifty - year old widow. She was fat, dark and had a flat nose. She was known to be a tight-fisted woman. She worked as a maid.

8. Do you think children should do such works? Why?
Answer: Children should not do such heavy works. They can do small and simple household works.

III. A Bruise

9. Why did Lily feel no pain though blood oozed out of her bruise?
Answer:  If she was late for the classes, her teacher would scold her and sometimes beat her. So Lily didn't feel any pain.

10. The teacher did not allow Lily to enter the class. What do you think about the teacher?
Answer: The teacher's attitude was not good. She didn't try to understand the situation of the girl. She could ask her why she was late.

11. Lily saw Gracy giggling. Why did Gracy giggle? What was its effect on Lily?
Answer: The teacher scolded Lily and said her to stand in the verandah.  Lily's heart sank and she became very sad and insulted.

12. Let’s review the story
1. How does the author describe the rainy season?
Answer: The sky was cloudy. A cold breeze was blowing languidly. The trees on both sides of the country road were swaying gently in the wind.
2. What do you think of  Gracy’s attitude towards Lily?
Answer: Gracy’s attitude towards Lily is not good. Gracy is a rich girl but Lily is a poor girl. So Gracy hates the friendship of Lily.
3. Describe the aunt’s character in the story.
Answer: She was a tight-fisted woman. She lost her savings in the bank. Then she started to show some signs of insanity. She was very cruel to her sister's children. She wanted them to do all the household activities.
4. If you were Lily’s friend, how would you help her?
Answer: I will give her a new dress. 
I will buy a new umbrella for her.
I will help Lily's family. 
I will be a good friend of Lilly.

13. Let’s write
1. Lily was standing on the school verandah. The class teacher, Gracy and the other children were looking at her. Lily’s face became pale. What would Lily's thoughts be?
Answer: Oh, God! Why did you do this to me? I have no umbrella. I am very poor. How could I stop the rain? I want to study. So I came to school. The teacher scolded me. Gracy giggled at me. I can't bear these. Please help me out of this.

2. Lily told Baby everything that had happened at school. Baby consoled her. Write the likely conversation between Lily and Baby.
Baby: Lily why are you looking so sad?
Lily: Teacher send me out of the class.
Baby: For what?
Lily: I was a little late for the class.
Baby: Didn't go with Gracy?
Lily: No she didn't allow me to share her umbrella.
Baby: Don't worry dear. They are very rich and we are poor. One day I will buy an umbrella for you.
Lily: Thank You, brother.

3. 'Go and stand in the verandah.' The teacher didn't allow Lily to enter the classroom. What do you think about the teacher's behaviour? Write your views in a few sentences.
Answer:  I will not agree with the teacher. The teacher should not have behaved like this. A teacher should be lovable. She should know the problems of her students and consider them as her own children. Lily is a poor girl. She should have shown love and care to the poor girl.

4. Pick out the words and sentences from the story which tell you that Lily and Baby were very poor.
Answer:  Lily was clad in quite old and torn clothes. 
It was a very old skirt, the only one she had. 
At home, she always had to change into a bath towel.

5. Is rain a joyful experience to you? Write a brief paragraph on rain.
Answer: Yes, Rain is a joyful experience for me. I always love the rainy season. It is a wonderful experience for me to play in the rain. I used to play in the rain while in my home. I used to make paper boats and play with them in the running water. I love rain so much.


1.  Where and why was Tom hiding?
Answer: Tom was hiding near the cupboard door. He was hiding because he ate the jam in the cupboard without asking Aunt Polly.

2.“ He is a bad boy. But | love him.” Who said so and why?
Answer: Aunt Polly said these words. She said so because Tom was her dead sister’s son and Aunt Polly was the person taking care of Tom. Even though Tom was a very naughty boy, Aunt Polly loved him very much.

3. Why did Aunt Polly decide to punish Tom?
Answer: Aunt Polly decided to punish Tom because he stole jam from the cupboard and escaped from her and ran far from the house. She also thought that if she does not punish him then he will grow up lazy and wicked.

4. What punishment did Aunt Polly give Tom?
Answer: Aunt Polly decided to punish Tom by making him work on a Saturday morning which was a school holiday for the boys. Tom was asked to paint the 9-foot high and 30 yards long fence around the house. Tom was sad as he could not go swimming with the other boys on holiday.

5. How did Tom plan to make Ben paint the fence?
Answer: When Tom saw Ben coming down the pathway, he pretended not to see him and started painting the wall as if he liked the work. When Ben asked about the work, Tom said that whitewashing was fun. He acted as if he is reluctant to let Ben do the painting. Seeing this, Ben got interested and asked Tom to let him paint the fence.

6. List out the things Tom got in return for letting the other boys paint the fence.
1. He got an apple from Ben.
2. Twelve marbles
3. Atin soldier
4, A key
5. A dog’s collar
6. The handle of a knife
7. Four pieces of orange.

Check how well you have read
1. You have read the story ‘A Saturday Morning’, haven’t you? Here are some pictures which represent a few events in the story. They are given in a jumbled order. Number them in the order as they happen in the story.
Now, you may retell the story based on the pictures.
V. Happiness (Poem) - Raymond Carver

1. Who is the speaker of these lines?
Answer: The poet himself is the speaker of these lines.

2. Pick out the expressions from the poem which tell us about
the time.
*So early it's still almost dark out. 
*It's early in the morning, 
*The sky is taking on light, 
*Though the moon still hangs
pale over the water

3. What does the poet mean by ‘the usual morning stuff that
passes for thought?’
Answer: The usual morning stuff may be the usual happenings in the morning. The time mentioned here is the starting of a day. So he may be planning his day.

4. Why do the newspaper boys wear caps and sweaters?
Answer: They wear caps and sweaters to prevent cold.

5. Usually children talk about many things when they are
together. But the poet says ‘they aren’t saying anything. What
may be the reason?
Answer: They are very happy. They are enjoying the morning and doing their job well.

6. ‘The sky is taking on light...’ What does this line convey?
Answer: It suggests that the day is coming. Sunlight is entering through the sky.

Activity 1
Here are some words; they denote different kinds of wind.
Look up a dictionary and find out the different shades of meaning of the words given below:
• storm - കൊടുങ്കാറ്റ് 
• breeze - ഇളംകാറ്റ്, തെന്നൽ 
• tempest - ശക്തമായ കൊടുങ്കാറ്റ് 
• hurricane - ചുഴലിക്കാറ്റ് 

You have identified the different types of wind. Using the four words given above prepare a crossword puzzle.
1. A very violent wind.
2. A violent storm with wind
1. A soft wind
2. A strong wind with thunder and lightning.
Activity 2
Read the passage given below:
It was the season of rain. Lily and Baby were on their way to school. ‘It may rain soon’, Lily said. Baby looked up.  The sky was filled with clouds. A strong wind blew. It began to rain. Water mixed with mud was flowing through the road.
Note the underlined phrases in the passage. The phrase ‘the season of rain’ can be replaced as ‘rainy season’.
Now, rewrite the two other underlined phrases as shown above.
• rainy season
• cloudy sky
• muddy water

Activity 3
‘I have a talking parrot,’ Jeena said.
Binu and Mubeena went to Jeena’s house.
They saw a parrot. It could speak.
‘It is an English parrot,’ Jeena said.
‘Make it speak,’ Mubeena said.
‘What is  your colour?’ Jeena asked her parrot.
‘I am green,’ the parrot replied.
‘Wow! It is really an English parrot.’
Binu and Mubeena said together. They went near the parrot
and stretched their hands to touch it.
‘Listen, friends,  Be careful!  If  you don’t ask questions  it will
get angry and peck you.’ Binu and Mubeena were worried.
They did not know how to ask questions.
‘I can help you. See what I ask,’ Jeena said.
Jeena: Where is your mother?
Parrot: My mother is in London.
Jeena: Mubeena, now it is your turn.
‘Who are you?’ Mubeena asked in a low voice.
The parrot was happy.  It replied: ‘I am a parrot’
‘Oh, that’s good. Come on Binu, now you try.’
Can you help Binu frame some questions?
Make use of the tips given in the table.
Ask about Your questionsParrot’s answer
nameWhat's your name?I am Tweety
placeWhere are you living?I am in a cage.
actionWhat are you doing I am talking.
reasonWhy are you sad?I am sad,because
I have no friends.
timeWhen is your birthday?It’s in October.
moodHow are you? I am not fine.
Now, let the groups stand face to face. The members from the ‘question group’ can come forward and ask the questions one by one. The members from the ‘answer group’ can come forward with apt answers.
Question placards Answer placards
Why are you happy?Because today is my birthday.
Which class are you studying in?I am studying in class five
How do you go to school?I go to school by Bus
How are you today?I am fine, thank you.
How many friends do you have? I have five friends
What are your hobbies?My hobbies are reading and singing
When will you go to school?At 9.30 in the morning.
Which is your favourite subject?My favourite subject is English
Who is your favourite actor?------ is my favourite actor.
How old are you?I am eleven years old.
Activity 4
Look at the cartoon given below: (Textbook Page: 92)
• What might the policeman ask the driver?
Did you use a mobile phone while driving?

• What reply did the driver give?
No, I did not use a mobile phone.

• Do you think he was telling the truth? Why?
I think he was lying. He was carelessly using mobile phone.

• What message does the cartoon give us?
Be careful while driving.

The cartoon humorously conveyed the message against rash driving.
Here’s a policeman who rushed to the spot where an accident occurred.
He asked a few questions to the driver.
The answers the driver gave are given below.
Guess the questions the policeman asked and write them in the table below.
Questions Answers
What was the speed of your car?I was driving at a speed of 70 km per hour.
Where were you going?I was rushing to the hospital.
What happened?My mother is hospitalised.
Were you using mobile phone while driving?Yes sir, I was talking over my mobile phone as the doctor called.
Don't you know using mobile phone while driving is against the traffic rules?Yes sir, I know it is against traffic rules.
Will you use mobile phone while driving?No sir, I’ll never again use mobile phones while driving.
Activity 5
Look at the passage taken from the story. Certain words in it are missing. The missing words tell more about the actions. Revisit the story and find out the missing words.
‘Gracy please’, Lily begged again. ‘I won’t let you in under my umbrella’. Gracy said. Lily could not control her tears. She wept. The rain also was cruel to her. It came down on her.

‘Gracy please’, Lily begged again. Go away, girl. I won’t let you in under my umbrella’. Gracy said stubbornly. Lily could not control her tears. She wept bitterly. The rain also was quite cruel to her. It came down heavily on her.

Now, read the following story. Some words are underlined in it. Select apt words from the box below and place them before action words.
Once upon a time, there lived a hare and a tortoise in the forest. The hare always talked about his speed. He made fun of the tortoise for his low speed. The hare challenged the tortoise to have a race with him. The tortoise accepted the challenge. The race began. The crow was the referee. The hare ran very fast. The tortoise also ranHe was left far behind. The hare stopped to take rest under a tree. He fell asleep. The tortoise passed him and reached the winning post. The hare woke up a little later and ran very fast. He saw that the tortoise was already there at the winning post. He had won the race. The hare lowered his head.
slowly, proudly, bravely, shamefully, gently
Once upon a time, there lived a hare and a tortoise in the forest. The hare always talked proudly about his speed. He made fun of the tortoise for his low speed. The hare challenged the tortoise to have a race with him. The tortoise gently accepted the challenge. The race began. The crow was the referee. The hare ran very fast. The tortoise also slowly ranHe was left far behind. The hare stopped to take rest under a tree. He fell asleep. The tortoise passed him and bravely reached the winning post. The hare woke up a little later and ran very fast. He saw that the tortoise was already there at the winning post. He had won the race. The hare shamefully lowered his head.

Activity 6
Nanda taught her pet many things. (Textbook Page: 96)
Every morning her pet dog Tuffy brings her the newspaper,
when she says, ‘Bring the newspaper, Tuffy.’
Tuffy carries her school bag when she says, ‘Take my bag, Tuffy.'
Look at the following pictures and write the instructions Nanda would give to Tuffy.
• Nanda says Let's have some fun.
• Nanda says jump over the canal 
• Nanda says make a dig
• Nanda says Let's dance Tuffy

Read the passage given below. There are a few errrors in it. They are underlined.
Once upon a time there living a lion in a forest. It was sleep under a tree. After a while there came a mouse and it start to play on the lion. The lion got up and roared angry. The mouse requested the lion forgive it. The lion felt pity and let it go.
on another day the lion was catch in a net by a hunter. The mouse there came and cut the net. Thereafter, the mouse the lion became friends.
Edit the passage and rewrite it.

Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. It was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion. The lion got up and roared angrily. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity and let it go.
On another day the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came there and cut the net. Thereafter, the mouse and the lion became friends.

Project Work
Read the following sentences.
• The boys sat quietly in the class.
• Children danced happily at the party.
• I was extremely excited to see the film star.
The underlined words describe or modify action words in the sentences. For example, in the first sentence, the word ‘quietly’ describes the action word ‘sat’. In the second sentence, the word ‘happily’ describes or modifies the action word ‘danced’. Now can you find out the action word and the modifying word in the third sentence?

Here is a project work for you. Given below are some action words.
Refer to a dictionary and pick out words that describe or modify these action words. You may also try to find out the meaning of these words.
Action words Modifying words
Write meaningful sentences using the action words and the modifying words. Arrange them in alphabetical order and prepare a mini dictionary.
• anxiously - I was anxiously awaiting you.
• bravely - She refused the trip bravely.
• cheerfully - He went to school cheerfully.
• eagerly - I was eagerly waiting for your email.
• gently - He gently replied to the question.
• loudly - My father shouted at me loudly.
• softly - She always speaks softly.

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