Std 7 English Unit 02 Tales and Tunes - Keep Your Eyes Open - Questions and Answers | Teaching Manual

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Unit 02 Tales and Tunes - Keep Your Eyes Open
Keep Your Eyes Open - Textual Questions and Answers & Model Questions
Answer the Following Questions

1. Now, let’s analyse the story given above. What are the essential aspects of the story?
Let’s study.
The story ‘Keep your Eyes Open’ begins with the sentence
‘Once upon a time, there was a lion .....’ Different stories may have different beginnings. Here are a few beginnings of stories.
Go through them.
A few beginnings of stories
• On the twentieth of May, in the evening...
• On the far side of green trees...
• It was a very hot day...
• One fine day... Long ago….
• There was a desert wind blowing that night.
* Which one do you think is the most interesting beginning?
* Read a few folk tales and fables, and make a collection of the beginnings of stories.
* Write the beginnings you have collected on a chart and display it in your classroom.
* Try to write a few beginnings of stories.
Once there was a boy who kept sheep.
Venice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the Cat.
There was once a hare who always bragged about how fast he could run.
Once a big, black hungry crow was flying around looking for food.

2. Now, let’s examine the ending of the story. Can you think of a different ending to the story? Here are two different endings. Add a few more endings in the space provided.
* The fox and the other animals lived happily ever after.
* The lion did not ever play any more trick on others.
The other animals avoided the lion and nobody went there to visit him anymore.
The lion understood his mistake and said sorry.
The animals gave him food and asked him not to repeat these wicked ideas again.
The lion left the forest and the fox became their leader.

4. Now, write a story and give it a suitable title. The beginning of the story is given.
Once upon a time, there was a king and queen who lived in a palace. They had a daughter. Her name was jane. She was very gorgeous but always looked sad. The king and queen had done all that they could to make her happy. Then the queen offered gold coins as a reward to the one who make the princess happy. First, a musician came and played a flute. But the princess remained sad. Then a fairy came and cast her magic spell. But nothing happened. After that, a joker came and told jokes. But that didn't
help to make the princess happy. At last, a young musician came with his pet squirrel with joy. Sothesquirrel and the musician got the prize.

5. A story is given in a jumbled order.  Rewrite the story in the correct sequence.
Once, there lived three little pigs.
* A big bad wolf saw the first and second pigs and decided to make a meal of them.
* Now, the two little pigs were terrified, and they ran to the third pig's house.
* Even though the pigs tried to hide in their house, the wolf blew it down in minutes.
* The wolf tried to huff and puff the house down, but he could not, and he died in the attempt.
* The third pig worked hard all day and built his house strong with bricks.
* The first and the second pigs were lazy, and they built their houses very quickly with straw.
The two little pigs, now, felt sorry for being so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and lived happily ever after.
Once there lived three pigs. The first and second pigs were lazy and they built their houses very quickly with straw. The third pig worked hard all day and built his house strong with bricks. A big bad wolf saw the first and second pigs and decided to make a meal of them. Even though the pigs tried to hide in their house, the wolf blew it down in minutes. Now, the two little pigs were terrified, and they ran to the third pig's house.  The wolf tried to huff and puff the house down, but he could not, and he died in the
attempt. The two little pigs, now, felt sorry for being so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and lived happily ever after.

6. Look at the picture and complete the story given below. (Text Page No: 43)
One morning, a fox was walking through the woods. He was looking for something tasty to eat. Soon, his nose picked up a scent: a scent of something very sweet. He stood still and sniffed the air. The fox didn’t have to wait long to find out what it was. A crow was sitting on a branch high up in a tree, and, in its beak, was the biggest piece of cheese he’d ever seen.
The fox wanted to have that piece of cheese. He looked upwards and asked
the crow some questions. But the crow didn't respond. Then an idea came to the fox's mind. He thought that flattering might help him to get that cheese. He began to flatter the crow that he didn't hear such a sweet voice before.  He said that he had heard about the sweet voice of the crow and asked him to sing a song for him. The crow forgot about the cheese in his mouth and began to sing. When the crow opened his beak, the piece of cheese fell down. The clever fox picked. it up and swallowed it.

7. Look at the cartoons. Fill in the bubbles and frame a story. The beginning of the story is given. (TextBook PageNo: 44)

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